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Audio MP3 Download Podcast

Duration: 00:46:41




Kind: captions

Language: en

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good<00:00:00.320> morning<00:00:00.880> good<00:00:01.120> afternoon<00:00:01.760> and<00:00:01.839> good

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good morning good afternoon and good

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good morning good afternoon and good

evening<00:00:02.639> no<00:00:02.800> matter<00:00:03.040> where<00:00:03.199> you<00:00:03.360> are<00:00:03.439> located

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evening no matter where you are located

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evening no matter where you are located

in<00:00:04.080> the<00:00:04.160> world<00:00:04.720> the<00:00:04.880> ucla<00:00:05.520> center<00:00:05.759> for<00:00:05.920> middle

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in the world the ucla center for middle

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in the world the ucla center for middle

east<00:00:06.399> development<00:00:07.120> would<00:00:07.359> like<00:00:07.759> to<00:00:07.919> welcome

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east development would like to welcome

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east development would like to welcome

you<00:00:08.400> to<00:00:08.480> our<00:00:08.639> fourth<00:00:08.960> episode<00:00:09.679> of<00:00:09.840> a<00:00:10.000> unique

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you to our fourth episode of a unique

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you to our fourth episode of a unique

monthly<00:00:10.639> series<00:00:10.960> called<00:00:11.360> cmed<00:00:11.920> chats<00:00:12.719> my<00:00:12.960> name

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monthly series called cmed chats my name

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monthly series called cmed chats my name

is<00:00:13.440> salome<00:00:13.840> mohager<00:00:14.799> i'm<00:00:15.040> fema's<00:00:15.440> project

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is salome mohager i'm fema's project

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is salome mohager i'm fema's project

manager<00:00:16.080> and<00:00:16.320> very<00:00:16.560> excited<00:00:16.960> to<00:00:17.039> have<00:00:17.279> you

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manager and very excited to have you

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manager and very excited to have you

here<00:00:17.680> with<00:00:17.840> us<00:00:18.080> today<00:00:18.560> for<00:00:18.720> a<00:00:18.880> very<00:00:19.199> special

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here with us today for a very special

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here with us today for a very special


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the<00:00:21.119> cmed<00:00:21.600> chat<00:00:21.920> series<00:00:22.400> engages<00:00:22.960> charismatic

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the cmed chat series engages charismatic

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the cmed chat series engages charismatic

guests<00:00:23.760> who<00:00:23.920> are<00:00:24.080> from<00:00:24.320> the<00:00:24.400> middle<00:00:24.720> east<00:00:25.039> and

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guests who are from the middle east and

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guests who are from the middle east and

north<00:00:25.439> africa<00:00:26.240> or<00:00:26.480> who<00:00:26.720> are<00:00:26.800> connected<00:00:27.279> to<00:00:27.439> the

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north africa or who are connected to the

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north africa or who are connected to the

region<00:00:27.920> in<00:00:28.080> some<00:00:28.320> capacity<00:00:29.519> our<00:00:29.840> equally

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region in some capacity our equally

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region in some capacity our equally

engaging<00:00:30.960> hosts<00:00:31.679> will<00:00:31.840> vary<00:00:32.239> throughout<00:00:32.640> the

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engaging hosts will vary throughout the

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engaging hosts will vary throughout the

series<00:00:33.200> to<00:00:33.360> keep<00:00:33.520> the<00:00:33.680> conversations<00:00:34.559> diverse

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series to keep the conversations diverse

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series to keep the conversations diverse

together<00:00:36.079> they<00:00:36.239> will<00:00:36.399> sit<00:00:36.640> down<00:00:37.120> for

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together they will sit down for

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together they will sit down for

one-on-one<00:00:38.160> casual<00:00:38.800> chats<00:00:39.360> that<00:00:39.600> cover<00:00:39.920> a

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one-on-one casual chats that cover a

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one-on-one casual chats that cover a

variety<00:00:40.399> of<00:00:40.559> topics<00:00:41.120> and<00:00:41.280> highlight<00:00:41.680> the<00:00:41.840> many

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variety of topics and highlight the many

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variety of topics and highlight the many

voices<00:00:43.040> and<00:00:43.200> realities<00:00:43.760> that<00:00:44.000> enrich<00:00:44.399> the

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voices and realities that enrich the

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voices and realities that enrich the

colorful<00:00:45.200> region<00:00:45.840> we<00:00:46.000> lovingly<00:00:46.559> know<00:00:46.879> as<00:00:47.120> mina

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colorful region we lovingly know as mina

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colorful region we lovingly know as mina

all<00:00:48.399> cmed<00:00:48.879> chat<00:00:49.200> episodes<00:00:49.840> will<00:00:50.000> be<00:00:50.160> recorded

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all cmed chat episodes will be recorded

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all cmed chat episodes will be recorded

and<00:00:51.039> can<00:00:51.199> be<00:00:51.440> viewed<00:00:51.680> on<00:00:51.840> cmed's<00:00:52.320> website<00:00:52.960> or

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and can be viewed on cmed's website or

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and can be viewed on cmed's website or

youtube<00:00:53.600> page<00:00:54.000> within<00:00:54.399> 24<00:00:54.879> hours<00:00:55.199> of<00:00:55.280> this

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youtube page within 24 hours of this

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youtube page within 24 hours of this


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we<00:00:57.680> will<00:00:57.920> not<00:00:58.079> be<00:00:58.320> accepting<00:00:58.960> audience

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we will not be accepting audience

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we will not be accepting audience

questions<00:01:00.000> for<00:01:00.239> our<00:01:00.480> live<00:01:00.719> guests<00:01:01.520> however<00:01:02.079> if

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questions for our live guests however if

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questions for our live guests however if

you<00:01:02.320> have<00:01:02.559> any<00:01:02.800> logistics<00:01:03.520> questions<00:01:04.159> feel

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you have any logistics questions feel

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you have any logistics questions feel

free<00:01:04.559> to<00:01:04.720> let<00:01:04.879> us<00:01:05.040> know<00:01:05.280> in<00:01:05.360> the<00:01:05.519> q<00:01:05.840> a<00:01:06.000> window

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free to let us know in the q a window

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free to let us know in the q a window

located<00:01:07.360> at<00:01:07.520> the<00:01:07.680> bottom<00:01:08.000> of<00:01:08.159> your<00:01:08.400> zoom

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located at the bottom of your zoom

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located at the bottom of your zoom


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and<00:01:09.920> without<00:01:10.320> further<00:01:10.640> ado<00:01:11.200> i<00:01:11.360> will<00:01:11.520> pass<00:01:11.760> the

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and without further ado i will pass the

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and without further ado i will pass the

microphone<00:01:12.479> to<00:01:12.640> manny<00:01:13.040> jazz<00:01:13.760> c-med's<00:01:14.240> deputy

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microphone to manny jazz c-med's deputy

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microphone to manny jazz c-med's deputy


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manny<00:01:16.159> is<00:01:16.320> co-creator<00:01:17.040> of<00:01:17.200> the<00:01:17.280> ucla<00:01:17.920> center

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manny is co-creator of the ucla center

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manny is co-creator of the ucla center

for<00:01:18.320> middle<00:01:18.640> east<00:01:18.799> development<00:01:19.600> and<00:01:19.759> has<00:01:20.000> been

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for middle east development and has been

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for middle east development and has been

pivotal<00:01:20.720> in<00:01:20.880> its<00:01:21.040> growth<00:01:21.439> since<00:01:21.759> its

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pivotal in its growth since its

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pivotal in its growth since its

inception<00:01:22.560> in<00:01:22.799> 2005.

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inception in 2005.

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inception in 2005.

not<00:01:24.560> only<00:01:24.880> is<00:01:25.040> manny<00:01:25.360> the<00:01:25.520> chief

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not only is manny the chief

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not only is manny the chief

administrative<00:01:26.720> and<00:01:26.960> financial<00:01:27.600> officer<00:01:28.080> of

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administrative and financial officer of

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administrative and financial officer of

the<00:01:28.479> center<00:01:29.200> but<00:01:29.439> she<00:01:29.680> is<00:01:29.920> its<00:01:30.159> heart<00:01:30.479> and<00:01:30.640> soul

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the center but she is its heart and soul

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the center but she is its heart and soul

acting<00:01:31.920> as<00:01:32.079> a<00:01:32.240> point<00:01:32.479> of<00:01:32.640> contact<00:01:33.119> for<00:01:33.360> donors

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acting as a point of contact for donors

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acting as a point of contact for donors

and<00:01:33.840> sponsors<00:01:34.799> liaising<00:01:35.280> with<00:01:35.439> the<00:01:35.600> ucla<00:01:36.400> and

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and sponsors liaising with the ucla and

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and sponsors liaising with the ucla and

cmed<00:01:37.200> community<00:01:38.000> and<00:01:38.159> stepping<00:01:38.560> in<00:01:38.720> for<00:01:38.880> the

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cmed community and stepping in for the

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cmed community and stepping in for the

director<00:01:39.520> when<00:01:39.680> he<00:01:39.920> is<00:01:40.000> not<00:01:40.159> available

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director when he is not available

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director when he is not available

manny<00:01:41.680> graduated<00:01:42.240> from<00:01:42.399> loyola<00:01:42.880> marymount

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manny graduated from loyola marymount

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manny graduated from loyola marymount

university<00:01:44.320> with<00:01:44.479> a<00:01:44.560> degree<00:01:44.960> in<00:01:45.040> psychology

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university with a degree in psychology

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university with a degree in psychology

speaks<00:01:46.560> fluent<00:01:47.040> arabic<00:01:47.600> and<00:01:47.759> is<00:01:48.079> well

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speaks fluent arabic and is well

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speaks fluent arabic and is well

connected<00:01:49.040> in<00:01:49.119> the<00:01:49.360> region

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connected in the region

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connected in the region

manny<00:01:51.200> take<00:01:51.360> it<00:01:51.439> away

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thank<00:01:55.200> you<00:01:55.360> salome<00:01:55.920> for<00:01:56.079> your<00:01:56.320> kind<00:01:56.719> words

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thank you salome for your kind words

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thank you salome for your kind words

and<00:01:59.200> welcome<00:01:59.680> everyone<00:02:00.159> to<00:02:00.640> um<00:02:01.360> see<00:02:01.600> the<00:02:01.759> cmed

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and welcome everyone to um see the cmed

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and welcome everyone to um see the cmed

chats<00:02:02.640> program

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chats program

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chats program


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when<00:02:05.280> we<00:02:05.439> first<00:02:06.079> decided<00:02:06.640> to<00:02:07.119> um<00:02:07.680> create<00:02:07.920> this

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when we first decided to um create this

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when we first decided to um create this


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i<00:02:09.920> had<00:02:10.399> holly<00:02:11.039> june<00:02:11.599> as<00:02:11.840> i'd<00:02:11.920> like<00:02:12.640> as<00:02:12.800> i<00:02:12.879> like

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i had holly june as i'd like as i like

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i had holly june as i'd like as i like

to<00:02:13.200> call<00:02:13.440> her<00:02:14.080> um

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to call her um

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to call her um

be<00:02:15.120> one<00:02:15.280> of<00:02:15.440> the<00:02:15.840> guests<00:02:16.239> that<00:02:16.400> i<00:02:16.560> wanted<00:02:16.800> to<00:02:16.959> be

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be one of the guests that i wanted to be

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be one of the guests that i wanted to be

on<00:02:17.280> the<00:02:17.360> program

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on the program

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on the program

um<00:02:19.760> i've<00:02:19.920> known<00:02:20.160> hala<00:02:20.480> june<00:02:20.720> for<00:02:20.959> almost<00:02:21.280> 20

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um i've known hala june for almost 20

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um i've known hala june for almost 20

years<00:02:21.840> and<00:02:21.920> within<00:02:22.239> the<00:02:22.400> first<00:02:22.640> year<00:02:22.959> of<00:02:23.120> our

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years and within the first year of our

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years and within the first year of our

friendship<00:02:24.160> she<00:02:24.319> took<00:02:24.560> me<00:02:24.720> under<00:02:24.959> her<00:02:25.200> wing

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friendship she took me under her wing

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friendship she took me under her wing

and<00:02:25.760> never<00:02:26.080> looked<00:02:26.319> back<00:02:26.959> hallel<00:02:27.280> was<00:02:27.520> the

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and never looked back hallel was the

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and never looked back hallel was the

first<00:02:27.920> person<00:02:28.239> i<00:02:28.400> thought<00:02:28.640> of

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first person i thought of

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first person i thought of

again<00:02:30.239> when<00:02:30.480> we<00:02:30.800> decided<00:02:31.280> to<00:02:31.360> do<00:02:31.519> the<00:02:31.840> sema

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again when we decided to do the sema

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again when we decided to do the sema

chats<00:02:32.560> program<00:02:33.440> and<00:02:33.599> i'm<00:02:33.760> humbled<00:02:34.160> that<00:02:34.319> she

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chats program and i'm humbled that she

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chats program and i'm humbled that she

accepted<00:02:34.959> our<00:02:35.120> invitation<00:02:35.599> without<00:02:36.000> any

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accepted our invitation without any

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accepted our invitation without any


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by<00:02:38.160> the<00:02:38.239> way<00:02:38.400> it's<00:02:38.560> my<00:02:38.720> first<00:02:38.959> time<00:02:39.200> so<00:02:39.440> please

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by the way it's my first time so please

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by the way it's my first time so please

be<00:02:40.000> gentle<00:02:40.800> and<00:02:40.959> without<00:02:41.440> any<00:02:41.680> further<00:02:42.000> delay

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be gentle and without any further delay

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be gentle and without any further delay

let<00:02:42.480> me<00:02:42.560> introduce<00:02:43.040> you<00:02:43.200> to<00:02:43.360> jale<00:02:43.840> esfendiari

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let me introduce you to jale esfendiari

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let me introduce you to jale esfendiari

hollywood<00:02:45.519> was<00:02:45.680> the<00:02:45.840> founder<00:02:46.239> and<00:02:46.319> director

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hollywood was the founder and director

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hollywood was the founder and director

of<00:02:46.800> the<00:02:46.879> middle<00:02:47.120> east<00:02:47.440> program<00:02:48.000> at<00:02:48.080> the

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of the middle east program at the

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of the middle east program at the

woodrow<00:02:48.560> wilson<00:02:49.120> international<00:02:49.680> center<00:02:50.160> for

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woodrow wilson international center for

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woodrow wilson international center for

scholars<00:02:51.200> she<00:02:51.440> is<00:02:51.599> currently<00:02:52.000> a<00:02:52.080> middle<00:02:52.400> east

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scholars she is currently a middle east

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scholars she is currently a middle east

program<00:02:53.280> and<00:02:53.360> public<00:02:53.680> policy<00:02:54.239> scholar<00:02:54.720> at<00:02:54.879> the

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program and public policy scholar at the

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program and public policy scholar at the

wilson<00:02:55.440> center<00:02:56.319> she's<00:02:56.720> the<00:02:56.879> author<00:02:57.360> of<00:02:57.519> my

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wilson center she's the author of my

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wilson center she's the author of my

prison<00:02:58.159> my<00:02:58.400> home<00:02:59.120> based<00:02:59.440> on<00:02:59.599> her<00:02:59.760> arrest<00:03:00.319> and

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prison my home based on her arrest and

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prison my home based on her arrest and

imprisonment<00:03:01.280> by<00:03:01.440> the<00:03:01.519> iranian<00:03:02.000> security

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imprisonment by the iranian security

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imprisonment by the iranian security

authorities<00:03:03.120> in<00:03:03.400> 2007.

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authorities in 2007.

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authorities in 2007.

in<00:03:05.120> march<00:03:05.519> 2017<00:03:06.879> the<00:03:07.040> wilson<00:03:07.440> center

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in march 2017 the wilson center

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in march 2017 the wilson center

announced<00:03:08.480> the<00:03:08.640> launch<00:03:09.120> of<00:03:09.200> the<00:03:09.360> hala

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announced the launch of the hala

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announced the launch of the hala

esfendiari<00:03:10.720> forum<00:03:11.200> an<00:03:11.360> annual<00:03:11.840> lecture<00:03:12.239> on

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esfendiari forum an annual lecture on

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esfendiari forum an annual lecture on

women's<00:03:12.720> empowerment<00:03:13.280> in<00:03:13.440> the<00:03:13.519> mena<00:03:13.840> region

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women's empowerment in the mena region

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women's empowerment in the mena region

the<00:03:15.040> inaugural<00:03:15.440> lecture<00:03:15.760> was<00:03:15.920> given<00:03:16.159> by

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the inaugural lecture was given by

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the inaugural lecture was given by

former<00:03:16.640> secretary<00:03:17.200> of<00:03:17.280> state<00:03:17.599> madeleine

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former secretary of state madeleine

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former secretary of state madeleine

albright<00:03:19.120> among<00:03:19.440> her<00:03:19.680> awards<00:03:20.159> are<00:03:20.319> the

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albright among her awards are the

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albright among her awards are the

special<00:03:20.879> american<00:03:21.840> red<00:03:22.080> cross<00:03:22.560> award<00:03:23.040> and<00:03:23.200> the

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special american red cross award and the

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special american red cross award and the

women's<00:03:23.920> equality<00:03:24.480> award<00:03:24.799> from<00:03:24.959> the<00:03:25.120> national

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women's equality award from the national

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women's equality award from the national

council<00:03:25.920> of<00:03:26.080> women's<00:03:26.560> organizations<00:03:27.920> holly

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council of women's organizations holly

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council of women's organizations holly

also<00:03:28.640> received<00:03:29.200> an<00:03:29.360> honorary<00:03:29.840> degree<00:03:30.239> from

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also received an honorary degree from

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also received an honorary degree from

georgetown<00:03:31.360> university<00:03:32.159> law<00:03:32.400> center

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georgetown university law center

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georgetown university law center

welcome<00:03:34.159> holly<00:03:34.720> and<00:03:34.799> thank<00:03:35.040> you<00:03:35.120> for<00:03:35.360> joining

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welcome holly and thank you for joining

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welcome holly and thank you for joining

me<00:03:35.840> today

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thank<00:03:38.959> you<00:03:39.599> thank<00:03:39.760> you<00:03:40.000> very<00:03:40.239> much<00:03:40.640> money

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thank you thank you very much money

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thank you thank you very much money

yes<00:03:42.319> we<00:03:42.480> have<00:03:42.720> known<00:03:42.959> each<00:03:43.200> other<00:03:43.519> for<00:03:44.080> 20

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yes we have known each other for 20

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yes we have known each other for 20

years<00:03:45.120> but

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years but

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years but

it's<00:03:46.640> always<00:03:47.040> a<00:03:47.280> pleasure<00:03:48.000> to<00:03:48.640> to<00:03:48.879> be<00:03:49.519> with<00:03:49.680> you

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it's always a pleasure to to be with you

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it's always a pleasure to to be with you

i'm<00:03:50.720> i'm<00:03:51.040> looking<00:03:51.519> forward<00:03:52.480> to<00:03:52.720> our<00:03:53.120> chat<00:03:53.680> but

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i'm i'm looking forward to our chat but

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i'm i'm looking forward to our chat but

i<00:03:54.159> must<00:03:54.480> say<00:03:54.799> that<00:03:55.519> i<00:03:55.840> feel

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i must say that i feel

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i must say that i feel

my<00:03:57.280> generation<00:03:58.560> has<00:03:58.879> passed<00:03:59.519> the<00:03:59.840> torch<00:04:00.799> to

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my generation has passed the torch to

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my generation has passed the torch to

your<00:04:02.319> generation<00:04:03.360> which<00:04:03.680> is<00:04:03.920> wonderful<00:04:04.720> to

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your generation which is wonderful to

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your generation which is wonderful to

see<00:04:05.280> you<00:04:05.840> so<00:04:06.319> interested<00:04:07.120> in<00:04:07.439> women's<00:04:08.000> issues

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see you so interested in women's issues

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see you so interested in women's issues

i<00:04:08.720> also<00:04:09.040> would<00:04:09.280> like<00:04:09.680> to<00:04:10.319> thank

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i also would like to thank

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i also would like to thank

salome<00:04:12.319> and<00:04:12.799> also<00:04:13.280> to<00:04:13.439> say<00:04:13.680> what<00:04:13.920> a<00:04:14.000> pleasure

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salome and also to say what a pleasure

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salome and also to say what a pleasure

it<00:04:14.799> was<00:04:15.120> to<00:04:15.360> see<00:04:15.680> steve<00:04:16.560> briefly<00:04:17.440> after<00:04:18.160> quite

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it was to see steve briefly after quite

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it was to see steve briefly after quite

a<00:04:18.639> while

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a while

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a while

okay<00:04:20.639> i'm<00:04:20.880> at<00:04:21.120> your<00:04:21.440> disposal<00:04:22.320> it's<00:04:22.560> an<00:04:22.800> honor

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okay i'm at your disposal it's an honor

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okay i'm at your disposal it's an honor

and<00:04:23.360> a<00:04:23.600> pleasure<00:04:24.160> to<00:04:24.320> be<00:04:24.560> with<00:04:24.800> you

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and a pleasure to be with you

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and a pleasure to be with you

thank<00:04:26.000> you<00:04:26.160> hi<00:04:26.320> baby<00:04:27.199> let's<00:04:27.440> address<00:04:27.759> the

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thank you hi baby let's address the

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thank you hi baby let's address the

elephant<00:04:28.400> in<00:04:28.479> the<00:04:28.639> room<00:04:29.040> and<00:04:29.280> start<00:04:29.520> with<00:04:29.680> your

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elephant in the room and start with your

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elephant in the room and start with your

time<00:04:30.240> in<00:04:30.400> aveen<00:04:30.880> prison<00:04:31.360> which<00:04:31.600> was<00:04:31.919> to<00:04:32.080> put<00:04:32.320> it

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time in aveen prison which was to put it

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time in aveen prison which was to put it

mildly<00:04:32.880> very<00:04:33.199> harrowing

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mildly very harrowing

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mildly very harrowing

it<00:04:34.560> was<00:04:34.639> just<00:04:34.880> a<00:04:34.960> few<00:04:35.120> days<00:04:35.280> ago<00:04:35.520> that<00:04:35.680> you

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it was just a few days ago that you

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it was just a few days ago that you

celebrated<00:04:36.320> your<00:04:36.560> 14th<00:04:36.960> year<00:04:37.199> anniversary<00:04:37.919> of

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celebrated your 14th year anniversary of

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celebrated your 14th year anniversary of

the<00:04:38.160> release

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the release

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the release

when<00:04:40.000> i<00:04:40.080> found<00:04:40.400> out<00:04:40.479> what<00:04:40.639> had<00:04:40.800> happened<00:04:41.280> i

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when i found out what had happened i

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when i found out what had happened i

know<00:04:41.680> personally<00:04:42.160> i<00:04:42.240> was<00:04:42.479> shocked<00:04:42.960> and

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know personally i was shocked and

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know personally i was shocked and

devastated<00:04:43.840> and<00:04:44.160> completely<00:04:44.800> worried<00:04:45.199> about

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devastated and completely worried about

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devastated and completely worried about

you<00:04:46.080> would<00:04:46.240> you<00:04:46.400> mind<00:04:46.639> talking<00:04:46.960> to<00:04:47.120> me<00:04:47.199> about

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you would you mind talking to me about

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you would you mind talking to me about

that<00:04:47.600> your<00:04:47.840> time<00:04:48.080> there

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that your time there

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that your time there

what<00:04:49.199> was<00:04:49.360> the<00:04:49.520> experience<00:04:50.240> like<00:04:50.960> how<00:04:51.120> did<00:04:51.360> you

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what was the experience like how did you

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what was the experience like how did you

manage<00:04:51.840> to<00:04:52.000> stay<00:04:52.240> alive<00:04:52.880> in<00:04:53.040> such<00:04:53.360> harsh

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manage to stay alive in such harsh

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manage to stay alive in such harsh


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and<00:04:56.240> do<00:04:56.400> you<00:04:56.720> think<00:04:56.960> that<00:04:57.120> you'll<00:04:57.360> ever<00:04:57.600> go

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and do you think that you'll ever go

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and do you think that you'll ever go

back<00:04:57.919> to<00:04:58.160> iran

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back to iran

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back to iran


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there<00:05:04.400> are<00:05:04.720> you<00:05:04.880> know<00:05:05.039> for<00:05:05.360> everybody<00:05:06.479> many

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there are you know for everybody many

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there are you know for everybody many

there<00:05:07.199> are<00:05:07.680> certain<00:05:08.320> days<00:05:08.880> in<00:05:09.840> their<00:05:10.160> lives

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there are certain days in their lives

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there are certain days in their lives

that<00:05:12.080> they<00:05:12.720> remember<00:05:13.199> they<00:05:13.520> always<00:05:14.080> remembers

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that they remember they always remembers

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that they remember they always remembers

it's<00:05:15.120> usually

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it's usually

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it's usually

birthdays<00:05:17.919> anniversaries<00:05:18.960> this<00:05:19.280> and<00:05:19.440> that<00:05:19.840> in

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birthdays anniversaries this and that in

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birthdays anniversaries this and that in

my<00:05:20.320> case<00:05:20.880> i<00:05:21.039> don't<00:05:21.280> think<00:05:21.600> i<00:05:21.840> will<00:05:22.400> ever<00:05:23.039> ever

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my case i don't think i will ever ever

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my case i don't think i will ever ever


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the<00:05:24.960> morning<00:05:25.759> of<00:05:26.320> may<00:05:26.880> 8

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the morning of may 8

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the morning of may 8


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when<00:05:30.880> i<00:05:31.039> had<00:05:31.360> gone<00:05:31.840> for<00:05:32.479> my

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when i had gone for my

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when i had gone for my

interrogation<00:05:34.639> to<00:05:34.880> the<00:05:35.039> ministry<00:05:35.680> of

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interrogation to the ministry of

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interrogation to the ministry of

intelligence<00:05:36.960> in<00:05:37.120> iran

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intelligence in iran

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intelligence in iran

and<00:05:39.039> this<00:05:39.360> interrogation<00:05:40.240> was<00:05:40.560> going<00:05:40.880> on<00:05:41.199> for

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and this interrogation was going on for

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and this interrogation was going on for

three<00:05:41.919> months<00:05:42.400> and<00:05:42.560> then<00:05:42.800> i<00:05:43.039> was<00:05:43.360> told

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three months and then i was told

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three months and then i was told


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i<00:05:46.400> should<00:05:46.639> make<00:05:46.880> a<00:05:46.960> call<00:05:47.280> to<00:05:47.440> my<00:05:47.759> mother<00:05:48.560> and

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i should make a call to my mother and

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i should make a call to my mother and

tell<00:05:49.199> her<00:05:49.440> that

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tell her that

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tell her that

they<00:05:51.199> are<00:05:51.360> taking<00:05:51.840> me<00:05:52.160> to<00:05:52.800> even<00:05:53.440> prison

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they are taking me to even prison

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they are taking me to even prison

this<00:05:55.039> really<00:05:55.840> came<00:05:56.400> as<00:05:56.639> a<00:05:57.120> shock<00:05:57.600> to<00:05:57.840> me<00:05:58.160> i<00:05:58.319> mean

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this really came as a shock to me i mean

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this really came as a shock to me i mean


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because<00:06:01.360> i<00:06:01.520> am<00:06:01.840> a<00:06:02.000> student<00:06:02.479> of<00:06:02.720> iran<00:06:03.520> i'm

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because i am a student of iran i'm

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because i am a student of iran i'm

familiar<00:06:04.560> with<00:06:05.120> was<00:06:05.919> was<00:06:06.240> going<00:06:06.560> on<00:06:06.880> at<00:06:07.039> having

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familiar with was was going on at having

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familiar with was was going on at having

and<00:06:07.840> continue<00:06:08.400> to<00:06:08.720> follow

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and continue to follow

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and continue to follow

the<00:06:10.160> development<00:06:11.039> of<00:06:11.360> prisoners<00:06:12.080> especially

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the development of prisoners especially

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the development of prisoners especially

dual<00:06:13.199> nationals<00:06:13.919> and<00:06:14.080> women<00:06:14.800> activists<00:06:15.600> in

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dual nationals and women activists in

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dual nationals and women activists in


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and<00:06:17.440> i<00:06:17.600> thought<00:06:18.240> okay<00:06:18.800> i'm<00:06:19.039> going<00:06:19.360> to<00:06:19.600> good

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and i thought okay i'm going to good

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and i thought okay i'm going to good

they<00:06:20.720> are<00:06:20.960> taking<00:06:21.360> me<00:06:21.600> in<00:06:21.840> but<00:06:22.160> what<00:06:22.400> will

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they are taking me in but what will

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they are taking me in but what will

happen<00:06:23.199> to<00:06:23.360> me<00:06:23.759> so<00:06:24.000> let<00:06:24.160> me<00:06:24.319> tell<00:06:24.560> you<00:06:24.880> briefly

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happen to me so let me tell you briefly

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happen to me so let me tell you briefly

what<00:06:25.759> happened<00:06:26.240> to<00:06:26.400> me

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what happened to me

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what happened to me


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um<00:06:31.759> i<00:06:31.919> was<00:06:32.639> taken<00:06:33.199> to<00:06:33.520> a

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um i was taken to a

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um i was taken to a

cell<00:06:35.520> i<00:06:35.680> was<00:06:36.319> in

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cell i was in

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cell i was in

i<00:06:37.280> was<00:06:37.520> in<00:06:37.759> solitary<00:06:38.479> confinement

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i was in solitary confinement

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i was in solitary confinement


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105<00:06:41.600> days<00:06:41.919> i<00:06:42.319> only<00:06:42.720> saw

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105 days i only saw

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105 days i only saw

my<00:06:43.919> two<00:06:44.639> one<00:06:44.880> of<00:06:45.120> the<00:06:45.280> two<00:06:45.600> interrogators

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my two one of the two interrogators

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my two one of the two interrogators

because<00:06:47.039> i<00:06:47.280> had<00:06:47.520> always

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because i had always

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because i had always

was<00:06:48.880> asked<00:06:49.120> to<00:06:49.280> sit<00:06:49.599> facing<00:06:50.080> the<00:06:50.319> wall<00:06:51.039> not<00:06:51.280> to

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was asked to sit facing the wall not to

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was asked to sit facing the wall not to

see<00:06:51.759> the<00:06:51.919> main<00:06:52.319> interrogator<00:06:53.280> i<00:06:53.360> had<00:06:53.599> a

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see the main interrogator i had a

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see the main interrogator i had a

principal<00:06:54.400> interrogator<00:06:55.759> and<00:06:56.000> the<00:06:56.319> junior

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principal interrogator and the junior

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principal interrogator and the junior

interrogator<00:06:57.919> you<00:06:58.080> know<00:06:58.240> the<00:06:58.880> junior

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interrogator you know the junior

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interrogator you know the junior

interrogator<00:07:00.400> was<00:07:00.720> my<00:07:01.120> unwelcome<00:07:02.319> companion

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interrogator was my unwelcome companion

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interrogator was my unwelcome companion

for<00:07:03.680> all<00:07:03.919> the<00:07:04.160> eight<00:07:04.560> months<00:07:04.880> i<00:07:05.120> was<00:07:05.360> kept

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for all the eight months i was kept

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for all the eight months i was kept

under<00:07:06.240> country<00:07:06.720> arrest

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under country arrest

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under country arrest


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iran<00:07:09.680> and

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iran and

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iran and

the<00:07:11.560> interrogation<00:07:12.960> started

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the interrogation started

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the interrogation started


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i<00:07:16.720> was<00:07:17.120> sometimes

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i was sometimes

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i was sometimes


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in<00:07:20.880> interrogation<00:07:21.840> for<00:07:22.160> eight<00:07:22.479> hours<00:07:22.880> or<00:07:23.120> nine

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in interrogation for eight hours or nine

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in interrogation for eight hours or nine

hours<00:07:23.919> a<00:07:24.400> day

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hours a day

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hours a day

then<00:07:25.759> they<00:07:26.000> would<00:07:26.319> ask<00:07:26.880> all<00:07:27.120> sorts<00:07:27.520> of

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then they would ask all sorts of

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then they would ask all sorts of

questions<00:07:28.639> i<00:07:28.720> mean<00:07:29.440> and<00:07:29.599> i<00:07:29.840> think<00:07:30.160> their<00:07:30.720> uh

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questions i mean and i think their uh

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questions i mean and i think their uh

aim<00:07:31.599> was<00:07:31.919> to<00:07:32.160> exhaust<00:07:33.039> me<00:07:33.440> so<00:07:33.759> much

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aim was to exhaust me so much

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aim was to exhaust me so much

so<00:07:34.960> that<00:07:35.599> i<00:07:35.840> would<00:07:36.160> just<00:07:36.560> cave<00:07:36.960> in<00:07:37.599> and<00:07:37.840> just

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so that i would just cave in and just

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so that i would just cave in and just

say<00:07:38.800> okay<00:07:39.199> what<00:07:39.440> do<00:07:39.520> you<00:07:39.599> want<00:07:39.919> me<00:07:40.080> to<00:07:40.720> say<00:07:41.360> i

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say okay what do you want me to say i

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say okay what do you want me to say i

will<00:07:41.840> say<00:07:42.160> it<00:07:42.400> and<00:07:42.560> just<00:07:42.960> let<00:07:43.360> me<00:07:43.599> leave<00:07:43.919> but<00:07:44.080> i

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will say it and just let me leave but i

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will say it and just let me leave but i

didn't<00:07:44.800> do<00:07:44.960> that

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didn't do that

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didn't do that

you<00:07:45.919> know<00:07:46.240> i<00:07:46.400> mean<00:07:46.879> um

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you know i mean um

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you know i mean um

i<00:07:48.400> feel<00:07:48.720> i'm<00:07:48.879> a<00:07:49.039> strong<00:07:49.520> woman<00:07:50.080> and<00:07:50.319> i'm<00:07:50.479> you

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i feel i'm a strong woman and i'm you

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i feel i'm a strong woman and i'm you


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and<00:07:52.160> i'm<00:07:52.400> a<00:07:52.800> disciplined<00:07:53.680> person

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and i'm a disciplined person

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and i'm a disciplined person

so<00:07:55.120> i<00:07:55.360> decided<00:07:56.160> okay<00:07:56.800> i'm<00:07:57.039> going<00:07:57.360> to<00:07:57.599> go<00:07:57.759> along

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so i decided okay i'm going to go along

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so i decided okay i'm going to go along

with<00:07:58.800> this<00:07:59.520> question<00:08:00.000> and<00:08:00.639> answer<00:08:01.199> cherry

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with this question and answer cherry

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with this question and answer cherry

for<00:08:03.039> as<00:08:03.280> long<00:08:03.599> as<00:08:03.840> it<00:08:04.000> takes<00:08:04.800> and<00:08:05.199> let's<00:08:05.520> not

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for as long as it takes and let's not

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for as long as it takes and let's not

think<00:08:06.319> of<00:08:06.720> being<00:08:07.120> free<00:08:07.520> they<00:08:07.759> might

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think of being free they might

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think of being free they might

keep<00:08:08.800> me<00:08:09.039> forever

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keep me forever

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keep me forever

but<00:08:11.039> and<00:08:11.759> also

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but and also

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but and also

i<00:08:13.759> decided<00:08:14.879> that<00:08:15.360> i<00:08:15.520> need<00:08:15.840> to<00:08:16.160> put<00:08:16.479> my<00:08:16.800> family

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i decided that i need to put my family

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i decided that i need to put my family

out<00:08:18.080> of<00:08:18.319> my<00:08:18.639> mind<00:08:19.199> because<00:08:20.000> i<00:08:20.240> couldn't<00:08:20.720> think

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out of my mind because i couldn't think

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out of my mind because i couldn't think

about<00:08:21.520> them<00:08:22.000> and<00:08:22.400> be<00:08:22.639> focused<00:08:23.199> on<00:08:23.360> what<00:08:23.599> was

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about them and be focused on what was

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about them and be focused on what was

happening<00:08:24.560> in<00:08:24.879> prison<00:08:26.000> so<00:08:26.560> after<00:08:27.039> the

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happening in prison so after the

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happening in prison so after the

interrogation<00:08:28.240> i<00:08:28.400> would<00:08:28.720> come<00:08:28.960> and<00:08:29.280> pace<00:08:29.680> up

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interrogation i would come and pace up

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interrogation i would come and pace up

and<00:08:30.160> down<00:08:30.560> in<00:08:30.800> my<00:08:31.199> cell

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and down in my cell

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and down in my cell

and<00:08:32.479> start<00:08:32.959> going<00:08:33.519> over<00:08:34.080> the<00:08:34.880> question<00:08:35.680> and

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and start going over the question and

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and start going over the question and

the<00:08:36.719> answers<00:08:37.360> because<00:08:37.760> the<00:08:38.080> tactic<00:08:38.640> was<00:08:39.279> to

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the answers because the tactic was to

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the answers because the tactic was to

come<00:08:39.680> back<00:08:40.000> to<00:08:40.159> the<00:08:40.399> same<00:08:40.800> question

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come back to the same question

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come back to the same question

uh<00:08:42.320> two<00:08:42.479> weeks<00:08:42.800> later<00:08:43.519> and<00:08:43.760> try<00:08:44.080> and<00:08:44.399> figure

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uh two weeks later and try and figure

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uh two weeks later and try and figure

out<00:08:45.040> whether<00:08:45.440> you<00:08:45.839> there<00:08:46.000> was<00:08:46.240> a<00:08:46.399> discrepancy

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out whether you there was a discrepancy

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out whether you there was a discrepancy

in<00:08:47.519> it<00:08:47.760> and

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in it and

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in it and

catch<00:08:49.279> you

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catch you

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catch you

they<00:08:50.240> never<00:08:50.640> tortured<00:08:51.279> me<00:08:51.680> but<00:08:51.920> they<00:08:52.640> brought

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they never tortured me but they brought

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they never tortured me but they brought

a<00:08:53.279> loss<00:08:53.760> but<00:08:54.160> i<00:08:54.320> was<00:08:54.720> under<00:08:55.200> a<00:08:55.279> lot<00:08:55.600> of<00:08:55.920> mental

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a loss but i was under a lot of mental

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a loss but i was under a lot of mental

pressure<00:08:57.839> i'm<00:08:58.080> sure<00:08:58.560> i'm<00:08:58.720> sure

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pressure i'm sure i'm sure

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pressure i'm sure i'm sure

mental<00:09:00.320> pressure<00:09:00.800> you<00:09:00.959> know<00:09:01.279> threatening<00:09:02.000> me

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mental pressure you know threatening me

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mental pressure you know threatening me

that<00:09:02.880> they're<00:09:03.279> going<00:09:03.839> to

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put<00:09:06.399> me<00:09:06.560> on<00:09:06.800> trial<00:09:07.440> i<00:09:07.600> never<00:09:07.920> was<00:09:08.160> put<00:09:08.480> on<00:09:08.640> trial

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put me on trial i never was put on trial

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put me on trial i never was put on trial

i<00:09:09.120> was<00:09:09.360> never<00:09:09.839> charged<00:09:10.399> you<00:09:10.560> know<00:09:10.720> i<00:09:10.880> was

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i was never charged you know i was

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i was never charged you know i was

accused<00:09:11.839> but<00:09:12.160> never<00:09:12.640> charged<00:09:13.600> what<00:09:13.760> were<00:09:13.920> you

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accused but never charged what were you

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accused but never charged what were you

accused<00:09:14.480> of<00:09:14.640> hala

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accused of hala

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accused of hala

i<00:09:16.160> was<00:09:16.640> accused<00:09:17.200> of<00:09:17.440> trying<00:09:18.080> to

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i was accused of trying to

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i was accused of trying to

of<00:09:19.920> endangering

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of endangering

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of endangering

the<00:09:21.600> islamic<00:09:22.320> the<00:09:22.560> security<00:09:23.200> of<00:09:23.360> the<00:09:23.600> islamic

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the islamic the security of the islamic

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the islamic the security of the islamic

republic<00:09:24.880> can<00:09:25.040> you<00:09:25.279> imagine<00:09:25.920> a<00:09:26.080> woman<00:09:26.480> who<00:09:26.720> was

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republic can you imagine a woman who was

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republic can you imagine a woman who was

wearing<00:09:27.920> barely<00:09:28.320> a<00:09:28.480> hundred<00:09:29.040> pounds<00:09:29.440> was

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wearing barely a hundred pounds was

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wearing barely a hundred pounds was

going<00:09:30.000> to<00:09:30.240> endanger<00:09:30.880> the<00:09:31.120> mightiest<00:09:31.760> country

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going to endanger the mightiest country

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going to endanger the mightiest country

in<00:09:32.320> the<00:09:32.560> region<00:09:33.200> number<00:09:33.519> one

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in the region number one

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in the region number one

number<00:09:34.800> two

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number two

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number two

i<00:09:35.920> was<00:09:36.320> also<00:09:36.800> accused<00:09:37.279> of<00:09:37.519> being<00:09:38.080> uh<00:09:38.480> spy<00:09:39.200> so

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i was also accused of being uh spy so

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i was also accused of being uh spy so

one<00:09:39.680> day<00:09:40.000> when<00:09:40.160> they<00:09:40.399> were<00:09:40.640> accusing<00:09:41.279> me<00:09:41.519> they

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one day when they were accusing me they

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one day when they were accusing me they

said<00:09:42.240> you<00:09:42.480> work<00:09:42.880> for<00:09:43.120> mossad<00:09:43.760> you<00:09:44.000> work<00:09:44.320> for

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said you work for mossad you work for

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said you work for mossad you work for


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for<00:09:45.760> mi5<00:09:46.720> and<00:09:47.200> you<00:09:47.519> work<00:09:47.839> with<00:09:48.160> the<00:09:48.320> cia<00:09:48.959> i<00:09:49.120> said

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for mi5 and you work with the cia i said

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for mi5 and you work with the cia i said

look<00:09:50.160> i<00:09:50.240> mean<00:09:50.480> there<00:09:50.720> should<00:09:50.959> be<00:09:51.120> a<00:09:51.360> limit<00:09:51.839> to

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look i mean there should be a limit to

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look i mean there should be a limit to

your<00:09:52.560> fantasies<00:09:53.440> decide<00:09:54.160> which<00:09:54.480> one<00:09:54.800> you<00:09:55.040> want

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for<00:09:58.720> and<00:09:58.959> then<00:09:59.200> we<00:09:59.360> can<00:09:59.600> have<00:09:59.839> a<00:10:00.080> discussion

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for and then we can have a discussion

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for and then we can have a discussion

that<00:10:02.800> was<00:10:03.120> and<00:10:03.360> this<00:10:03.760> went<00:10:04.160> on

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that was and this went on

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that was and this went on


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105<00:10:06.880> days

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105 days

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105 days

and<00:10:08.880> uh

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and uh

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and uh

you<00:10:10.560> know

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you know

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you know

i<00:10:12.320> never<00:10:13.040> i<00:10:13.440> had<00:10:13.839> once<00:10:14.240> a<00:10:14.480> visit<00:10:15.200> by<00:10:15.440> my<00:10:15.680> mother

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i never i had once a visit by my mother

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i never i had once a visit by my mother

towards<00:10:16.560> the<00:10:16.800> end<00:10:17.120> of<00:10:17.360> my<00:10:17.680> stay

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towards the end of my stay

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towards the end of my stay


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yeah<00:10:20.240> they<00:10:20.560> they<00:10:20.880> allowed<00:10:21.279> her<00:10:21.519> to<00:10:21.680> come<00:10:22.000> and

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yeah they they allowed her to come and

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yeah they they allowed her to come and

see<00:10:22.560> me<00:10:23.040> she<00:10:23.200> was<00:10:23.519> 94<00:10:24.399> years<00:10:24.720> old<00:10:25.120> so<00:10:25.360> she<00:10:25.519> was

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see me she was 94 years old so she was

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see me she was 94 years old so she was

allowed<00:10:26.160> to<00:10:26.320> come<00:10:26.640> with<00:10:26.880> a<00:10:27.440> cousin<00:10:28.160> and<00:10:28.480> in<00:10:28.640> the

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allowed to come with a cousin and in the

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allowed to come with a cousin and in the

presence<00:10:29.519> of<00:10:29.839> the

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presence of the

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presence of the

guards<00:10:31.519> we<00:10:32.160> we<00:10:32.640> exchanged<00:10:33.519> some<00:10:34.000> you<00:10:34.160> know<00:10:34.399> we

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guards we we exchanged some you know we

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guards we we exchanged some you know we

some<00:10:36.079> just<00:10:36.320> platitude<00:10:37.120> really<00:10:37.519> how<00:10:37.760> are<00:10:37.920> you

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some just platitude really how are you

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some just platitude really how are you

i'm<00:10:38.399> doing<00:10:38.800> well<00:10:39.040> what<00:10:39.360> about<00:10:39.600> you<00:10:40.320> how<00:10:40.560> is<00:10:40.720> my

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i'm doing well what about you how is my

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i'm doing well what about you how is my

family<00:10:41.360> there<00:10:41.680> so<00:10:41.920> and<00:10:42.079> i<00:10:42.240> was<00:10:42.560> able<00:10:42.959> to<00:10:43.279> code

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family there so and i was able to code

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family there so and i was able to code

her<00:10:44.399> twice<00:10:44.880> a<00:10:45.040> week<00:10:45.440> but<00:10:45.680> you<00:10:45.920> know<00:10:46.160> all<00:10:46.399> my

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her twice a week but you know all my

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her twice a week but you know all my

life<00:10:46.959> i<00:10:47.040> had<00:10:47.200> spoken<00:10:47.680> to<00:10:47.839> my<00:10:48.079> mother<00:10:48.480> in<00:10:48.720> german

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life i had spoken to my mother in german

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life i had spoken to my mother in german

because<00:10:49.519> she<00:10:49.680> was<00:10:50.079> austrian<00:10:50.959> i<00:10:51.120> was<00:10:51.440> told<00:10:51.760> i

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because she was austrian i was told i

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because she was austrian i was told i

have<00:10:52.160> to<00:10:52.399> speak<00:10:52.800> to<00:10:52.959> her<00:10:53.360> in<00:10:53.519> persian<00:10:54.480> and<00:10:54.800> she

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have to speak to her in persian and she

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have to speak to her in persian and she

was<00:10:55.760> you<00:10:55.920> know<00:10:56.320> my<00:10:56.720> link<00:10:57.040> to<00:10:57.279> the<00:10:57.519> outside

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was you know my link to the outside

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was you know my link to the outside

world<00:10:58.880> as<00:10:59.040> soon<00:10:59.360> as<00:11:00.240> she<00:11:00.480> would<00:11:00.800> i<00:11:00.959> would<00:11:01.200> speak

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world as soon as she would i would speak

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world as soon as she would i would speak

to<00:11:01.680> her<00:11:02.240> she<00:11:02.480> would<00:11:02.880> call<00:11:03.519> my<00:11:03.760> husband<00:11:04.640> uh

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to her she would call my husband uh

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to her she would call my husband uh


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was<00:11:08.480> luckily<00:11:09.040> on<00:11:09.360> sabbatical<00:11:10.160> and<00:11:10.399> could

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was luckily on sabbatical and could

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was luckily on sabbatical and could

spend<00:11:11.040> a<00:11:11.200> lot<00:11:11.360> of<00:11:11.600> time<00:11:11.920> trying<00:11:12.320> to<00:11:12.560> get<00:11:12.959> after

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spend a lot of time trying to get after

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spend a lot of time trying to get after

get<00:11:13.839> me<00:11:14.160> out<00:11:14.399> of<00:11:14.640> prison<00:11:15.440> and

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get me out of prison and

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get me out of prison and

tell<00:11:17.040> him<00:11:17.600> word<00:11:18.000> for<00:11:18.240> word<00:11:18.720> what<00:11:19.279> i

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tell him word for word what i

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tell him word for word what i


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you<00:11:23.600> know<00:11:23.920> it<00:11:24.240> it<00:11:24.399> was<00:11:24.640> a<00:11:24.880> horrible<00:11:25.519> time<00:11:25.839> i

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you know it it was a horrible time i

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you know it it was a horrible time i

never<00:11:26.560> cried<00:11:27.040> in<00:11:27.279> front<00:11:27.600> of<00:11:27.920> them<00:11:28.160> they<00:11:28.480> tried

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never cried in front of them they tried

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never cried in front of them they tried

to<00:11:29.519> make<00:11:29.760> me<00:11:30.079> cry<00:11:30.880> and<00:11:31.200> if<00:11:31.440> i<00:11:31.600> wanted<00:11:32.160> to<00:11:32.399> cry<00:11:32.800> i

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to make me cry and if i wanted to cry i

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to make me cry and if i wanted to cry i

would<00:11:33.200> cry<00:11:33.680> under<00:11:34.079> the<00:11:34.399> shower<00:11:35.279> because<00:11:36.079> there

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would cry under the shower because there

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would cry under the shower because there

was<00:11:36.480> a<00:11:36.720> peephole<00:11:37.360> in<00:11:37.519> the<00:11:37.760> door<00:11:38.320> the<00:11:38.480> door<00:11:38.800> was

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was a peephole in the door the door was

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was a peephole in the door the door was

locked<00:11:39.519> the<00:11:39.600> door<00:11:39.920> of<00:11:40.160> myself<00:11:41.120> and<00:11:41.360> these<00:11:41.920> uh

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locked the door of myself and these uh

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locked the door of myself and these uh

the<00:11:43.360> war

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the war

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the war

the<00:11:44.880> women<00:11:45.360> warden<00:11:46.000> would<00:11:46.240> come<00:11:46.480> and<00:11:46.800> check

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the women warden would come and check

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the women warden would come and check

regularly<00:11:48.079> on<00:11:48.399> you

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regularly on you

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regularly on you

you<00:11:50.240> know<00:11:50.560> so

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you know so

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you know so

uh<00:11:52.160> it<00:11:52.480> really

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uh it really

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uh it really

was<00:11:54.000> a<00:11:54.560> horrible<00:11:55.279> horrible

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was a horrible horrible

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was a horrible horrible


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and<00:11:57.600> i<00:11:57.839> just

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and i just

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and i just

i<00:11:59.200> was<00:11:59.440> very<00:11:59.839> fortunate<00:12:00.639> manny<00:12:01.519> to<00:12:01.680> be

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i was very fortunate manny to be

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i was very fortunate manny to be

to<00:12:03.360> let<00:12:03.600> go

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to let go

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to let go

you<00:12:04.560> know<00:12:04.800> to<00:12:04.959> let<00:12:05.279> they<00:12:05.600> let<00:12:05.839> me

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you know to let they let me

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you know to let they let me

finally<00:12:07.920> go<00:12:08.320> because

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finally go because

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finally go because

my my

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my my

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my my

release<00:12:10.959> came<00:12:11.360> as<00:12:11.680> a

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release came as a

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release came as a

surprise<00:12:13.839> just<00:12:14.480> as<00:12:14.720> my<00:12:15.120> arrest<00:12:15.680> came<00:12:16.000> as<00:12:16.240> a

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surprise just as my arrest came as a

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surprise just as my arrest came as a


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they<00:12:18.880> came<00:12:19.120> one<00:12:19.440> afternoon<00:12:20.079> and<00:12:20.320> said<00:12:20.959> pack

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they came one afternoon and said pack

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they came one afternoon and said pack

your<00:12:21.519> stuff<00:12:21.920> and<00:12:22.160> go

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your stuff and go

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your stuff and go

and<00:12:23.120> i<00:12:23.279> said<00:12:23.600> where

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and i said where

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and i said where

you<00:12:24.560> know<00:12:25.120> put<00:12:25.360> it<00:12:25.440> they<00:12:25.600> are<00:12:25.760> going<00:12:26.079> to<00:12:26.240> move

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you know put it they are going to move

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you know put it they are going to move

me<00:12:26.639> to<00:12:26.800> another<00:12:27.360> prison<00:12:27.839> because<00:12:28.079> that's<00:12:28.399> what

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me to another prison because that's what

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me to another prison because that's what

they<00:12:29.040> were<00:12:29.279> doing<00:12:29.839> they<00:12:30.079> said<00:12:30.240> no<00:12:30.480> you<00:12:30.639> can<00:12:30.880> go

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they were doing they said no you can go

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they were doing they said no you can go

home<00:12:31.760> but<00:12:32.000> we<00:12:32.160> won't<00:12:32.480> let<00:12:32.720> you<00:12:32.959> go<00:12:33.200> back<00:12:33.519> to<00:12:33.680> the

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home but we won't let you go back to the

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home but we won't let you go back to the

u.s<00:12:34.399> to<00:12:34.560> your<00:12:34.880> family<00:12:35.360> you<00:12:35.519> can<00:12:35.760> go<00:12:36.000> to<00:12:36.160> your

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u.s to your family you can go to your

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u.s to your family you can go to your

mother's<00:12:36.880> house

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mother's house

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mother's house

i<00:12:38.800> was<00:12:39.120> thankful

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i was thankful

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i was thankful

for<00:12:40.560> that<00:12:41.279> but<00:12:41.600> within<00:12:42.399> 10<00:12:42.639> days<00:12:43.120> they<00:12:43.360> must

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for that but within 10 days they must

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for that but within 10 days they must

have<00:12:44.000> changed<00:12:44.399> their<00:12:44.800> mind<00:12:45.519> because<00:12:46.000> i

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have changed their mind because i

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have changed their mind because i

received<00:12:46.639> the<00:12:46.880> phone<00:12:47.120> call<00:12:47.440> and<00:12:47.680> said

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received the phone call and said

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received the phone call and said

get<00:12:48.880> your<00:12:49.200> passport<00:12:50.320> and<00:12:50.639> go<00:12:50.880> to<00:12:51.279> get<00:12:51.519> a<00:12:51.680> ticket

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get your passport and go to get a ticket

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get your passport and go to get a ticket

and<00:12:52.399> leave<00:12:52.639> the<00:12:52.800> country

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and leave the country

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and leave the country

and<00:12:54.320> you<00:12:54.480> know<00:12:54.720> me<00:12:54.959> being

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and you know me being

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and you know me being

cynical<00:12:56.399> i<00:12:56.560> said<00:12:56.800> well<00:12:57.120> unfortunately<00:12:58.079> you

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cynical i said well unfortunately you

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cynical i said well unfortunately you

confiscated<00:12:59.279> my<00:12:59.600> passport

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confiscated my passport

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confiscated my passport

it<00:13:01.519> must<00:13:01.839> be<00:13:02.079> in<00:13:02.320> one<00:13:02.639> drawer<00:13:03.120> in<00:13:03.279> the

00:13:03.509 --> 00:13:03.519 align:start position:0%

it must be in one drawer in the

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it must be in one drawer in the


00:13:06.470 --> 00:13:06.480 align:start position:0%


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so<00:13:06.639> the<00:13:06.800> guy<00:13:07.120> said<00:13:07.360> okay<00:13:07.680> meet<00:13:07.920> me<00:13:08.160> tomorrow

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so the guy said okay meet me tomorrow

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so the guy said okay meet me tomorrow

morning<00:13:09.040> at<00:13:09.360> eight<00:13:09.680> at<00:13:09.920> the<00:13:10.079> passport<00:13:10.959> office

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morning at eight at the passport office

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morning at eight at the passport office

so<00:13:12.720> they<00:13:13.040> issued<00:13:13.600> a<00:13:13.839> new<00:13:14.399> password<00:13:15.200> for<00:13:15.519> me

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so they issued a new password for me

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so they issued a new password for me

and<00:13:17.040> i<00:13:17.279> was<00:13:17.600> able<00:13:18.000> to<00:13:18.160> read<00:13:18.480> but<00:13:18.639> i<00:13:19.040> insisted

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and i was able to read but i insisted

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and i was able to read but i insisted

manny<00:13:20.800> that<00:13:21.440> my<00:13:21.839> interrogator<00:13:22.880> should<00:13:23.120> come

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manny that my interrogator should come

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manny that my interrogator should come

to<00:13:23.600> the<00:13:23.839> airport<00:13:24.560> with<00:13:24.880> me<00:13:25.440> because<00:13:25.839> i<00:13:26.079> was

00:13:26.310 --> 00:13:26.320 align:start position:0%

to the airport with me because i was

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to the airport with me because i was

familiar<00:13:26.959> with<00:13:27.200> their<00:13:27.600> trips<00:13:28.079> you<00:13:28.240> know<00:13:28.480> they

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familiar with their trips you know they

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familiar with their trips you know they

announced<00:13:29.600> that<00:13:29.839> i've<00:13:30.079> had<00:13:30.399> left<00:13:30.720> the<00:13:30.880> country

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announced that i've had left the country

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announced that i've had left the country

but<00:13:31.920> another<00:13:32.480> group<00:13:33.200> had<00:13:33.519> would<00:13:33.839> arrest<00:13:34.480> me

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but another group had would arrest me

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but another group had would arrest me


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no<00:13:36.320> i<00:13:36.560> don't<00:13:36.959> go<00:13:37.200> to<00:13:37.360> the<00:13:37.519> airport<00:13:38.160> unless<00:13:38.720> you

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no i don't go to the airport unless you

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no i don't go to the airport unless you

come<00:13:39.519> with<00:13:39.760> me

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come with me

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come with me

and<00:13:41.040> in<00:13:41.360> prison<00:13:42.160> i<00:13:42.399> managed<00:13:42.880> to<00:13:43.120> write<00:13:43.519> to<00:13:43.680> keep

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and in prison i managed to write to keep

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and in prison i managed to write to keep

myself<00:13:44.560> busy<00:13:45.279> i<00:13:45.519> wrote<00:13:46.000> two<00:13:46.240> books<00:13:46.800> in<00:13:46.959> my<00:13:47.199> mind

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myself busy i wrote two books in my mind

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myself busy i wrote two books in my mind

because<00:13:48.000> i<00:13:48.639> get<00:13:48.800> the<00:13:49.040> paper<00:13:49.600> or<00:13:49.920> pencil<00:13:50.720> in<00:13:50.880> my

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because i get the paper or pencil in my

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because i get the paper or pencil in my

storybook<00:13:52.560> for<00:13:52.880> my<00:13:53.199> grandchildren<00:13:54.160> who<00:13:54.320> were

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storybook for my grandchildren who were

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storybook for my grandchildren who were

then<00:13:54.959> five<00:13:55.360> and<00:13:55.600> three

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then five and three

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then five and three

and<00:13:56.959> are<00:13:57.279> in<00:13:57.519> college<00:13:58.560> and<00:13:58.959> mashallah<00:14:00.160> also<00:14:00.800> a

00:14:01.189 --> 00:14:01.199 align:start position:0%

and are in college and mashallah also a

00:14:01.199 --> 00:14:05.750 align:start position:0%

and are in college and mashallah also a

biography<00:14:02.160> of<00:14:02.399> my<00:14:02.800> paternal<00:14:03.920> grandmother<00:14:05.040> who

00:14:05.750 --> 00:14:05.760 align:start position:0%

biography of my paternal grandmother who

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biography of my paternal grandmother who

had<00:14:06.160> a<00:14:06.320> lot<00:14:06.560> of<00:14:06.880> influence

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had a lot of influence

00:14:08.240 --> 00:14:09.110 align:start position:0%

had a lot of influence


00:14:09.110 --> 00:14:09.120 align:start position:0%


00:14:09.120 --> 00:14:09.990 align:start position:0%



00:14:09.990 --> 00:14:10.000 align:start position:0%


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i<00:14:10.160> mean<00:14:10.720> she<00:14:11.279> taught<00:14:11.600> me<00:14:12.079> what<00:14:12.399> the<00:14:12.560> real<00:14:12.959> islam

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i mean she taught me what the real islam

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i mean she taught me what the real islam

is<00:14:14.240> and<00:14:14.560> she<00:14:14.880> also<00:14:16.160> taught<00:14:16.480> me<00:14:16.720> persian<00:14:17.440> poetry

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is and she also taught me persian poetry

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is and she also taught me persian poetry

oh<00:14:18.880> my<00:14:19.040> gosh<00:14:19.519> that's<00:14:19.760> amazing

00:14:20.870 --> 00:14:20.880 align:start position:0%

oh my gosh that's amazing

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oh my gosh that's amazing

your<00:14:21.199> last<00:14:21.600> part<00:14:21.839> of<00:14:22.000> the<00:14:22.240> question

00:14:22.949 --> 00:14:22.959 align:start position:0%

your last part of the question

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your last part of the question

unfortunately<00:14:23.920> manny<00:14:24.399> i<00:14:24.639> don't<00:14:25.120> think

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unfortunately manny i don't think

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unfortunately manny i don't think

i<00:14:26.160> would<00:14:26.399> be<00:14:26.639> able<00:14:27.040> to<00:14:27.360> go<00:14:27.680> back<00:14:28.079> to<00:14:28.320> iran<00:14:29.040> i

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i would be able to go back to iran i

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i would be able to go back to iran i

mean<00:14:29.440> they<00:14:29.680> would<00:14:30.000> welcome<00:14:30.560> me<00:14:30.720> with<00:14:30.959> the<00:14:31.120> red

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mean they would welcome me with the red

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mean they would welcome me with the red

carpet<00:14:32.079> but<00:14:32.320> they<00:14:32.560> would<00:14:32.800> take<00:14:33.040> me<00:14:33.279> back<00:14:33.600> to

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carpet but they would take me back to

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carpet but they would take me back to


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so<00:14:37.279> um<00:14:37.760> there<00:14:38.079> there<00:14:38.399> are<00:14:38.639> current<00:14:39.120> prisoners

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so um there there are current prisoners

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so um there there are current prisoners

in<00:14:40.320> aveen<00:14:41.120> um<00:14:41.600> one<00:14:41.760> of<00:14:41.839> which<00:14:42.160> is<00:14:42.399> siamak

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and<00:14:45.600> he's<00:14:45.920> been<00:14:46.160> in<00:14:46.320> there<00:14:46.480> for<00:14:46.959> quite<00:14:47.199> a<00:14:47.279> while

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and he's been in there for quite a while

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and he's been in there for quite a while

uh<00:14:48.320> what

00:14:49.990 --> 00:14:50.000 align:start position:0%

uh what

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uh what

what<00:14:50.160> do<00:14:50.320> you<00:14:50.399> think<00:14:51.040> is<00:14:51.600> a<00:14:51.920> happening<00:14:52.320> to<00:14:52.399> him

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what do you think is a happening to him

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what do you think is a happening to him

now<00:14:52.959> and<00:14:53.120> if<00:14:53.360> is<00:14:53.519> he<00:14:53.760> ever<00:14:54.000> going<00:14:54.240> to<00:14:54.399> be

00:14:54.550 --> 00:14:54.560 align:start position:0%

now and if is he ever going to be

00:14:54.560 --> 00:14:55.670 align:start position:0%

now and if is he ever going to be


00:14:55.670 --> 00:14:55.680 align:start position:0%


00:14:55.680 --> 00:14:57.750 align:start position:0%


do<00:14:55.760> you<00:14:55.839> think

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do you think

00:14:57.760 --> 00:14:58.870 align:start position:0%

do you think


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00:14:58.880 --> 00:15:00.069 align:start position:0%


every<00:14:59.279> time

00:15:00.069 --> 00:15:00.079 align:start position:0%

every time

00:15:00.079 --> 00:15:02.870 align:start position:0%

every time

you<00:15:00.240> know<00:15:00.480> there<00:15:00.720> is<00:15:00.880> a<00:15:01.120> swap<00:15:01.600> of<00:15:02.079> prisoners

00:15:02.870 --> 00:15:02.880 align:start position:0%

you know there is a swap of prisoners

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you know there is a swap of prisoners

between<00:15:03.279> the<00:15:03.519> united<00:15:04.240> states<00:15:04.800> and<00:15:05.519> iran

00:15:06.629 --> 00:15:06.639 align:start position:0%

between the united states and iran

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between the united states and iran

i<00:15:06.880> hope<00:15:07.279> and<00:15:07.600> pray<00:15:08.000> that<00:15:08.800> cia<00:15:09.279> mac<00:15:09.920> and<00:15:10.320> other

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i hope and pray that cia mac and other

00:15:11.360 --> 00:15:12.470 align:start position:0%

i hope and pray that cia mac and other


00:15:12.470 --> 00:15:12.480 align:start position:0%


00:15:12.480 --> 00:15:14.310 align:start position:0%


nationals<00:15:13.279> would<00:15:13.519> be

00:15:14.310 --> 00:15:14.320 align:start position:0%

nationals would be

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nationals would be

part<00:15:14.639> of<00:15:14.880> the<00:15:15.120> swap<00:15:15.680> so<00:15:15.920> far<00:15:16.240> he<00:15:16.480> hasn't<00:15:17.120> been

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part of the swap so far he hasn't been

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part of the swap so far he hasn't been

lucky<00:15:18.639> i<00:15:18.959> i<00:15:19.279> really<00:15:19.760> think<00:15:20.160> that<00:15:20.959> there<00:15:21.199> is

00:15:21.590 --> 00:15:21.600 align:start position:0%

lucky i i really think that there is

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lucky i i really think that there is

they<00:15:21.839> must<00:15:22.240> bear<00:15:22.639> a<00:15:22.959> personal<00:15:23.839> grudge<00:15:24.240> against

00:15:24.790 --> 00:15:24.800 align:start position:0%

they must bear a personal grudge against

00:15:24.800 --> 00:15:26.949 align:start position:0%

they must bear a personal grudge against

him<00:15:25.040> because<00:15:25.360> he<00:15:25.600> was<00:15:25.920> the<00:15:26.079> most

00:15:26.949 --> 00:15:26.959 align:start position:0%

him because he was the most

00:15:26.959 --> 00:15:30.150 align:start position:0%

him because he was the most

gentle<00:15:27.920> person

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gentle person

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gentle person

you<00:15:30.399> knew<00:15:30.639> him<00:15:30.959> you<00:15:31.199> met<00:15:31.440> him<00:15:32.000> a<00:15:32.160> nationalist

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you knew him you met him a nationalist

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you knew him you met him a nationalist

he<00:15:33.440> would<00:15:33.839> speak<00:15:34.240> at<00:15:34.480> the<00:15:34.639> wilson<00:15:35.199> center

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he would speak at the wilson center

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he would speak at the wilson center

always<00:15:36.399> encouraging<00:15:37.199> people<00:15:38.000> to<00:15:38.240> come<00:15:38.480> to

00:15:38.710 --> 00:15:38.720 align:start position:0%

always encouraging people to come to

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always encouraging people to come to

iran<00:15:39.199> to<00:15:39.360> do<00:15:39.600> business<00:15:40.240> with<00:15:40.560> iran<00:15:41.360> you<00:15:41.519> know

00:15:41.749 --> 00:15:41.759 align:start position:0%

iran to do business with iran you know

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iran to do business with iran you know

and<00:15:42.079> he<00:15:42.240> was<00:15:42.560> not<00:15:42.880> political<00:15:43.759> at<00:15:44.000> all

00:15:44.710 --> 00:15:44.720 align:start position:0%

and he was not political at all

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and he was not political at all

now<00:15:45.279> just

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now just

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now just

i<00:15:46.800> i<00:15:47.120> to<00:15:47.279> this<00:15:47.680> day<00:15:48.000> i<00:15:48.320> don't<00:15:48.880> understand<00:15:50.079> why

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i i to this day i don't understand why

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i i to this day i don't understand why

he<00:15:50.560> was<00:15:50.880> arrested<00:15:51.680> why<00:15:51.920> his<00:15:52.240> father<00:15:52.800> was

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he was arrested why his father was

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he was arrested why his father was

arrested<00:15:54.320> and<00:15:54.560> why<00:15:54.959> the<00:15:55.199> other

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arrested and why the other

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arrested and why the other

dual<00:15:57.680> nationals<00:15:58.399> are<00:15:58.560> arrested<00:15:59.120> they

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dual nationals are arrested they

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dual nationals are arrested they

arrested<00:15:59.920> a<00:16:00.079> bunch<00:16:00.399> of<00:16:00.720> environmentalists

00:16:03.350 --> 00:16:03.360 align:start position:0%

arrested a bunch of environmentalists

00:16:03.360 --> 00:16:06.069 align:start position:0%

arrested a bunch of environmentalists

one<00:16:03.600> of<00:16:03.839> them<00:16:04.079> is<00:16:04.320> a<00:16:04.399> dual<00:16:04.800> national

00:16:06.069 --> 00:16:06.079 align:start position:0%

one of them is a dual national

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one of them is a dual national

just<00:16:06.399> because<00:16:06.800> they<00:16:06.959> were<00:16:07.279> serving<00:16:07.839> the

00:16:08.629 --> 00:16:08.639 align:start position:0%

just because they were serving the

00:16:08.639 --> 00:16:11.069 align:start position:0%

just because they were serving the

cause<00:16:09.120> in<00:16:09.279> iran<00:16:09.759> they<00:16:09.920> were<00:16:10.240> working<00:16:10.639> on

00:16:11.069 --> 00:16:11.079 align:start position:0%

cause in iran they were working on

00:16:11.079 --> 00:16:15.030 align:start position:0%

cause in iran they were working on

environmental<00:16:12.320> issues<00:16:13.360> in<00:16:13.519> iran<00:16:14.320> so<00:16:14.480> there<00:16:14.720> is

00:16:15.030 --> 00:16:15.040 align:start position:0%

environmental issues in iran so there is

00:16:15.040 --> 00:16:18.389 align:start position:0%

environmental issues in iran so there is

and<00:16:15.279> also<00:16:15.759> look<00:16:16.000> at<00:16:16.240> these<00:16:16.720> uh<00:16:17.360> women

00:16:18.389 --> 00:16:18.399 align:start position:0%

and also look at these uh women

00:16:18.399 --> 00:16:21.030 align:start position:0%

and also look at these uh women

the<00:16:18.639> women<00:16:19.199> activists<00:16:19.839> in<00:16:20.000> iran<00:16:20.399> women<00:16:20.800> like

00:16:21.030 --> 00:16:21.040 align:start position:0%

the women activists in iran women like

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the women activists in iran women like

nasrin<00:16:21.600> sutude<00:16:22.720> nargis<00:16:23.360> mohammadi

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nasrin sutude nargis mohammadi

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nasrin sutude nargis mohammadi

and<00:16:25.680> many<00:16:26.079> others<00:16:26.720> i<00:16:26.880> mean<00:16:27.120> they<00:16:27.839> they<00:16:28.079> have

00:16:29.829 --> 00:16:29.839 align:start position:0%

and many others i mean they they have

00:16:29.839 --> 00:16:33.670 align:start position:0%

and many others i mean they they have

talked<00:16:30.320> about<00:16:31.040> equality<00:16:31.920> under<00:16:32.240> the<00:16:32.399> law

00:16:33.670 --> 00:16:33.680 align:start position:0%

talked about equality under the law

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talked about equality under the law

respect<00:16:34.240> for<00:16:34.639> human<00:16:35.040> rights<00:16:35.519> respect<00:16:36.160> for

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respect for human rights respect for

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respect for human rights respect for

women's<00:16:37.040> rights<00:16:37.680> they<00:16:37.920> haven't<00:16:38.320> committed

00:16:39.110 --> 00:16:39.120 align:start position:0%

women's rights they haven't committed

00:16:39.120 --> 00:16:41.509 align:start position:0%

women's rights they haven't committed

any<00:16:39.519> crime<00:16:40.079> nothing<00:16:40.639> and<00:16:40.800> they<00:16:41.040> haven't

00:16:41.509 --> 00:16:41.519 align:start position:0%

any crime nothing and they haven't

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any crime nothing and they haven't

endangered<00:16:42.240> the<00:16:42.480> security<00:16:43.120> of<00:16:43.279> the<00:16:43.440> islamic

00:16:44.069 --> 00:16:44.079 align:start position:0%

endangered the security of the islamic

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endangered the security of the islamic

republic<00:16:45.199> but<00:16:45.440> nevertheless<00:16:46.639> they<00:16:47.040> serve<00:16:47.600> in

00:16:47.829 --> 00:16:47.839 align:start position:0%

republic but nevertheless they serve in

00:16:47.839 --> 00:16:51.430 align:start position:0%

republic but nevertheless they serve in

jail<00:16:48.160> with<00:16:48.399> these<00:16:48.800> absurd<00:16:49.519> long<00:16:49.920> sentences<00:16:51.120> 10

00:16:51.430 --> 00:16:51.440 align:start position:0%

jail with these absurd long sentences 10

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jail with these absurd long sentences 10

years<00:16:51.920> or<00:16:52.160> 15<00:16:52.639> years<00:16:52.959> for<00:16:53.199> just<00:16:53.600> removing<00:16:54.240> your

00:16:54.550 --> 00:16:54.560 align:start position:0%

years or 15 years for just removing your

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years or 15 years for just removing your

scarf<00:16:55.199> in<00:16:55.519> public

00:16:57.269 --> 00:16:57.279 align:start position:0%

scarf in public

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scarf in public

so<00:16:57.920> it's<00:16:58.399> it's<00:16:58.880> it's<00:16:59.199> a<00:16:59.440> terrible<00:17:00.160> story<00:17:01.040> but

00:17:01.350 --> 00:17:01.360 align:start position:0%

so it's it's it's a terrible story but

00:17:01.360 --> 00:17:04.470 align:start position:0%

so it's it's it's a terrible story but

when<00:17:01.600> it<00:17:01.759> comes<00:17:02.160> to<00:17:02.399> what<00:17:02.639> happens<00:17:03.600> in<00:17:03.920> even

00:17:04.470 --> 00:17:04.480 align:start position:0%

when it comes to what happens in even

00:17:04.480 --> 00:17:07.350 align:start position:0%

when it comes to what happens in even

and<00:17:04.720> i<00:17:04.880> think<00:17:05.199> there<00:17:05.439> is<00:17:05.679> a<00:17:05.839> big<00:17:06.240> difference<00:17:07.199> i

00:17:07.350 --> 00:17:07.360 align:start position:0%

and i think there is a big difference i

00:17:07.360 --> 00:17:09.590 align:start position:0%

and i think there is a big difference i

was<00:17:07.679> in<00:17:07.760> the<00:17:08.000> hand<00:17:08.319> of<00:17:08.559> the<00:17:08.799> intelligence

00:17:09.590 --> 00:17:09.600 align:start position:0%

was in the hand of the intelligence

00:17:09.600 --> 00:17:12.470 align:start position:0%

was in the hand of the intelligence

ministry<00:17:10.640> the<00:17:10.799> people<00:17:11.280> who<00:17:11.520> were

00:17:12.470 --> 00:17:12.480 align:start position:0%

ministry the people who were

00:17:12.480 --> 00:17:16.710 align:start position:0%

ministry the people who were

arrested<00:17:13.760> after<00:17:14.240> 209<00:17:15.600> are

00:17:16.710 --> 00:17:16.720 align:start position:0%

arrested after 209 are

00:17:16.720 --> 00:17:19.909 align:start position:0%

arrested after 209 are

in<00:17:16.880> the<00:17:17.039> hand<00:17:17.439> of<00:17:17.839> the<00:17:18.240> revolution<00:17:19.120> regards

00:17:19.909 --> 00:17:19.919 align:start position:0%

in the hand of the revolution regards

00:17:19.919 --> 00:17:21.909 align:start position:0%

in the hand of the revolution regards

intelligence<00:17:20.799> you<00:17:20.959> know

00:17:21.909 --> 00:17:21.919 align:start position:0%

intelligence you know

00:17:21.919 --> 00:17:22.710 align:start position:0%

intelligence you know


00:17:22.710 --> 00:17:22.720 align:start position:0%


00:17:22.720 --> 00:17:24.949 align:start position:0%


i<00:17:22.880> don't<00:17:23.120> think<00:17:23.360> they<00:17:23.520> are<00:17:23.760> accountable<00:17:24.640> to

00:17:24.949 --> 00:17:24.959 align:start position:0%

i don't think they are accountable to

00:17:24.959 --> 00:17:27.990 align:start position:0%

i don't think they are accountable to


00:17:27.990 --> 00:17:28.000 align:start position:0%

00:17:28.000 --> 00:17:30.310 align:start position:0%

it's<00:17:28.640> it's<00:17:28.880> a<00:17:28.960> very<00:17:29.200> depressing<00:17:29.840> state<00:17:30.160> of

00:17:30.310 --> 00:17:30.320 align:start position:0%

it's it's a very depressing state of

00:17:30.320 --> 00:17:32.870 align:start position:0%

it's it's a very depressing state of

affairs<00:17:30.799> to<00:17:30.960> be<00:17:31.120> honest<00:17:31.760> um

00:17:32.870 --> 00:17:32.880 align:start position:0%

affairs to be honest um

00:17:32.880 --> 00:17:34.630 align:start position:0%

affairs to be honest um

let's<00:17:33.120> talk<00:17:33.360> about<00:17:33.520> the<00:17:33.600> state<00:17:33.919> of<00:17:34.080> women<00:17:34.480> in

00:17:34.630 --> 00:17:34.640 align:start position:0%

let's talk about the state of women in

00:17:34.640 --> 00:17:36.710 align:start position:0%

let's talk about the state of women in

our<00:17:34.720> beloved<00:17:35.200> region<00:17:35.760> to<00:17:35.919> put<00:17:36.080> it<00:17:36.160> mildly<00:17:36.559> it's

00:17:36.710 --> 00:17:36.720 align:start position:0%

our beloved region to put it mildly it's

00:17:36.720 --> 00:17:38.390 align:start position:0%

our beloved region to put it mildly it's

very<00:17:36.880> depressing

00:17:38.390 --> 00:17:38.400 align:start position:0%

very depressing

00:17:38.400 --> 00:17:40.230 align:start position:0%

very depressing

as<00:17:38.559> you<00:17:38.720> mentioned<00:17:39.039> a<00:17:39.120> few<00:17:39.280> days<00:17:39.600> ago<00:17:39.840> when<00:17:40.000> we

00:17:40.230 --> 00:17:40.240 align:start position:0%

as you mentioned a few days ago when we

00:17:40.240 --> 00:17:41.750 align:start position:0%

as you mentioned a few days ago when we

spoke<00:17:40.799> um

00:17:41.750 --> 00:17:41.760 align:start position:0%

spoke um

00:17:41.760 --> 00:17:43.909 align:start position:0%

spoke um

we've<00:17:42.080> taken<00:17:42.640> one<00:17:42.880> step<00:17:43.200> forward<00:17:43.600> and<00:17:43.760> two

00:17:43.909 --> 00:17:43.919 align:start position:0%

we've taken one step forward and two

00:17:43.919 --> 00:17:46.390 align:start position:0%

we've taken one step forward and two

steps<00:17:44.320> back<00:17:44.559> and<00:17:44.880> in<00:17:45.039> terms<00:17:45.520> of<00:17:45.919> you<00:17:46.000> know

00:17:46.390 --> 00:17:46.400 align:start position:0%

steps back and in terms of you know

00:17:46.400 --> 00:17:48.230 align:start position:0%

steps back and in terms of you know

social<00:17:46.799> change<00:17:47.440> and

00:17:48.230 --> 00:17:48.240 align:start position:0%

social change and

00:17:48.240 --> 00:17:50.150 align:start position:0%

social change and

women's<00:17:48.640> empowerment

00:17:50.150 --> 00:17:50.160 align:start position:0%

women's empowerment

00:17:50.160 --> 00:17:51.590 align:start position:0%

women's empowerment

and<00:17:50.400> given<00:17:50.720> that<00:17:50.880> the<00:17:50.960> majority<00:17:51.360> of<00:17:51.440> the

00:17:51.590 --> 00:17:51.600 align:start position:0%

and given that the majority of the

00:17:51.600 --> 00:17:53.110 align:start position:0%

and given that the majority of the

countries<00:17:52.080> in<00:17:52.160> the<00:17:52.240> region<00:17:52.559> have<00:17:52.799> a<00:17:52.880> high

00:17:53.110 --> 00:17:53.120 align:start position:0%

countries in the region have a high

00:17:53.120 --> 00:17:56.150 align:start position:0%

countries in the region have a high

population<00:17:53.760> of<00:17:53.919> people<00:17:54.240> under<00:17:54.480> the<00:17:54.640> age<00:17:54.880> of<00:17:55.039> 30

00:17:56.150 --> 00:17:56.160 align:start position:0%

population of people under the age of 30

00:17:56.160 --> 00:17:58.470 align:start position:0%

population of people under the age of 30

how<00:17:56.320> do<00:17:56.400> you<00:17:56.559> envision<00:17:57.039> the<00:17:57.120> region's<00:17:57.679> future

00:17:58.470 --> 00:17:58.480 align:start position:0%

how do you envision the region's future

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how do you envision the region's future

are<00:17:58.559> you<00:17:58.799> optimistic<00:17:59.440> that<00:17:59.600> the<00:17:59.679> next

00:17:59.909 --> 00:17:59.919 align:start position:0%

are you optimistic that the next

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are you optimistic that the next

generation<00:18:00.320> will<00:18:00.480> affect<00:18:00.720> the<00:18:00.880> necessary

00:18:01.430 --> 00:18:01.440 align:start position:0%

generation will affect the necessary

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generation will affect the necessary


00:18:05.350 --> 00:18:05.360 align:start position:0%

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by<00:18:05.679> nature<00:18:06.320> i'm<00:18:06.640> an<00:18:06.960> optimist

00:18:08.710 --> 00:18:08.720 align:start position:0%

by nature i'm an optimist

00:18:08.720 --> 00:18:09.669 align:start position:0%

by nature i'm an optimist


00:18:09.669 --> 00:18:09.679 align:start position:0%


00:18:09.679 --> 00:18:11.510 align:start position:0%


and<00:18:09.840> i<00:18:10.080> have

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and i have

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and i have

a<00:18:11.600> lot<00:18:11.919> of<00:18:12.160> faith

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a lot of faith

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a lot of faith

and<00:18:13.600> confidence

00:18:15.029 --> 00:18:15.039 align:start position:0%

and confidence

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and confidence

in<00:18:15.200> the<00:18:15.440> younger<00:18:15.919> generation<00:18:17.360> in<00:18:17.520> our<00:18:17.760> region

00:18:19.029 --> 00:18:19.039 align:start position:0%

in the younger generation in our region

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in the younger generation in our region

there<00:18:19.280> is<00:18:19.440> a<00:18:19.600> big<00:18:19.919> difference<00:18:20.559> i<00:18:20.799> think

00:18:21.110 --> 00:18:21.120 align:start position:0%

there is a big difference i think

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there is a big difference i think

between<00:18:21.679> this<00:18:22.000> generation<00:18:23.120> and<00:18:23.760> when<00:18:24.000> i<00:18:24.640> grew

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between this generation and when i grew

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between this generation and when i grew


00:18:26.310 --> 00:18:26.320 align:start position:0%


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the<00:18:26.480> majority<00:18:27.440> of<00:18:27.679> the<00:18:27.840> younger<00:18:28.320> generation

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the majority of the younger generation

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the majority of the younger generation

are<00:18:30.160> educated<00:18:31.120> these<00:18:31.440> days

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are educated these days

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are educated these days


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00:18:34.880 --> 00:18:35.990 align:start position:0%


they<00:18:35.200> are

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they are

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they are

connected<00:18:36.799> through<00:18:37.280> social<00:18:37.919> media<00:18:38.559> and<00:18:38.799> that

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connected through social media and that

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connected through social media and that

makes<00:18:39.679> a<00:18:40.000> big<00:18:40.400> difference<00:18:41.120> you<00:18:41.200> know<00:18:41.919> they<00:18:42.240> can

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makes a big difference you know they can

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makes a big difference you know they can

interact<00:18:43.679> with<00:18:43.919> each<00:18:44.160> other

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interact with each other

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interact with each other

and<00:18:45.280> they<00:18:45.679> can

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and they can

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and they can


00:18:47.190 --> 00:18:47.200 align:start position:0%


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each<00:18:48.480> other's<00:18:49.039> examples

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each other's examples

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each other's examples

to<00:18:51.760> introduce<00:18:52.640> change<00:18:53.200> how<00:18:53.520> to<00:18:53.840> resist

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to introduce change how to resist

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to introduce change how to resist


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governments<00:18:57.120> you<00:18:57.280> know<00:18:57.600> who<00:18:57.919> impose<00:18:58.480> on<00:18:58.720> them

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governments you know who impose on them

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governments you know who impose on them

how<00:18:59.280> to<00:18:59.520> push<00:18:59.840> for<00:19:00.240> equality

00:19:01.750 --> 00:19:01.760 align:start position:0%

how to push for equality

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how to push for equality

under<00:19:02.160> the<00:19:02.320> law<00:19:02.720> how<00:19:03.039> to

00:19:04.390 --> 00:19:04.400 align:start position:0%

under the law how to

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under the law how to

go<00:19:04.720> for<00:19:05.360> uh

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go for uh

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go for uh

leadership<00:19:06.960> position<00:19:07.760> managerial<00:19:08.960> positions

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leadership position managerial positions

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leadership position managerial positions

you<00:19:10.400> know<00:19:10.640> how<00:19:10.880> to<00:19:11.200> help<00:19:11.679> each<00:19:11.919> other<00:19:12.640> and<00:19:12.960> i'm

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you know how to help each other and i'm

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you know how to help each other and i'm

talking<00:19:13.760> about<00:19:14.400> basically<00:19:15.039> at<00:19:15.280> this<00:19:15.520> point

00:19:16.150 --> 00:19:16.160 align:start position:0%

talking about basically at this point

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talking about basically at this point

women<00:19:16.640> but<00:19:16.960> the<00:19:17.200> men<00:19:17.520> of<00:19:17.760> this<00:19:18.160> generation<00:19:19.440> are

00:19:19.750 --> 00:19:19.760 align:start position:0%

women but the men of this generation are

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women but the men of this generation are

equally<00:19:20.600> dedicated<00:19:22.000> to<00:19:22.320> bring<00:19:22.840> change<00:19:23.919> and<00:19:24.400> i

00:19:24.710 --> 00:19:24.720 align:start position:0%

equally dedicated to bring change and i

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equally dedicated to bring change and i

think<00:19:25.039> they<00:19:25.360> will

00:19:26.470 --> 00:19:26.480 align:start position:0%

think they will

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think they will

no<00:19:26.720> matter<00:19:27.280> how<00:19:27.679> autocratic<00:19:28.720> the<00:19:28.960> regimes<00:19:29.760> are

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no matter how autocratic the regimes are

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no matter how autocratic the regimes are

they<00:19:30.960> are<00:19:31.280> the<00:19:31.520> force<00:19:31.919> for<00:19:32.240> change<00:19:32.720> and<00:19:32.880> i

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they are the force for change and i

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they are the force for change and i

always<00:19:33.600> look<00:19:33.840> at<00:19:34.000> the<00:19:34.240> example<00:19:34.880> of<00:19:35.039> iran<00:19:36.000> women

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always look at the example of iran women

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always look at the example of iran women

have<00:19:36.960> stood<00:19:37.280> up<00:19:38.160> to<00:19:38.400> this<00:19:38.720> regime<00:19:39.360> for<00:19:39.600> the

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have stood up to this regime for the

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have stood up to this regime for the

last<00:19:40.240> 40<00:19:40.720> years<00:19:41.200> and<00:19:41.840> every<00:19:42.320> single<00:19:42.880> change

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last 40 years and every single change

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last 40 years and every single change

that<00:19:43.600> took<00:19:43.919> place<00:19:44.799> was<00:19:45.120> because<00:19:46.080> women<00:19:46.480> were

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that took place was because women were

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that took place was because women were

behind<00:19:47.440> it<00:19:47.679> for<00:19:47.919> example<00:19:48.880> raising<00:19:49.280> the<00:19:49.520> age<00:19:49.840> of

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behind it for example raising the age of

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behind it for example raising the age of

marriage<00:19:51.039> from<00:19:51.440> 9<00:19:52.080> to<00:19:52.720> 13<00:19:53.600> for<00:19:53.840> girls<00:19:54.480> it's

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marriage from 9 to 13 for girls it's

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marriage from 9 to 13 for girls it's

terrible<00:19:55.679> there<00:19:55.840> was<00:19:56.160> recently<00:19:57.200> a<00:19:57.360> u.n<00:19:57.840> report

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terrible there was recently a u.n report

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terrible there was recently a u.n report

which<00:19:59.200> uh

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which uh

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which uh

complained<00:20:01.200> or<00:20:01.520> blamed<00:20:01.919> it<00:20:02.159> on<00:20:02.720> for<00:20:02.960> having<00:20:03.600> a

00:20:04.470 --> 00:20:04.480 align:start position:0%

complained or blamed it on for having a

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complained or blamed it on for having a

substantial<00:20:05.360> number<00:20:06.080> of<00:20:06.480> early

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substantial number of early

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substantial number of early

uh<00:20:07.919> marriages<00:20:08.720> for<00:20:09.039> girl<00:20:09.520> between<00:20:09.919> the<00:20:10.080> age<00:20:10.400> of

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uh marriages for girl between the age of

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uh marriages for girl between the age of

10<00:20:10.880> and<00:20:11.120> 14<00:20:11.679> which<00:20:11.919> i<00:20:12.080> think<00:20:12.320> is<00:20:12.720> criminal

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10 and 14 which i think is criminal

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10 and 14 which i think is criminal


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so<00:20:16.559> i<00:20:17.039> am<00:20:17.360> very<00:20:17.760> optimistic<00:20:18.799> and<00:20:18.960> i<00:20:19.200> think<00:20:19.440> with

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so i am very optimistic and i think with

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so i am very optimistic and i think with

a<00:20:19.760> bit<00:20:20.000> of<00:20:20.320> patience<00:20:21.440> this

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a bit of patience this

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a bit of patience this

the<00:20:23.280> younger<00:20:23.760> generation<00:20:24.640> will<00:20:25.039> achieve

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the younger generation will achieve

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the younger generation will achieve


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my<00:20:27.360> generation<00:20:28.240> basically<00:20:29.280> was<00:20:29.520> not<00:20:29.760> able<00:20:30.640> to

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my generation basically was not able to

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my generation basically was not able to

achieve<00:20:31.760> but

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achieve but

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achieve but

the<00:20:33.120> this<00:20:33.520> is<00:20:33.679> not<00:20:33.919> homogeneous<00:20:34.880> you<00:20:35.039> know

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the this is not homogeneous you know

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the this is not homogeneous you know

that<00:20:35.919> we<00:20:36.159> have<00:20:36.559> wars<00:20:37.120> i<00:20:37.280> mean<00:20:37.600> and<00:20:37.919> if<00:20:38.080> you<00:20:38.320> are

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that we have wars i mean and if you are

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that we have wars i mean and if you are

in<00:20:38.799> a<00:20:38.880> state<00:20:39.360> of<00:20:39.600> war

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in a state of war

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in a state of war

your<00:20:41.280> uh<00:20:41.760> priorities<00:20:42.720> are<00:20:43.039> very<00:20:43.360> different

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your uh priorities are very different

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your uh priorities are very different

substantial<00:20:45.520> number<00:20:46.080> of<00:20:46.400> women<00:20:47.039> and<00:20:47.360> girls

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substantial number of women and girls

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substantial number of women and girls

are<00:20:48.240> part<00:20:48.559> of<00:20:48.799> the<00:20:48.960> refugee<00:20:49.840> communities<00:20:51.200> and

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are part of the refugee communities and

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are part of the refugee communities and

definitely<00:20:52.400> cannot<00:20:52.880> go<00:20:53.200> to<00:20:53.440> school<00:20:54.159> so<00:20:54.400> you

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definitely cannot go to school so you

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definitely cannot go to school so you


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um<00:20:56.080> when<00:20:56.320> i<00:20:56.559> say<00:20:56.880> i'm<00:20:57.360> an<00:20:57.679> optimist<00:20:58.559> and<00:20:58.720> i<00:20:58.960> hope

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um when i say i'm an optimist and i hope

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um when i say i'm an optimist and i hope

that<00:20:59.679> this

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that this

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that this

with<00:21:01.840> bring<00:21:02.240> change<00:21:03.039> i<00:21:03.280> mean<00:21:03.520> the<00:21:03.679> generation

00:21:04.630 --> 00:21:04.640 align:start position:0%

with bring change i mean the generation

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with bring change i mean the generation

who<00:21:04.880> is<00:21:05.120> now<00:21:05.520> in<00:21:05.840> stable<00:21:06.640> in<00:21:06.880> countries<00:21:07.440> with

00:21:07.830 --> 00:21:07.840 align:start position:0%

who is now in stable in countries with

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who is now in stable in countries with

stable<00:21:08.480> governments<00:21:09.679> there's<00:21:09.919> not<00:21:10.240> that<00:21:10.480> many

00:21:10.789 --> 00:21:10.799 align:start position:0%

stable governments there's not that many

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stable governments there's not that many

of<00:21:10.880> those<00:21:11.280> unfortunately

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of those unfortunately

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of those unfortunately

so<00:21:14.559> um<00:21:14.960> so<00:21:16.240> going<00:21:16.559> along<00:21:16.799> the<00:21:16.960> same<00:21:17.200> lines<00:21:17.600> then

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so um so going along the same lines then

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so um so going along the same lines then

uh<00:21:18.159> what<00:21:18.480> role<00:21:18.720> do<00:21:18.880> you<00:21:18.960> think<00:21:19.120> the<00:21:19.280> iranian

00:21:19.750 --> 00:21:19.760 align:start position:0%

uh what role do you think the iranian

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uh what role do you think the iranian

government<00:21:20.320> or<00:21:20.480> the<00:21:20.720> i'm<00:21:20.880> sorry<00:21:21.120> the<00:21:21.280> new

00:21:21.590 --> 00:21:21.600 align:start position:0%

government or the i'm sorry the new

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government or the i'm sorry the new

iranian<00:21:22.080> government<00:21:22.880> um<00:21:23.200> can<00:21:23.360> play<00:21:23.679> in

00:21:23.750 --> 00:21:23.760 align:start position:0%

iranian government um can play in

00:21:23.760 --> 00:21:25.270 align:start position:0%

iranian government um can play in


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empowerment<00:21:26.159> or<00:21:26.559> even<00:21:26.880> just

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rights<00:21:30.159> um<00:21:30.559> do<00:21:30.720> you<00:21:30.880> expect<00:21:31.280> more<00:21:31.440> of<00:21:31.520> the<00:21:31.679> same

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rights um do you expect more of the same

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rights um do you expect more of the same

or<00:21:32.559> do<00:21:32.720> you<00:21:33.280> envision<00:21:33.840> any<00:21:34.240> new<00:21:34.400> reforms

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or do you envision any new reforms

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or do you envision any new reforms


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you<00:21:38.480> know<00:21:38.799> mr<00:21:39.280> raj<00:21:40.080> is<00:21:40.240> a<00:21:40.400> very<00:21:41.200> conservative

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you know mr raj is a very conservative

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you know mr raj is a very conservative

person<00:21:42.799> and<00:21:43.039> he<00:21:43.200> carries<00:21:43.679> a<00:21:43.760> lot<00:21:44.000> of<00:21:44.320> packages

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person and he carries a lot of packages

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person and he carries a lot of packages

you<00:21:45.600> know

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you know

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you know

human<00:21:47.520> rights<00:21:47.919> violations<00:21:48.799> and<00:21:48.960> so<00:21:49.200> on<00:21:49.840> he

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human rights violations and so on he

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human rights violations and so on he

introduced<00:21:50.799> this<00:21:51.039> cabinet<00:21:51.679> there<00:21:51.919> was<00:21:52.159> not<00:21:52.400> a

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introduced this cabinet there was not a

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introduced this cabinet there was not a

single<00:21:53.120> woman<00:21:53.760> in<00:21:54.000> that<00:21:54.320> cabinet<00:21:55.120> actually<00:21:55.679> in

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single woman in that cabinet actually in

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single woman in that cabinet actually in

the<00:21:56.000> last<00:21:56.400> 40<00:21:56.880> years<00:21:57.679> the<00:21:57.919> only<00:21:58.559> president

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the last 40 years the only president

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the last 40 years the only president

only<00:21:59.760> enough<00:22:00.240> who<00:22:00.480> dared<00:22:00.960> to

00:22:01.750 --> 00:22:01.760 align:start position:0%

only enough who dared to

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only enough who dared to

nominate<00:22:02.880> a<00:22:03.039> woman<00:22:03.440> to<00:22:03.679> his<00:22:04.000> cabinet<00:22:04.640> and

00:22:04.870 --> 00:22:04.880 align:start position:0%

nominate a woman to his cabinet and

00:22:04.880 --> 00:22:06.470 align:start position:0%

nominate a woman to his cabinet and


00:22:06.470 --> 00:22:06.480 align:start position:0%


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ratified<00:22:07.200> the<00:22:07.360> nomination<00:22:08.240> was<00:22:08.559> president

00:22:09.110 --> 00:22:09.120 align:start position:0%

ratified the nomination was president

00:22:09.120 --> 00:22:10.710 align:start position:0%

ratified the nomination was president


00:22:10.710 --> 00:22:10.720 align:start position:0%


00:22:10.720 --> 00:22:12.470 align:start position:0%


who<00:22:10.960> appointed

00:22:12.470 --> 00:22:12.480 align:start position:0%

who appointed

00:22:12.480 --> 00:22:13.350 align:start position:0%

who appointed


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woman<00:22:13.919> the<00:22:14.159> former<00:22:14.720> woman<00:22:15.280> mp

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woman the former woman mp

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woman the former woman mp


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doctor<00:22:17.760> as<00:22:18.159> her<00:22:18.400> as<00:22:18.720> his<00:22:19.039> minister<00:22:19.600> of<00:22:19.840> health

00:22:20.950 --> 00:22:20.960 align:start position:0%

doctor as her as his minister of health

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doctor as her as his minister of health

and<00:22:21.200> eventually<00:22:21.919> he<00:22:22.159> fired<00:22:22.720> her<00:22:22.960> because<00:22:23.360> she

00:22:23.510 --> 00:22:23.520 align:start position:0%

and eventually he fired her because she

00:22:23.520 --> 00:22:26.710 align:start position:0%

and eventually he fired her because she

didn't<00:22:23.840> go<00:22:24.000> along<00:22:24.400> with<00:22:24.640> his<00:22:24.960> policies<00:22:25.760> so

00:22:26.710 --> 00:22:26.720 align:start position:0%

didn't go along with his policies so

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didn't go along with his policies so

so<00:22:26.960> far<00:22:27.280> we<00:22:27.600> have<00:22:27.919> not<00:22:28.159> had<00:22:28.640> any<00:22:28.960> woman<00:22:29.360> in<00:22:29.440> the

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so far we have not had any woman in the

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so far we have not had any woman in the

cabinet<00:22:30.320> and<00:22:30.559> um

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cabinet and um

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cabinet and um

mr<00:22:31.919> ricey<00:22:32.559> i<00:22:32.720> think<00:22:33.039> is<00:22:33.200> following<00:22:33.840> the

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mr ricey i think is following the

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mr ricey i think is following the

example<00:22:34.640> of<00:22:34.880> his<00:22:35.120> predecessor<00:22:36.400> but<00:22:36.640> his

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example of his predecessor but his

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example of his predecessor but his

predecessors<00:22:38.080> all

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predecessors all

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predecessors all

appointed<00:22:39.840> either<00:22:40.480> three<00:22:40.960> or<00:22:41.200> sometimes<00:22:42.000> four

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appointed either three or sometimes four

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appointed either three or sometimes four

or<00:22:42.720> two<00:22:43.440> women<00:22:43.919> vice<00:22:44.320> president<00:22:45.200> with<00:22:45.679> vice

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or two women vice president with vice

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or two women vice president with vice

presidents<00:22:46.799> in<00:22:46.960> iran<00:22:47.840> their<00:22:48.159> appointment<00:22:48.960> is

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presidents in iran their appointment is

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presidents in iran their appointment is

the<00:22:49.360> prerogative<00:22:50.320> of<00:22:50.559> the<00:22:50.960> president<00:22:51.600> so<00:22:51.760> it

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the prerogative of the president so it

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the prerogative of the president so it

doesn't<00:22:52.240> have<00:22:52.400> to<00:22:52.559> be<00:22:52.720> ratified<00:22:53.360> by<00:22:53.679> porn

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doesn't have to be ratified by porn

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doesn't have to be ratified by porn

so<00:22:54.960> far<00:22:55.280> he<00:22:55.440> has<00:22:55.840> as<00:22:56.080> far<00:22:56.320> as<00:22:56.480> i<00:22:56.640> know

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so far he has as far as i know

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so far he has as far as i know

he<00:22:57.840> hasn't<00:22:58.320> appointed<00:22:59.039> a<00:22:59.280> single<00:22:59.919> woman

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he hasn't appointed a single woman

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he hasn't appointed a single woman

as<00:23:02.000> his<00:23:02.559> vice<00:23:02.960> president<00:23:03.679> i'm<00:23:04.000> curious<00:23:04.640> to<00:23:04.880> see

00:23:05.510 --> 00:23:05.520 align:start position:0%

as his vice president i'm curious to see

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as his vice president i'm curious to see

what<00:23:05.760> he<00:23:06.000> is<00:23:06.159> going<00:23:06.480> to<00:23:06.640> do<00:23:06.960> with<00:23:07.200> the<00:23:07.440> position

00:23:08.630 --> 00:23:08.640 align:start position:0%

what he is going to do with the position

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what he is going to do with the position

of<00:23:09.039> vice

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of vice

00:23:10.159 --> 00:23:11.430 align:start position:0%

of vice


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for<00:23:11.840> women<00:23:12.480> and<00:23:12.880> children's<00:23:13.679> affairs<00:23:14.480> in<00:23:14.640> iran

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for women and children's affairs in iran

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for women and children's affairs in iran

which<00:23:15.679> you<00:23:15.840> know<00:23:16.080> we<00:23:16.240> just<00:23:16.559> have<00:23:16.720> to<00:23:16.960> wait<00:23:17.280> and

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which you know we just have to wait and

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which you know we just have to wait and


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i<00:23:18.480> think<00:23:18.960> the

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i think the

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i think the

the<00:23:20.880> first<00:23:21.440> probably<00:23:22.159> six<00:23:22.559> to<00:23:22.799> eight<00:23:23.200> months

00:23:24.470 --> 00:23:24.480 align:start position:0%

the first probably six to eight months

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the first probably six to eight months

he<00:23:24.720> will<00:23:24.960> not<00:23:25.600> uh

00:23:26.630 --> 00:23:26.640 align:start position:0%

he will not uh

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he will not uh

deal<00:23:27.440> with<00:23:27.760> women's<00:23:28.320> issues<00:23:28.880> because<00:23:29.200> he<00:23:29.440> has

00:23:29.750 --> 00:23:29.760 align:start position:0%

deal with women's issues because he has

00:23:29.760 --> 00:23:31.430 align:start position:0%

deal with women's issues because he has

other<00:23:30.159> problems

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other problems

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other problems

like<00:23:31.840> the<00:23:32.000> economic<00:23:32.640> situation<00:23:33.360> the<00:23:33.760> actions

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but<00:23:37.600> after<00:23:38.159> that

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but after that

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but after that

i<00:23:39.600> mean<00:23:40.000> we<00:23:40.159> shall<00:23:40.559> see<00:23:41.120> what<00:23:41.440> it<00:23:41.760> will<00:23:42.159> look

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i mean we shall see what it will look

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i mean we shall see what it will look

like<00:23:42.960> but<00:23:43.200> the<00:23:43.360> women<00:23:43.840> are<00:23:44.000> not<00:23:44.240> going<00:23:44.559> to<00:23:44.799> give

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like but the women are not going to give

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like but the women are not going to give

up<00:23:45.279> already<00:23:46.240> the<00:23:46.400> women<00:23:46.960> activists<00:23:47.679> have

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up already the women activists have

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up already the women activists have

written<00:23:49.600> about<00:23:49.919> him<00:23:50.240> i've<00:23:50.400> written<00:23:50.799> about

00:23:51.110 --> 00:23:51.120 align:start position:0%

written about him i've written about

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written about him i've written about

their<00:23:51.360> condition<00:23:52.000> in<00:23:52.159> jail<00:23:52.559> i've<00:23:53.120> written

00:23:53.510 --> 00:23:53.520 align:start position:0%

their condition in jail i've written

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their condition in jail i've written

about<00:23:53.919> violation<00:23:54.720> against<00:23:55.279> women<00:23:56.000> so<00:23:56.640> the<00:23:57.120> the

00:23:57.590 --> 00:23:57.600 align:start position:0%

about violation against women so the the

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about violation against women so the the

women<00:23:58.080> activists<00:23:58.799> will<00:23:59.200> continue

00:24:00.390 --> 00:24:00.400 align:start position:0%

women activists will continue

00:24:00.400 --> 00:24:03.909 align:start position:0%

women activists will continue

bringing<00:24:00.960> pressure<00:24:01.360> on<00:24:01.600> him<00:24:02.080> but<00:24:02.320> we<00:24:02.559> will<00:24:02.880> see

00:24:03.909 --> 00:24:03.919 align:start position:0%

bringing pressure on him but we will see

00:24:03.919 --> 00:24:07.190 align:start position:0%

bringing pressure on him but we will see

what<00:24:04.240> he<00:24:04.400> will<00:24:04.640> do<00:24:05.120> is<00:24:05.279> it<00:24:05.840> don't<00:24:06.000> you<00:24:06.240> think

00:24:07.190 --> 00:24:07.200 align:start position:0%

what he will do is it don't you think

00:24:07.200 --> 00:24:09.269 align:start position:0%

what he will do is it don't you think

i<00:24:07.440> i<00:24:07.679> feel<00:24:07.919> for<00:24:08.080> the<00:24:08.159> women<00:24:08.559> activists<00:24:09.120> in

00:24:09.269 --> 00:24:09.279 align:start position:0%

i i feel for the women activists in

00:24:09.279 --> 00:24:10.470 align:start position:0%

i i feel for the women activists in


00:24:10.470 --> 00:24:10.480 align:start position:0%


00:24:10.480 --> 00:24:12.789 align:start position:0%


because<00:24:11.360> they<00:24:11.600> see<00:24:11.840> that<00:24:12.000> their<00:24:12.240> colleagues

00:24:12.789 --> 00:24:12.799 align:start position:0%

because they see that their colleagues

00:24:12.799 --> 00:24:14.630 align:start position:0%

because they see that their colleagues

have<00:24:12.880> been<00:24:13.120> imprisoned<00:24:13.760> is<00:24:13.919> there<00:24:14.080> a<00:24:14.320> fear

00:24:14.630 --> 00:24:14.640 align:start position:0%

have been imprisoned is there a fear

00:24:14.640 --> 00:24:17.750 align:start position:0%

have been imprisoned is there a fear

that<00:24:14.880> you<00:24:15.279> shouldn't<00:24:15.919> step<00:24:16.640> too<00:24:17.120> far<00:24:17.440> over<00:24:17.679> the

00:24:17.750 --> 00:24:17.760 align:start position:0%

that you shouldn't step too far over the

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that you shouldn't step too far over the

red<00:24:18.000> line<00:24:18.320> so<00:24:18.480> to<00:24:18.640> speak

00:24:19.669 --> 00:24:19.679 align:start position:0%

red line so to speak

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red line so to speak

um<00:24:20.080> are<00:24:20.240> they

00:24:21.269 --> 00:24:21.279 align:start position:0%

um are they

00:24:21.279 --> 00:24:23.990 align:start position:0%

um are they

being<00:24:22.000> critical<00:24:22.480> or<00:24:22.720> are<00:24:22.799> they<00:24:22.960> just<00:24:23.679> being

00:24:23.990 --> 00:24:24.000 align:start position:0%

being critical or are they just being

00:24:24.000 --> 00:24:27.350 align:start position:0%

being critical or are they just being

critical<00:24:24.559> enough<00:24:25.039> if<00:24:25.200> that<00:24:25.360> makes<00:24:25.679> any<00:24:25.919> sense

00:24:27.350 --> 00:24:27.360 align:start position:0%

critical enough if that makes any sense

00:24:27.360 --> 00:24:30.310 align:start position:0%

critical enough if that makes any sense

actually<00:24:28.000> many<00:24:28.480> these<00:24:28.880> iranian<00:24:29.679> women

00:24:30.310 --> 00:24:30.320 align:start position:0%

actually many these iranian women

00:24:30.320 --> 00:24:31.830 align:start position:0%

actually many these iranian women


00:24:31.830 --> 00:24:31.840 align:start position:0%


00:24:31.840 --> 00:24:33.269 align:start position:0%



00:24:33.269 --> 00:24:33.279 align:start position:0%


00:24:33.279 --> 00:24:37.430 align:start position:0%


i<00:24:33.520> i<00:24:33.919> really<00:24:34.640> am<00:24:35.039> i'm<00:24:35.360> just<00:24:36.000> in<00:24:36.480> awe

00:24:37.430 --> 00:24:37.440 align:start position:0%

i i really am i'm just in awe

00:24:37.440 --> 00:24:38.470 align:start position:0%

i i really am i'm just in awe


00:24:38.470 --> 00:24:38.480 align:start position:0%


00:24:38.480 --> 00:24:39.990 align:start position:0%


their<00:24:38.880> courage

00:24:39.990 --> 00:24:40.000 align:start position:0%

their courage

00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:43.669 align:start position:0%

their courage

their<00:24:40.320> bravery<00:24:41.520> and<00:24:41.679> i<00:24:41.919> don't<00:24:42.240> think<00:24:42.720> that<00:24:43.520> the

00:24:43.669 --> 00:24:43.679 align:start position:0%

their bravery and i don't think that the

00:24:43.679 --> 00:24:46.789 align:start position:0%

their bravery and i don't think that the

current<00:24:44.159> president<00:24:44.960> i<00:24:45.279> see<00:24:45.600> would<00:24:46.000> intimidate

00:24:46.789 --> 00:24:46.799 align:start position:0%

current president i see would intimidate

00:24:46.799 --> 00:24:47.830 align:start position:0%

current president i see would intimidate


00:24:47.830 --> 00:24:47.840 align:start position:0%


00:24:47.840 --> 00:24:50.390 align:start position:0%


i<00:24:47.919> mean<00:24:48.080> they<00:24:48.320> haven't<00:24:48.640> been<00:24:48.960> intimidated<00:24:50.080> by

00:24:50.390 --> 00:24:50.400 align:start position:0%

i mean they haven't been intimidated by

00:24:50.400 --> 00:24:52.149 align:start position:0%

i mean they haven't been intimidated by

being<00:24:50.799> arrested

00:24:52.149 --> 00:24:52.159 align:start position:0%

being arrested

00:24:52.159 --> 00:24:55.510 align:start position:0%

being arrested

by<00:24:52.480> sent<00:24:52.799> to<00:24:53.120> prison<00:24:53.760> sentenced<00:24:54.320> to<00:24:54.559> 15<00:24:55.039> years

00:24:55.510 --> 00:24:55.520 align:start position:0%

by sent to prison sentenced to 15 years

00:24:55.520 --> 00:24:58.390 align:start position:0%

by sent to prison sentenced to 15 years

10<00:24:55.760> years<00:24:56.159> 30<00:24:56.559> years<00:24:57.039> i<00:24:57.120> mean<00:24:57.440> all<00:24:57.679> you<00:24:57.919> name<00:24:58.240> if

00:24:58.390 --> 00:24:58.400 align:start position:0%

10 years 30 years i mean all you name if

00:24:58.400 --> 00:25:01.510 align:start position:0%

10 years 30 years i mean all you name if

they<00:24:58.640> have<00:24:58.960> been<00:24:59.600> sentenced<00:25:00.320> to<00:25:00.720> they<00:25:00.880> are<00:25:01.120> not

00:25:01.510 --> 00:25:01.520 align:start position:0%

they have been sentenced to they are not

00:25:01.520 --> 00:25:04.070 align:start position:0%

they have been sentenced to they are not

i<00:25:01.679> think<00:25:01.919> they<00:25:02.080> have<00:25:02.480> dedicated<00:25:03.440> their<00:25:03.760> lives

00:25:04.070 --> 00:25:04.080 align:start position:0%

i think they have dedicated their lives

00:25:04.080 --> 00:25:05.510 align:start position:0%

i think they have dedicated their lives

to<00:25:04.320> the<00:25:04.480> cause

00:25:05.510 --> 00:25:05.520 align:start position:0%

to the cause

00:25:05.520 --> 00:25:07.830 align:start position:0%

to the cause

and<00:25:06.000> whether<00:25:06.400> they<00:25:06.640> are

00:25:07.830 --> 00:25:07.840 align:start position:0%

and whether they are

00:25:07.840 --> 00:25:10.950 align:start position:0%

and whether they are

injured<00:25:08.640> or<00:25:09.039> outside<00:25:09.840> the<00:25:10.080> jail<00:25:10.640> they

00:25:10.950 --> 00:25:10.960 align:start position:0%

injured or outside the jail they

00:25:10.960 --> 00:25:15.510 align:start position:0%

injured or outside the jail they

continue<00:25:11.840> this<00:25:12.320> pattern

00:25:15.510 --> 00:25:15.520 align:start position:0%

00:25:15.520 --> 00:25:18.070 align:start position:0%

well<00:25:15.679> that's<00:25:15.919> good<00:25:16.080> to<00:25:16.240> hear<00:25:16.720> um<00:25:17.440> we<00:25:17.600> need<00:25:17.840> more

00:25:18.070 --> 00:25:18.080 align:start position:0%

well that's good to hear um we need more

00:25:18.080 --> 00:25:20.630 align:start position:0%

well that's good to hear um we need more

we<00:25:18.240> need<00:25:18.480> fearless<00:25:18.960> women<00:25:19.360> we<00:25:19.520> need<00:25:20.159> you<00:25:20.320> know

00:25:20.630 --> 00:25:20.640 align:start position:0%

we need fearless women we need you know

00:25:20.640 --> 00:25:23.269 align:start position:0%

we need fearless women we need you know

semi-fearless<00:25:21.600> women<00:25:22.080> as<00:25:22.320> long<00:25:22.559> as<00:25:22.720> we<00:25:22.880> speak

00:25:23.269 --> 00:25:23.279 align:start position:0%

semi-fearless women as long as we speak

00:25:23.279 --> 00:25:24.710 align:start position:0%

semi-fearless women as long as we speak

up<00:25:23.520> i<00:25:23.679> think

00:25:24.710 --> 00:25:24.720 align:start position:0%

up i think

00:25:24.720 --> 00:25:26.710 align:start position:0%

up i think

i<00:25:24.960> i<00:25:25.120> think<00:25:25.360> we<00:25:25.520> can<00:25:25.600> be<00:25:25.760> a<00:25:25.919> force<00:25:26.159> of<00:25:26.400> change

00:25:26.710 --> 00:25:26.720 align:start position:0%

i i think we can be a force of change

00:25:26.720 --> 00:25:29.029 align:start position:0%

i i think we can be a force of change

for<00:25:26.960> sure<00:25:27.919> well<00:25:28.240> um

00:25:29.029 --> 00:25:29.039 align:start position:0%

for sure well um

00:25:29.039 --> 00:25:30.789 align:start position:0%

for sure well um

i<00:25:29.279> think<00:25:29.520> i<00:25:29.600> would<00:25:29.760> be<00:25:29.919> remiss<00:25:30.400> if<00:25:30.480> i<00:25:30.640> didn't

00:25:30.789 --> 00:25:30.799 align:start position:0%

i think i would be remiss if i didn't

00:25:30.799 --> 00:25:33.350 align:start position:0%

i think i would be remiss if i didn't

ask<00:25:31.039> you<00:25:31.120> about<00:25:31.360> afghanistan<00:25:32.559> um<00:25:33.120> and<00:25:33.200> the

00:25:33.350 --> 00:25:33.360 align:start position:0%

ask you about afghanistan um and the

00:25:33.360 --> 00:25:35.029 align:start position:0%

ask you about afghanistan um and the

growing<00:25:33.760> fear<00:25:34.000> that<00:25:34.159> the<00:25:34.400> taliban<00:25:34.880> will

00:25:35.029 --> 00:25:35.039 align:start position:0%

growing fear that the taliban will

00:25:35.039 --> 00:25:38.310 align:start position:0%

growing fear that the taliban will

recali<00:25:35.840> retaliate<00:25:37.120> against<00:25:37.520> the<00:25:37.600> women<00:25:38.000> and

00:25:38.310 --> 00:25:38.320 align:start position:0%

recali retaliate against the women and

00:25:38.320 --> 00:25:40.470 align:start position:0%

recali retaliate against the women and

girls<00:25:39.039> there

00:25:40.470 --> 00:25:40.480 align:start position:0%

girls there

00:25:40.480 --> 00:25:42.470 align:start position:0%

girls there

and<00:25:40.640> my<00:25:40.799> concern<00:25:41.279> is<00:25:41.440> that<00:25:41.520> the<00:25:41.679> strides<00:25:42.240> that

00:25:42.470 --> 00:25:42.480 align:start position:0%

and my concern is that the strides that

00:25:42.480 --> 00:25:44.310 align:start position:0%

and my concern is that the strides that

they<00:25:42.640> have<00:25:42.880> made<00:25:43.200> in<00:25:43.279> the<00:25:43.360> past<00:25:43.679> 20<00:25:43.919> years<00:25:44.159> have

00:25:44.310 --> 00:25:44.320 align:start position:0%

they have made in the past 20 years have

00:25:44.320 --> 00:25:46.310 align:start position:0%

they have made in the past 20 years have

come<00:25:44.640> to<00:25:44.799> an<00:25:45.039> end

00:25:46.310 --> 00:25:46.320 align:start position:0%

come to an end

00:25:46.320 --> 00:25:48.390 align:start position:0%

come to an end

uh<00:25:46.799> what<00:25:47.039> do<00:25:47.200> you<00:25:47.360> think<00:25:47.600> will<00:25:47.760> happen<00:25:48.159> to

00:25:48.390 --> 00:25:48.400 align:start position:0%

uh what do you think will happen to

00:25:48.400 --> 00:25:50.230 align:start position:0%

uh what do you think will happen to

afghani<00:25:48.880> women<00:25:49.200> and<00:25:49.279> girls<00:25:49.600> given<00:25:49.919> that<00:25:50.080> the

00:25:50.230 --> 00:25:50.240 align:start position:0%

afghani women and girls given that the

00:25:50.240 --> 00:25:52.950 align:start position:0%

afghani women and girls given that the

taliban<00:25:50.799> are<00:25:50.960> saying<00:25:51.360> oh<00:25:51.840> we're<00:25:52.000> a<00:25:52.159> brand<00:25:52.640> new

00:25:52.950 --> 00:25:52.960 align:start position:0%

taliban are saying oh we're a brand new

00:25:52.960 --> 00:25:56.870 align:start position:0%

taliban are saying oh we're a brand new

taliban<00:25:53.760> we're<00:25:54.000> more<00:25:54.480> um

00:25:56.870 --> 00:25:56.880 align:start position:0%

taliban we're more um

00:25:56.880 --> 00:25:59.029 align:start position:0%

taliban we're more um

we're<00:25:57.039> more<00:25:57.360> open<00:25:57.760> to<00:25:58.000> things<00:25:58.480> but<00:25:58.720> what<00:25:58.880> are

00:25:59.029 --> 00:25:59.039 align:start position:0%

we're more open to things but what are

00:25:59.039 --> 00:26:02.310 align:start position:0%

we're more open to things but what are

those<00:25:59.360> things<00:25:59.679> i'm<00:25:59.840> not<00:26:00.080> quite<00:26:00.400> sure<00:26:00.640> yet

00:26:02.310 --> 00:26:02.320 align:start position:0%

those things i'm not quite sure yet

00:26:02.320 --> 00:26:04.230 align:start position:0%

those things i'm not quite sure yet

i<00:26:02.480> mean

00:26:04.230 --> 00:26:04.240 align:start position:0%

i mean

00:26:04.240 --> 00:26:06.630 align:start position:0%

i mean

personally<00:26:05.120> i'm<00:26:05.360> very<00:26:05.679> worried<00:26:06.159> for<00:26:06.400> the

00:26:06.630 --> 00:26:06.640 align:start position:0%

personally i'm very worried for the

00:26:06.640 --> 00:26:09.190 align:start position:0%

personally i'm very worried for the

future<00:26:07.279> of<00:26:07.760> afghani

00:26:09.190 --> 00:26:09.200 align:start position:0%

future of afghani

00:26:09.200 --> 00:26:12.630 align:start position:0%

future of afghani

women<00:26:10.240> you<00:26:10.400> know<00:26:10.799> and<00:26:11.360> i<00:26:11.600> think

00:26:12.630 --> 00:26:12.640 align:start position:0%

women you know and i think

00:26:12.640 --> 00:26:14.870 align:start position:0%

women you know and i think

the<00:26:13.360> taliban

00:26:14.870 --> 00:26:14.880 align:start position:0%

the taliban

00:26:14.880 --> 00:26:17.510 align:start position:0%

the taliban

showed<00:26:15.200> their<00:26:15.520> true<00:26:15.919> nature

00:26:17.510 --> 00:26:17.520 align:start position:0%

showed their true nature

00:26:17.520 --> 00:26:18.190 align:start position:0%

showed their true nature


00:26:18.190 --> 00:26:18.200 align:start position:0%


00:26:18.200 --> 00:26:20.070 align:start position:0%


1996<00:26:19.279> to

00:26:20.070 --> 00:26:20.080 align:start position:0%

1996 to

00:26:20.080 --> 00:26:21.269 align:start position:0%

1996 to


00:26:21.269 --> 00:26:21.279 align:start position:0%


00:26:21.279 --> 00:26:24.390 align:start position:0%


for<00:26:21.600> us<00:26:21.840> who<00:26:22.080> followed<00:26:22.720> closely<00:26:23.440> than<00:26:23.760> the

00:26:24.390 --> 00:26:24.400 align:start position:0%

for us who followed closely than the

00:26:24.400 --> 00:26:27.909 align:start position:0%

for us who followed closely than the

plight<00:26:24.960> of<00:26:25.200> women<00:26:25.600> in<00:26:25.760> afghanistan<00:26:27.200> we

00:26:27.909 --> 00:26:27.919 align:start position:0%

plight of women in afghanistan we

00:26:27.919 --> 00:26:29.110 align:start position:0%

plight of women in afghanistan we


00:26:29.110 --> 00:26:29.120 align:start position:0%


00:26:29.120 --> 00:26:33.110 align:start position:0%


women<00:26:29.760> taken<00:26:30.240> to<00:26:30.400> the<00:26:31.039> stadium<00:26:31.919> and<00:26:32.240> being

00:26:33.110 --> 00:26:33.120 align:start position:0%

women taken to the stadium and being

00:26:33.120 --> 00:26:34.870 align:start position:0%

women taken to the stadium and being

flashed<00:26:33.840> flogged

00:26:34.870 --> 00:26:34.880 align:start position:0%

flashed flogged

00:26:34.880 --> 00:26:36.630 align:start position:0%

flashed flogged

you<00:26:35.039> know<00:26:35.279> we<00:26:35.440> remember

00:26:36.630 --> 00:26:36.640 align:start position:0%

you know we remember

00:26:36.640 --> 00:26:39.990 align:start position:0%

you know we remember

we<00:26:37.200> women<00:26:37.679> being<00:26:38.080> reduced<00:26:38.640> to<00:26:38.960> poverty

00:26:39.990 --> 00:26:40.000 align:start position:0%

we women being reduced to poverty

00:26:40.000 --> 00:26:42.710 align:start position:0%

we women being reduced to poverty

sitting<00:26:40.559> in<00:26:40.640> the<00:26:40.880> street<00:26:41.440> corner<00:26:42.080> under<00:26:42.400> their

00:26:42.710 --> 00:26:42.720 align:start position:0%

sitting in the street corner under their

00:26:42.720 --> 00:26:44.710 align:start position:0%

sitting in the street corner under their

burner<00:26:43.200> up<00:26:43.679> digging

00:26:44.710 --> 00:26:44.720 align:start position:0%

burner up digging

00:26:44.720 --> 00:26:47.190 align:start position:0%

burner up digging

we<00:26:44.960> remember

00:26:47.190 --> 00:26:47.200 align:start position:0%

we remember

00:26:47.200 --> 00:26:49.909 align:start position:0%

we remember

young<00:26:47.440> girls<00:26:48.000> being<00:26:48.400> barred<00:26:48.880> from<00:26:49.279> schooling

00:26:49.909 --> 00:26:49.919 align:start position:0%

young girls being barred from schooling

00:26:49.919 --> 00:26:53.190 align:start position:0%

young girls being barred from schooling

so<00:26:50.080> no<00:26:50.320> matter<00:26:50.799> what<00:26:51.039> the<00:26:51.279> taliban<00:26:52.000> say<00:26:52.320> today

00:26:53.190 --> 00:26:53.200 align:start position:0%

so no matter what the taliban say today

00:26:53.200 --> 00:26:55.830 align:start position:0%

so no matter what the taliban say today

they<00:26:53.440> have<00:26:53.679> to<00:26:53.919> prove<00:26:54.320> it<00:26:54.559> and<00:26:54.720> look<00:26:55.120> already

00:26:55.830 --> 00:26:55.840 align:start position:0%

they have to prove it and look already

00:26:55.840 --> 00:26:57.990 align:start position:0%

they have to prove it and look already

yesterday<00:26:56.799> yesterday

00:26:57.990 --> 00:26:58.000 align:start position:0%

yesterday yesterday

00:26:58.000 --> 00:27:00.230 align:start position:0%

yesterday yesterday

they<00:26:58.240> announced<00:26:58.799> that<00:26:59.120> women<00:26:59.520> should<00:26:59.840> not

00:27:00.230 --> 00:27:00.240 align:start position:0%

they announced that women should not

00:27:00.240 --> 00:27:01.990 align:start position:0%

they announced that women should not

report<00:27:00.799> to<00:27:01.120> work

00:27:01.990 --> 00:27:02.000 align:start position:0%

report to work

00:27:02.000 --> 00:27:05.269 align:start position:0%

report to work

because<00:27:02.960> they<00:27:03.200> are<00:27:03.360> saying<00:27:03.840> it<00:27:04.159> for<00:27:04.400> their<00:27:05.120> for

00:27:05.269 --> 00:27:05.279 align:start position:0%

because they are saying it for their for

00:27:05.279 --> 00:27:08.630 align:start position:0%

because they are saying it for their for

the<00:27:06.000> their<00:27:06.320> own<00:27:06.640> safety<00:27:07.120> the<00:27:07.360> women's<00:27:07.840> safety

00:27:08.630 --> 00:27:08.640 align:start position:0%

the their own safety the women's safety

00:27:08.640 --> 00:27:10.789 align:start position:0%

the their own safety the women's safety

and<00:27:08.799> the<00:27:09.120> excuse<00:27:09.760> was<00:27:10.000> that

00:27:10.789 --> 00:27:10.799 align:start position:0%

and the excuse was that

00:27:10.799 --> 00:27:13.830 align:start position:0%

and the excuse was that

some<00:27:11.120> of<00:27:11.279> the<00:27:11.600> talents<00:27:12.400> who<00:27:12.559> are<00:27:12.880> around<00:27:13.440> town

00:27:13.830 --> 00:27:13.840 align:start position:0%

some of the talents who are around town

00:27:13.840 --> 00:27:15.990 align:start position:0%

some of the talents who are around town

and<00:27:14.080> walking<00:27:14.559> with<00:27:14.799> the<00:27:14.960> girl<00:27:15.520> they<00:27:15.760> don't

00:27:15.990 --> 00:27:16.000 align:start position:0%

and walking with the girl they don't

00:27:16.000 --> 00:27:17.990 align:start position:0%

and walking with the girl they don't

know<00:27:16.320> anything<00:27:17.039> about

00:27:17.990 --> 00:27:18.000 align:start position:0%

know anything about

00:27:18.000 --> 00:27:20.389 align:start position:0%

know anything about

you<00:27:18.159> know<00:27:18.559> women's<00:27:19.200> rights<00:27:19.679> and<00:27:19.919> women

00:27:20.389 --> 00:27:20.399 align:start position:0%

you know women's rights and women

00:27:20.399 --> 00:27:23.029 align:start position:0%

you know women's rights and women

working<00:27:21.279> and<00:27:21.440> so<00:27:21.679> they<00:27:22.080> might<00:27:22.480> commit

00:27:23.029 --> 00:27:23.039 align:start position:0%

working and so they might commit

00:27:23.039 --> 00:27:25.510 align:start position:0%

working and so they might commit

violence<00:27:23.760> against<00:27:24.320> these<00:27:24.640> women<00:27:25.279> so

00:27:25.510 --> 00:27:25.520 align:start position:0%

violence against these women so

00:27:25.520 --> 00:27:27.990 align:start position:0%

violence against these women so

therefore<00:27:26.080> they<00:27:26.320> have<00:27:26.559> to<00:27:26.880> we<00:27:27.120> it's<00:27:27.360> better<00:27:27.760> if

00:27:27.990 --> 00:27:28.000 align:start position:0%

therefore they have to we it's better if

00:27:28.000 --> 00:27:32.070 align:start position:0%

therefore they have to we it's better if

women<00:27:28.480> stay<00:27:29.200> at<00:27:29.440> home<00:27:29.919> so<00:27:30.159> women<00:27:30.640> stay<00:27:31.039> at<00:27:31.279> home

00:27:32.070 --> 00:27:32.080 align:start position:0%

women stay at home so women stay at home

00:27:32.080 --> 00:27:34.630 align:start position:0%

women stay at home so women stay at home

don't<00:27:32.320> report<00:27:32.799> to<00:27:32.960> work<00:27:33.679> when<00:27:34.080> good<00:27:34.240> girls

00:27:34.630 --> 00:27:34.640 align:start position:0%

don't report to work when good girls

00:27:34.640 --> 00:27:37.190 align:start position:0%

don't report to work when good girls

stay<00:27:35.039> at<00:27:35.200> home<00:27:35.600> don't<00:27:36.000> go<00:27:36.240> to<00:27:36.399> school<00:27:36.880> because

00:27:37.190 --> 00:27:37.200 align:start position:0%

stay at home don't go to school because

00:27:37.200 --> 00:27:39.510 align:start position:0%

stay at home don't go to school because

there<00:27:37.440> is<00:27:37.600> a<00:27:37.679> danger<00:27:38.159> that<00:27:38.559> these<00:27:38.799> talibans

00:27:39.510 --> 00:27:39.520 align:start position:0%

there is a danger that these talibans

00:27:39.520 --> 00:27:42.070 align:start position:0%

there is a danger that these talibans

who<00:27:39.600> don't<00:27:39.840> know<00:27:40.159> anything<00:27:41.039> would<00:27:41.279> set<00:27:41.679> fire

00:27:42.070 --> 00:27:42.080 align:start position:0%

who don't know anything would set fire

00:27:42.080 --> 00:27:43.269 align:start position:0%

who don't know anything would set fire

to<00:27:42.240> yourself

00:27:43.269 --> 00:27:43.279 align:start position:0%

to yourself

00:27:43.279 --> 00:27:44.950 align:start position:0%

to yourself

i<00:27:43.360> mean<00:27:43.600> they<00:27:43.840> can't<00:27:44.080> stop<00:27:44.559> that<00:27:44.799> the

00:27:44.950 --> 00:27:44.960 align:start position:0%

i mean they can't stop that the

00:27:44.960 --> 00:27:48.389 align:start position:0%

i mean they can't stop that the

leadership<00:27:45.679> can<00:27:46.000> they<00:27:46.240> can<00:27:46.880> definitely<00:27:48.080> all

00:27:48.389 --> 00:27:48.399 align:start position:0%

leadership can they can definitely all

00:27:48.399 --> 00:27:52.070 align:start position:0%

leadership can they can definitely all

they<00:27:48.640> have<00:27:48.880> to<00:27:49.120> do<00:27:49.440> is<00:27:49.679> to<00:27:50.000> punish<00:27:50.559> in<00:27:50.880> public

00:27:52.070 --> 00:27:52.080 align:start position:0%

they have to do is to punish in public

00:27:52.080 --> 00:27:55.110 align:start position:0%

they have to do is to punish in public

two<00:27:52.320> of<00:27:52.559> these<00:27:52.960> perpetrators<00:27:54.399> and<00:27:54.559> the<00:27:54.720> rest

00:27:55.110 --> 00:27:55.120 align:start position:0%

two of these perpetrators and the rest

00:27:55.120 --> 00:27:56.470 align:start position:0%

two of these perpetrators and the rest


00:27:56.470 --> 00:27:56.480 align:start position:0%


00:27:56.480 --> 00:27:59.190 align:start position:0%


learn<00:27:56.799> their<00:27:57.120> lessons<00:27:57.760> but<00:27:58.000> they<00:27:58.159> don't

00:27:59.190 --> 00:27:59.200 align:start position:0%

learn their lessons but they don't

00:27:59.200 --> 00:28:00.470 align:start position:0%

learn their lessons but they don't

so<00:27:59.440> i<00:27:59.760> think

00:28:00.470 --> 00:28:00.480 align:start position:0%

so i think

00:28:00.480 --> 00:28:02.149 align:start position:0%

so i think


00:28:02.149 --> 00:28:02.159 align:start position:0%


00:28:02.159 --> 00:28:06.549 align:start position:0%


unless<00:28:02.720> there<00:28:02.960> is<00:28:03.200> a<00:28:03.440> huge<00:28:04.480> um<00:28:05.520> pressure

00:28:06.549 --> 00:28:06.559 align:start position:0%

unless there is a huge um pressure

00:28:06.559 --> 00:28:09.990 align:start position:0%

unless there is a huge um pressure

by<00:28:06.880> the<00:28:07.360> international<00:28:08.480> community

00:28:09.990 --> 00:28:10.000 align:start position:0%

by the international community

00:28:10.000 --> 00:28:12.789 align:start position:0%

by the international community

and<00:28:10.399> especially<00:28:11.200> since<00:28:11.760> the

00:28:12.789 --> 00:28:12.799 align:start position:0%

and especially since the

00:28:12.799 --> 00:28:15.430 align:start position:0%

and especially since the

taliban<00:28:13.520> are<00:28:13.840> in<00:28:14.080> economically<00:28:15.039> in<00:28:15.200> a

00:28:15.430 --> 00:28:15.440 align:start position:0%

taliban are in economically in a

00:28:15.440 --> 00:28:17.350 align:start position:0%

taliban are in economically in a

difficult<00:28:16.080> condition<00:28:16.720> in<00:28:16.880> a<00:28:16.960> direct

00:28:17.350 --> 00:28:17.360 align:start position:0%

difficult condition in a direct

00:28:17.360 --> 00:28:18.549 align:start position:0%

difficult condition in a direct


00:28:18.549 --> 00:28:18.559 align:start position:0%


00:28:18.559 --> 00:28:21.510 align:start position:0%


unless<00:28:19.120> there<00:28:19.360> is<00:28:19.520> such<00:28:19.840> a<00:28:20.000> pressure<00:28:20.880> i<00:28:21.120> don't

00:28:21.510 --> 00:28:21.520 align:start position:0%

unless there is such a pressure i don't

00:28:21.520 --> 00:28:22.310 align:start position:0%

unless there is such a pressure i don't


00:28:22.310 --> 00:28:22.320 align:start position:0%


00:28:22.320 --> 00:28:24.230 align:start position:0%


the<00:28:22.640> future<00:28:23.360> of

00:28:24.230 --> 00:28:24.240 align:start position:0%

the future of

00:28:24.240 --> 00:28:28.549 align:start position:0%

the future of

women<00:28:24.880> any<00:28:25.279> different<00:28:26.320> than<00:28:26.640> what<00:28:26.960> we<00:28:27.200> saw

00:28:28.549 --> 00:28:28.559 align:start position:0%

women any different than what we saw

00:28:28.559 --> 00:28:32.710 align:start position:0%

women any different than what we saw

between<00:28:29.039> 96<00:28:30.000> and<00:28:30.799> 201

00:28:32.710 --> 00:28:32.720 align:start position:0%

between 96 and 201

00:28:32.720 --> 00:28:35.269 align:start position:0%

between 96 and 201

i'm<00:28:32.960> sorry<00:28:33.360> to<00:28:33.600> sound<00:28:33.919> depressing<00:28:34.720> but<00:28:34.960> that's

00:28:35.269 --> 00:28:35.279 align:start position:0%

i'm sorry to sound depressing but that's

00:28:35.279 --> 00:28:38.070 align:start position:0%

i'm sorry to sound depressing but that's

the<00:28:35.679> i<00:28:35.840> mean<00:28:36.000> that's<00:28:36.480> that's<00:28:36.720> the<00:28:36.880> reality

00:28:38.070 --> 00:28:38.080 align:start position:0%

the i mean that's that's the reality

00:28:38.080 --> 00:28:40.389 align:start position:0%

the i mean that's that's the reality

i<00:28:38.159> mean<00:28:38.399> it's<00:28:38.640> always<00:28:39.039> bothered<00:28:39.440> me<00:28:39.679> hala<00:28:40.080> that

00:28:40.389 --> 00:28:40.399 align:start position:0%

i mean it's always bothered me hala that

00:28:40.399 --> 00:28:41.830 align:start position:0%

i mean it's always bothered me hala that


00:28:41.830 --> 00:28:41.840 align:start position:0%


00:28:41.840 --> 00:28:45.990 align:start position:0%


women<00:28:42.240> have<00:28:42.840> to<00:28:44.240> you<00:28:44.399> know<00:28:44.559> adjust<00:28:45.120> their<00:28:45.440> life

00:28:45.990 --> 00:28:46.000 align:start position:0%

women have to you know adjust their life

00:28:46.000 --> 00:28:49.909 align:start position:0%

women have to you know adjust their life

in<00:28:46.159> order<00:28:46.480> for<00:28:46.720> men<00:28:46.960> not<00:28:47.279> to<00:28:47.919> attack<00:28:48.480> or<00:28:49.120> harass

00:28:49.909 --> 00:28:49.919 align:start position:0%

in order for men not to attack or harass

00:28:49.919 --> 00:28:51.669 align:start position:0%

in order for men not to attack or harass

or<00:28:50.559> assault

00:28:51.669 --> 00:28:51.679 align:start position:0%

or assault

00:28:51.679 --> 00:28:53.909 align:start position:0%

or assault

and<00:28:51.840> it<00:28:51.919> really<00:28:52.159> brings<00:28:52.480> me<00:28:52.720> back<00:28:52.960> to<00:28:53.679> what

00:28:53.909 --> 00:28:53.919 align:start position:0%

and it really brings me back to what

00:28:53.919 --> 00:28:56.470 align:start position:0%

and it really brings me back to what

happened<00:28:54.240> in<00:28:54.399> pakistan<00:28:55.120> just<00:28:55.840> last<00:28:56.080> week<00:28:56.320> i

00:28:56.470 --> 00:28:56.480 align:start position:0%

happened in pakistan just last week i

00:28:56.480 --> 00:28:59.750 align:start position:0%

happened in pakistan just last week i

believe<00:28:56.799> when<00:28:57.120> 400<00:28:57.679> men<00:28:58.080> attacked<00:28:58.480> a<00:28:58.640> woman

00:28:59.750 --> 00:28:59.760 align:start position:0%

believe when 400 men attacked a woman

00:28:59.760 --> 00:29:01.110 align:start position:0%

believe when 400 men attacked a woman


00:29:01.110 --> 00:29:01.120 align:start position:0%


00:29:01.120 --> 00:29:02.870 align:start position:0%



00:29:02.870 --> 00:29:02.880 align:start position:0%


00:29:02.880 --> 00:29:05.110 align:start position:0%


i<00:29:03.520> i<00:29:03.760> understand<00:29:04.240> that<00:29:04.320> there's<00:29:04.640> outrage

00:29:05.110 --> 00:29:05.120 align:start position:0%

i i understand that there's outrage

00:29:05.120 --> 00:29:07.669 align:start position:0%

i i understand that there's outrage

within<00:29:05.520> pakistan<00:29:06.320> and<00:29:06.480> within<00:29:06.799> the

00:29:07.669 --> 00:29:07.679 align:start position:0%

within pakistan and within the

00:29:07.679 --> 00:29:09.269 align:start position:0%

within pakistan and within the

within<00:29:08.080> the<00:29:08.159> world

00:29:09.269 --> 00:29:09.279 align:start position:0%

within the world

00:29:09.279 --> 00:29:10.870 align:start position:0%

within the world


00:29:10.870 --> 00:29:10.880 align:start position:0%


00:29:10.880 --> 00:29:13.909 align:start position:0%


what<00:29:11.039> responsibility<00:29:12.000> do<00:29:12.320> men<00:29:12.640> have<00:29:13.440> i<00:29:13.520> mean

00:29:13.909 --> 00:29:13.919 align:start position:0%

what responsibility do men have i mean

00:29:13.919 --> 00:29:16.070 align:start position:0%

what responsibility do men have i mean

are<00:29:14.000> they<00:29:14.159> just<00:29:14.720> you<00:29:14.799> know<00:29:15.120> beasts<00:29:15.679> that<00:29:15.840> can't

00:29:16.070 --> 00:29:16.080 align:start position:0%

are they just you know beasts that can't

00:29:16.080 --> 00:29:18.310 align:start position:0%

are they just you know beasts that can't

be<00:29:16.240> controlled<00:29:16.960> and<00:29:17.440> you<00:29:17.600> know<00:29:17.840> we<00:29:18.080> have<00:29:18.240> to

00:29:18.310 --> 00:29:18.320 align:start position:0%

be controlled and you know we have to

00:29:18.320 --> 00:29:20.630 align:start position:0%

be controlled and you know we have to

protect<00:29:18.720> ourselves<00:29:19.120> from<00:29:19.440> them

00:29:20.630 --> 00:29:20.640 align:start position:0%

protect ourselves from them

00:29:20.640 --> 00:29:22.870 align:start position:0%

protect ourselves from them

and<00:29:20.799> it's<00:29:20.960> just<00:29:21.279> it's<00:29:21.840> it's<00:29:22.080> a<00:29:22.240> struggle<00:29:22.720> that

00:29:22.870 --> 00:29:22.880 align:start position:0%

and it's just it's it's a struggle that

00:29:22.880 --> 00:29:27.510 align:start position:0%

and it's just it's it's a struggle that

i've<00:29:23.039> had<00:29:23.360> over<00:29:23.600> the<00:29:23.760> years<00:29:24.320> of<00:29:24.720> um

00:29:27.510 --> 00:29:27.520 align:start position:0%

i've had over the years of um

00:29:27.520 --> 00:29:31.269 align:start position:0%

i've had over the years of um

of<00:29:27.760> what<00:29:28.240> uh<00:29:28.720> role<00:29:29.279> do<00:29:29.440> men<00:29:29.760> have<00:29:30.480> in<00:29:30.880> women's

00:29:31.269 --> 00:29:31.279 align:start position:0%

of what uh role do men have in women's

00:29:31.279 --> 00:29:33.430 align:start position:0%

of what uh role do men have in women's

empowerment<00:29:31.919> and<00:29:32.000> women's<00:29:32.480> rights

00:29:33.430 --> 00:29:33.440 align:start position:0%

empowerment and women's rights

00:29:33.440 --> 00:29:36.230 align:start position:0%

empowerment and women's rights

and<00:29:33.600> i<00:29:33.760> believe<00:29:34.080> that<00:29:34.240> without<00:29:34.720> their<00:29:34.960> support

00:29:36.230 --> 00:29:36.240 align:start position:0%

and i believe that without their support

00:29:36.240 --> 00:29:37.190 align:start position:0%

and i believe that without their support


00:29:37.190 --> 00:29:37.200 align:start position:0%


00:29:37.200 --> 00:29:38.950 align:start position:0%


we're<00:29:37.440> not<00:29:37.760> you<00:29:37.840> know

00:29:38.950 --> 00:29:38.960 align:start position:0%

we're not you know

00:29:38.960 --> 00:29:42.710 align:start position:0%

we're not you know

the<00:29:39.120> road<00:29:39.360> will<00:29:39.520> be<00:29:39.760> even<00:29:40.320> tougher<00:29:40.960> to<00:29:41.120> get<00:29:41.360> to

00:29:42.710 --> 00:29:42.720 align:start position:0%

the road will be even tougher to get to

00:29:42.720 --> 00:29:47.350 align:start position:0%

the road will be even tougher to get to


00:29:47.350 --> 00:29:47.360 align:start position:0%

00:29:47.360 --> 00:29:50.950 align:start position:0%

money<00:29:47.760> we<00:29:48.000> live<00:29:48.240> in<00:29:48.399> a<00:29:48.799> patriarchal<00:29:49.840> society

00:29:50.950 --> 00:29:50.960 align:start position:0%

money we live in a patriarchal society

00:29:50.960 --> 00:29:54.789 align:start position:0%

money we live in a patriarchal society

whether<00:29:51.360> we<00:29:51.600> like<00:29:51.919> it<00:29:52.080> or<00:29:52.240> not<00:29:53.039> we<00:29:53.360> live

00:29:54.789 --> 00:29:54.799 align:start position:0%

whether we like it or not we live

00:29:54.799 --> 00:29:56.710 align:start position:0%

whether we like it or not we live

in<00:29:55.039> a<00:29:55.440> culture

00:29:56.710 --> 00:29:56.720 align:start position:0%

in a culture

00:29:56.720 --> 00:29:58.180 align:start position:0%

in a culture


00:29:58.180 --> 00:29:58.190 align:start position:0%


00:29:58.190 --> 00:29:59.830 align:start position:0%



00:29:59.830 --> 00:29:59.840 align:start position:0%


00:29:59.840 --> 00:30:00.950 align:start position:0%



00:30:00.950 --> 00:30:00.960 align:start position:0%


00:30:00.960 --> 00:30:01.990 align:start position:0%



00:30:01.990 --> 00:30:02.000 align:start position:0%


00:30:02.000 --> 00:30:05.590 align:start position:0%


to<00:30:02.559> women<00:30:03.200> look<00:30:03.520> at<00:30:03.840> men<00:30:04.559> as<00:30:04.720> the<00:30:04.960> decision

00:30:05.590 --> 00:30:05.600 align:start position:0%

to women look at men as the decision

00:30:05.600 --> 00:30:09.110 align:start position:0%

to women look at men as the decision

maker<00:30:06.159> the<00:30:06.840> breadth<00:30:07.919> and<00:30:08.159> they<00:30:08.480> have<00:30:08.880> the

00:30:09.110 --> 00:30:09.120 align:start position:0%

maker the breadth and they have the

00:30:09.120 --> 00:30:10.389 align:start position:0%

maker the breadth and they have the


00:30:10.389 --> 00:30:10.399 align:start position:0%


00:30:10.399 --> 00:30:11.350 align:start position:0%



00:30:11.350 --> 00:30:11.360 align:start position:0%


00:30:11.360 --> 00:30:13.190 align:start position:0%



00:30:13.190 --> 00:30:13.200 align:start position:0%


00:30:13.200 --> 00:30:15.909 align:start position:0%



00:30:15.909 --> 00:30:15.919 align:start position:0%

00:30:15.919 --> 00:30:17.110 align:start position:0%


00:30:17.110 --> 00:30:17.120 align:start position:0%


00:30:17.120 --> 00:30:18.230 align:start position:0%



00:30:18.230 --> 00:30:18.240 align:start position:0%


00:30:18.240 --> 00:30:21.430 align:start position:0%


women<00:30:19.120> so<00:30:19.679> we<00:30:19.919> have<00:30:20.159> to<00:30:20.320> take<00:30:20.720> that<00:30:20.960> into

00:30:21.430 --> 00:30:21.440 align:start position:0%

women so we have to take that into

00:30:21.440 --> 00:30:24.230 align:start position:0%

women so we have to take that into

consideration<00:30:22.480> and<00:30:22.640> this<00:30:22.880> hasn't<00:30:23.440> changed

00:30:24.230 --> 00:30:24.240 align:start position:0%

consideration and this hasn't changed

00:30:24.240 --> 00:30:26.870 align:start position:0%

consideration and this hasn't changed

and<00:30:24.480> they<00:30:24.720> have<00:30:25.039> been<00:30:25.440> helped<00:30:26.320> over<00:30:26.640> the

00:30:26.870 --> 00:30:26.880 align:start position:0%

and they have been helped over the

00:30:26.880 --> 00:30:28.310 align:start position:0%

and they have been helped over the


00:30:28.310 --> 00:30:28.320 align:start position:0%


00:30:28.320 --> 00:30:32.070 align:start position:0%


by<00:30:28.640> the<00:30:28.880> laws<00:30:29.520> governing<00:30:30.640> the<00:30:30.880> personal

00:30:32.070 --> 00:30:32.080 align:start position:0%

by the laws governing the personal

00:30:32.080 --> 00:30:36.789 align:start position:0%

by the laws governing the personal

status<00:30:32.720> law<00:30:33.200> in<00:30:33.520> our<00:30:33.919> part<00:30:34.320> of<00:30:34.840> the<00:30:36.159> world<00:30:36.640> in

00:30:36.789 --> 00:30:36.799 align:start position:0%

status law in our part of the world in

00:30:36.799 --> 00:30:37.990 align:start position:0%

status law in our part of the world in

the<00:30:37.039> region

00:30:37.990 --> 00:30:38.000 align:start position:0%

the region

00:30:38.000 --> 00:30:39.350 align:start position:0%

the region


00:30:39.350 --> 00:30:39.360 align:start position:0%


00:30:39.360 --> 00:30:41.669 align:start position:0%


which<00:30:39.679> again<00:30:40.240> gives<00:30:40.559> the<00:30:40.799> right

00:30:41.669 --> 00:30:41.679 align:start position:0%

which again gives the right

00:30:41.679 --> 00:30:42.789 align:start position:0%

which again gives the right

to<00:30:41.919> men

00:30:42.789 --> 00:30:42.799 align:start position:0%

to men

00:30:42.799 --> 00:30:46.070 align:start position:0%

to men

to<00:30:43.440> if<00:30:43.600> they<00:30:43.919> want<00:30:44.320> to<00:30:44.559> divorce<00:30:45.200> their<00:30:45.520> wife<00:30:45.919> to

00:30:46.070 --> 00:30:46.080 align:start position:0%

to if they want to divorce their wife to

00:30:46.080 --> 00:30:49.990 align:start position:0%

to if they want to divorce their wife to

get<00:30:46.720> more<00:30:47.039> than<00:30:47.440> one<00:30:47.840> wife<00:30:48.640> to<00:30:48.880> decide<00:30:49.520> to<00:30:49.760> they

00:30:49.990 --> 00:30:50.000 align:start position:0%

get more than one wife to decide to they

00:30:50.000 --> 00:30:55.110 align:start position:0%

get more than one wife to decide to they

get<00:30:50.240> the<00:30:50.480> child<00:30:51.039> custody<00:30:51.760> etc<00:30:52.320> etc<00:30:52.799> etc

00:30:55.110 --> 00:30:55.120 align:start position:0%

get the child custody etc etc etc

00:30:55.120 --> 00:30:56.310 align:start position:0%

get the child custody etc etc etc


00:30:56.310 --> 00:30:56.320 align:start position:0%


00:30:56.320 --> 00:30:57.350 align:start position:0%


i<00:30:56.559> think

00:30:57.350 --> 00:30:57.360 align:start position:0%

i think

00:30:57.360 --> 00:30:59.990 align:start position:0%

i think

on<00:30:57.679> top<00:30:58.080> of<00:30:58.399> all<00:30:58.640> these<00:30:59.039> things

00:30:59.990 --> 00:31:00.000 align:start position:0%

on top of all these things

00:31:00.000 --> 00:31:02.230 align:start position:0%

on top of all these things

you<00:31:00.240> suddenly<00:31:00.960> have

00:31:02.230 --> 00:31:02.240 align:start position:0%

you suddenly have

00:31:02.240 --> 00:31:04.789 align:start position:0%

you suddenly have

a<00:31:02.480> generation<00:31:03.279> of<00:31:03.600> women

00:31:04.789 --> 00:31:04.799 align:start position:0%

a generation of women

00:31:04.799 --> 00:31:06.070 align:start position:0%

a generation of women

who<00:31:05.120> are

00:31:06.070 --> 00:31:06.080 align:start position:0%

who are

00:31:06.080 --> 00:31:09.029 align:start position:0%

who are

economically<00:31:07.120> independent

00:31:09.029 --> 00:31:09.039 align:start position:0%

economically independent

00:31:09.039 --> 00:31:12.230 align:start position:0%

economically independent

and<00:31:09.200> i<00:31:09.440> think<00:31:10.159> that<00:31:10.640> is<00:31:11.120> something

00:31:12.230 --> 00:31:12.240 align:start position:0%

and i think that is something

00:31:12.240 --> 00:31:15.269 align:start position:0%

and i think that is something

that<00:31:12.559> the<00:31:12.799> men<00:31:13.360> cannot<00:31:14.080> swallow

00:31:15.269 --> 00:31:15.279 align:start position:0%

that the men cannot swallow

00:31:15.279 --> 00:31:18.470 align:start position:0%

that the men cannot swallow

honestly<00:31:15.840> this<00:31:16.159> is<00:31:16.320> my<00:31:16.640> personal<00:31:17.440> belief

00:31:18.470 --> 00:31:18.480 align:start position:0%

honestly this is my personal belief

00:31:18.480 --> 00:31:19.350 align:start position:0%

honestly this is my personal belief


00:31:19.350 --> 00:31:19.360 align:start position:0%


00:31:19.360 --> 00:31:22.149 align:start position:0%


when<00:31:19.600> they<00:31:19.919> see<00:31:20.240> a<00:31:20.480> woman<00:31:21.039> working<00:31:21.840> i<00:31:21.919> mean

00:31:22.149 --> 00:31:22.159 align:start position:0%

when they see a woman working i mean

00:31:22.159 --> 00:31:26.230 align:start position:0%

when they see a woman working i mean

this<00:31:22.480> girl<00:31:23.039> in<00:31:23.440> in<00:31:24.000> in<00:31:24.159> that<00:31:24.799> park<00:31:25.279> in<00:31:25.519> lahore

00:31:26.230 --> 00:31:26.240 align:start position:0%

this girl in in in that park in lahore

00:31:26.240 --> 00:31:30.070 align:start position:0%

this girl in in in that park in lahore

pakistan<00:31:27.360> she<00:31:27.600> was<00:31:28.320> making<00:31:28.799> she<00:31:29.039> was<00:31:29.440> making<00:31:29.840> a

00:31:30.070 --> 00:31:30.080 align:start position:0%

pakistan she was making she was making a

00:31:30.080 --> 00:31:33.590 align:start position:0%

pakistan she was making she was making a

video<00:31:30.559> she<00:31:30.720> was<00:31:30.960> yeah<00:31:32.159> with<00:31:32.399> her<00:31:33.039> did<00:31:33.279> you<00:31:33.440> see

00:31:33.590 --> 00:31:33.600 align:start position:0%

video she was yeah with her did you see

00:31:33.600 --> 00:31:35.669 align:start position:0%

video she was yeah with her did you see

what<00:31:33.840> i<00:31:33.919> mean<00:31:34.159> she<00:31:34.320> was<00:31:34.559> not<00:31:34.799> running<00:31:35.200> around

00:31:35.669 --> 00:31:35.679 align:start position:0%

what i mean she was not running around

00:31:35.679 --> 00:31:37.990 align:start position:0%

what i mean she was not running around

in<00:31:36.000> shorts<00:31:36.399> and<00:31:36.559> t-shirts

00:31:37.990 --> 00:31:38.000 align:start position:0%

in shorts and t-shirts

00:31:38.000 --> 00:31:38.710 align:start position:0%

in shorts and t-shirts


00:31:38.710 --> 00:31:38.720 align:start position:0%


00:31:38.720 --> 00:31:41.909 align:start position:0%


she<00:31:38.880> was<00:31:39.120> working<00:31:39.919> and<00:31:40.080> i<00:31:40.320> think<00:31:40.640> the<00:31:40.960> economic

00:31:41.909 --> 00:31:41.919 align:start position:0%

she was working and i think the economic

00:31:41.919 --> 00:31:44.149 align:start position:0%

she was working and i think the economic

independence<00:31:42.799> of<00:31:43.039> women

00:31:44.149 --> 00:31:44.159 align:start position:0%

independence of women

00:31:44.159 --> 00:31:46.870 align:start position:0%

independence of women

is<00:31:44.399> still

00:31:46.870 --> 00:31:46.880 align:start position:0%

is still

00:31:46.880 --> 00:31:51.990 align:start position:0%

is still

difficult<00:31:48.000> to<00:31:48.320> accept<00:31:49.360> by<00:31:50.080> the<00:31:50.320> majority<00:31:51.279> of

00:31:51.990 --> 00:31:52.000 align:start position:0%

difficult to accept by the majority of

00:31:52.000 --> 00:31:52.789 align:start position:0%

difficult to accept by the majority of


00:31:52.789 --> 00:31:52.799 align:start position:0%


00:31:52.799 --> 00:31:55.190 align:start position:0%


less<00:31:53.279> educated<00:31:54.399> men

00:31:55.190 --> 00:31:55.200 align:start position:0%

less educated men

00:31:55.200 --> 00:32:00.070 align:start position:0%

less educated men

in<00:31:55.760> our<00:31:56.640> region<00:31:57.600> you<00:31:57.760> know<00:31:58.399> it's<00:31:58.640> okay<00:31:59.120> if<00:31:59.360> the

00:32:00.070 --> 00:32:00.080 align:start position:0%

in our region you know it's okay if the

00:32:00.080 --> 00:32:03.509 align:start position:0%

in our region you know it's okay if the

woman<00:32:00.640> works<00:32:01.440> and<00:32:01.760> brings<00:32:02.320> money<00:32:02.799> in<00:32:03.279> and

00:32:03.509 --> 00:32:03.519 align:start position:0%

woman works and brings money in and

00:32:03.519 --> 00:32:06.710 align:start position:0%

woman works and brings money in and

hands<00:32:03.919> it<00:32:04.240> over<00:32:04.720> to<00:32:04.960> the<00:32:05.120> husband<00:32:06.000> that's<00:32:06.320> fine

00:32:06.710 --> 00:32:06.720 align:start position:0%

hands it over to the husband that's fine

00:32:06.720 --> 00:32:09.590 align:start position:0%

hands it over to the husband that's fine

that's<00:32:07.039> acceptable<00:32:08.240> no<00:32:08.399> matter<00:32:08.799> what<00:32:09.039> the<00:32:09.279> job

00:32:09.590 --> 00:32:09.600 align:start position:0%

that's acceptable no matter what the job

00:32:09.600 --> 00:32:11.110 align:start position:0%

that's acceptable no matter what the job

is<00:32:09.840> whether<00:32:10.240> it's<00:32:10.399> in

00:32:11.110 --> 00:32:11.120 align:start position:0%

is whether it's in

00:32:11.120 --> 00:32:14.389 align:start position:0%

is whether it's in

informal<00:32:12.000> uh<00:32:12.399> you<00:32:12.559> know<00:32:12.799> section<00:32:13.440> or

00:32:14.389 --> 00:32:14.399 align:start position:0%

informal uh you know section or

00:32:14.399 --> 00:32:15.190 align:start position:0%

informal uh you know section or


00:32:15.190 --> 00:32:15.200 align:start position:0%


00:32:15.200 --> 00:32:18.149 align:start position:0%


doesn't<00:32:15.600> matter<00:32:16.399> but<00:32:16.799> basically

00:32:18.149 --> 00:32:18.159 align:start position:0%

doesn't matter but basically

00:32:18.159 --> 00:32:20.549 align:start position:0%

doesn't matter but basically

it<00:32:18.399> is<00:32:18.720> this

00:32:20.549 --> 00:32:20.559 align:start position:0%

it is this

00:32:20.559 --> 00:32:22.870 align:start position:0%

it is this


00:32:22.870 --> 00:32:22.880 align:start position:0%


00:32:22.880 --> 00:32:23.750 align:start position:0%



00:32:23.750 --> 00:32:23.760 align:start position:0%


00:32:23.760 --> 00:32:26.870 align:start position:0%


becoming<00:32:24.720> economically<00:32:25.679> independent<00:32:26.559> by

00:32:26.870 --> 00:32:26.880 align:start position:0%

becoming economically independent by

00:32:26.880 --> 00:32:28.950 align:start position:0%

becoming economically independent by

being<00:32:27.360> educated

00:32:28.950 --> 00:32:28.960 align:start position:0%

being educated

00:32:28.960 --> 00:32:32.630 align:start position:0%

being educated

they<00:32:29.200> will<00:32:29.600> no<00:32:29.840> longer<00:32:30.720> be<00:32:31.200> submissive

00:32:32.630 --> 00:32:32.640 align:start position:0%

they will no longer be submissive

00:32:32.640 --> 00:32:36.549 align:start position:0%

they will no longer be submissive

to<00:32:32.799> the<00:32:33.039> man<00:32:33.600> in<00:32:33.760> the<00:32:34.080> family<00:32:34.960> i<00:32:35.120> think<00:32:35.840> it's

00:32:36.549 --> 00:32:36.559 align:start position:0%

to the man in the family i think it's

00:32:36.559 --> 00:32:38.950 align:start position:0%

to the man in the family i think it's

that<00:32:36.799> is<00:32:37.039> the<00:32:37.200> reason<00:32:37.760> but<00:32:38.080> it<00:32:38.240> won't<00:32:38.559> last

00:32:38.950 --> 00:32:38.960 align:start position:0%

that is the reason but it won't last

00:32:38.960 --> 00:32:41.830 align:start position:0%

that is the reason but it won't last

long<00:32:39.600> because<00:32:40.159> you<00:32:40.320> know<00:32:40.559> i<00:32:40.640> mean<00:32:41.200> the<00:32:41.440> women

00:32:41.830 --> 00:32:41.840 align:start position:0%

long because you know i mean the women

00:32:41.840 --> 00:32:44.630 align:start position:0%

long because you know i mean the women

would<00:32:42.159> push<00:32:42.480> you<00:32:42.720> saw<00:32:42.960> that<00:32:43.279> this<00:32:43.679> woman

00:32:44.630 --> 00:32:44.640 align:start position:0%

would push you saw that this woman

00:32:44.640 --> 00:32:49.029 align:start position:0%

would push you saw that this woman

went<00:32:45.120> and<00:32:45.440> complained<00:32:46.159> about<00:32:46.960> 300<00:32:47.840> policemen

00:32:49.029 --> 00:32:49.039 align:start position:0%

went and complained about 300 policemen

00:32:49.039 --> 00:32:52.630 align:start position:0%

went and complained about 300 policemen

to<00:32:49.279> the<00:32:49.919> 300<00:32:50.720> of<00:32:50.960> his<00:32:51.360> of<00:32:51.679> the<00:32:51.919> people<00:32:52.320> who

00:32:52.630 --> 00:32:52.640 align:start position:0%

to the 300 of his of the people who

00:32:52.640 --> 00:32:56.630 align:start position:0%

to the 300 of his of the people who

assaulted<00:32:53.440> her<00:32:54.080> to<00:32:54.240> the<00:32:54.840> police<00:32:55.919> nobody<00:32:56.320> knows

00:32:56.630 --> 00:32:56.640 align:start position:0%

assaulted her to the police nobody knows

00:32:56.640 --> 00:32:59.590 align:start position:0%

assaulted her to the police nobody knows

who<00:32:56.799> these<00:32:57.120> 300<00:32:57.760> are<00:32:58.320> they<00:32:58.559> have<00:32:58.880> arrested<00:32:59.519> a

00:32:59.590 --> 00:32:59.600 align:start position:0%

who these 300 are they have arrested a

00:32:59.600 --> 00:33:02.310 align:start position:0%

who these 300 are they have arrested a

bunch<00:33:00.000> of<00:33:00.240> them<00:33:00.559> but<00:33:00.720> that's<00:33:01.039> it<00:33:01.200> but<00:33:01.760> still

00:33:02.310 --> 00:33:02.320 align:start position:0%

bunch of them but that's it but still

00:33:02.320 --> 00:33:04.710 align:start position:0%

bunch of them but that's it but still

you<00:33:02.399> know<00:33:02.640> she<00:33:02.880> was<00:33:03.279> bold<00:33:03.600> enough<00:33:04.000> to<00:33:04.159> go<00:33:04.399> and

00:33:04.710 --> 00:33:04.720 align:start position:0%

you know she was bold enough to go and

00:33:04.720 --> 00:33:05.750 align:start position:0%

you know she was bold enough to go and


00:33:05.750 --> 00:33:05.760 align:start position:0%


00:33:05.760 --> 00:33:07.909 align:start position:0%


wager<00:33:06.240> come<00:33:06.480> again<00:33:06.960> definitely<00:33:07.519> i<00:33:07.600> mean<00:33:07.840> i

00:33:07.909 --> 00:33:07.919 align:start position:0%

wager come again definitely i mean i

00:33:07.919 --> 00:33:10.950 align:start position:0%

wager come again definitely i mean i

just<00:33:08.159> can't<00:33:08.480> imagine<00:33:09.440> that<00:33:09.679> out<00:33:09.919> of<00:33:10.000> these<00:33:10.320> 400

00:33:10.950 --> 00:33:10.960 align:start position:0%

just can't imagine that out of these 400

00:33:10.960 --> 00:33:13.909 align:start position:0%

just can't imagine that out of these 400

men<00:33:11.360> no<00:33:11.600> one<00:33:11.840> thought<00:33:12.320> this<00:33:12.559> is<00:33:12.799> wrong<00:33:13.519> i<00:33:13.600> think

00:33:13.909 --> 00:33:13.919 align:start position:0%

men no one thought this is wrong i think

00:33:13.919 --> 00:33:14.870 align:start position:0%

men no one thought this is wrong i think


00:33:14.870 --> 00:33:14.880 align:start position:0%


00:33:14.880 --> 00:33:17.830 align:start position:0%


one<00:33:15.039> of<00:33:15.200> the<00:33:15.360> biggest<00:33:15.760> things<00:33:16.080> that<00:33:16.640> um

00:33:17.830 --> 00:33:17.840 align:start position:0%

one of the biggest things that um

00:33:17.840 --> 00:33:19.909 align:start position:0%

one of the biggest things that um

really<00:33:18.159> upsets<00:33:18.640> me<00:33:18.880> and<00:33:18.960> horrifies<00:33:19.600> me<00:33:19.760> about

00:33:19.909 --> 00:33:19.919 align:start position:0%

really upsets me and horrifies me about

00:33:19.919 --> 00:33:22.950 align:start position:0%

really upsets me and horrifies me about

the<00:33:20.080> situation<00:33:21.279> 400<00:33:22.000> men

00:33:22.950 --> 00:33:22.960 align:start position:0%

the situation 400 men

00:33:22.960 --> 00:33:24.389 align:start position:0%

the situation 400 men

didn't<00:33:23.279> think<00:33:23.519> what<00:33:23.679> they<00:33:23.760> were<00:33:23.919> doing<00:33:24.159> was

00:33:24.389 --> 00:33:24.399 align:start position:0%

didn't think what they were doing was

00:33:24.399 --> 00:33:26.230 align:start position:0%

didn't think what they were doing was

wrong<00:33:24.720> didn't<00:33:24.960> say<00:33:25.200> hey<00:33:25.440> guys<00:33:25.679> let's<00:33:25.919> stop

00:33:26.230 --> 00:33:26.240 align:start position:0%

wrong didn't say hey guys let's stop

00:33:26.240 --> 00:33:27.750 align:start position:0%

wrong didn't say hey guys let's stop

this<00:33:26.480> nonsense

00:33:27.750 --> 00:33:27.760 align:start position:0%

this nonsense

00:33:27.760 --> 00:33:28.630 align:start position:0%

this nonsense


00:33:28.630 --> 00:33:28.640 align:start position:0%


00:33:28.640 --> 00:33:31.909 align:start position:0%


and<00:33:28.799> it's<00:33:29.360> it's<00:33:29.840> infuriating<00:33:30.960> and<00:33:31.200> it's<00:33:31.600> only

00:33:31.909 --> 00:33:31.919 align:start position:0%

and it's it's infuriating and it's only

00:33:31.919 --> 00:33:33.590 align:start position:0%

and it's it's infuriating and it's only

because<00:33:32.240> you're<00:33:32.480> a<00:33:32.559> woman<00:33:32.960> and<00:33:33.200> that's

00:33:33.590 --> 00:33:33.600 align:start position:0%

because you're a woman and that's

00:33:33.600 --> 00:33:35.430 align:start position:0%

because you're a woman and that's

something<00:33:34.000> that<00:33:34.159> i<00:33:34.320> just<00:33:34.559> can't<00:33:34.799> wrap<00:33:35.039> my<00:33:35.279> head

00:33:35.430 --> 00:33:35.440 align:start position:0%

something that i just can't wrap my head

00:33:35.440 --> 00:33:36.389 align:start position:0%

something that i just can't wrap my head


00:33:36.389 --> 00:33:36.399 align:start position:0%


00:33:36.399 --> 00:33:38.070 align:start position:0%


and<00:33:36.640> i<00:33:36.720> don't<00:33:36.880> know<00:33:37.039> i<00:33:37.120> mean<00:33:37.279> i'm<00:33:37.519> coming<00:33:37.840> from

00:33:38.070 --> 00:33:38.080 align:start position:0%

and i don't know i mean i'm coming from

00:33:38.080 --> 00:33:39.909 align:start position:0%

and i don't know i mean i'm coming from

a<00:33:38.159> place<00:33:38.480> of<00:33:38.640> privilege<00:33:39.120> i'm<00:33:39.279> sitting<00:33:39.600> here<00:33:39.760> in

00:33:39.909 --> 00:33:39.919 align:start position:0%

a place of privilege i'm sitting here in

00:33:39.919 --> 00:33:41.509 align:start position:0%

a place of privilege i'm sitting here in

los<00:33:40.240> angeles

00:33:41.509 --> 00:33:41.519 align:start position:0%

los angeles

00:33:41.519 --> 00:33:43.990 align:start position:0%

los angeles

uh<00:33:41.919> talking<00:33:42.320> to<00:33:42.480> you<00:33:42.640> on<00:33:42.960> zoom

00:33:43.990 --> 00:33:44.000 align:start position:0%

uh talking to you on zoom

00:33:44.000 --> 00:33:45.590 align:start position:0%

uh talking to you on zoom

um<00:33:44.880> and

00:33:45.590 --> 00:33:45.600 align:start position:0%

um and

00:33:45.600 --> 00:33:48.310 align:start position:0%

um and

you<00:33:46.320> not<00:33:46.799> i<00:33:46.960> have<00:33:47.120> to<00:33:47.279> keep<00:33:47.600> reminding<00:33:48.000> myself

00:33:48.310 --> 00:33:48.320 align:start position:0%

you not i have to keep reminding myself

00:33:48.320 --> 00:33:50.549 align:start position:0%

you not i have to keep reminding myself

that<00:33:48.480> this<00:33:48.720> is<00:33:48.880> not<00:33:49.039> the<00:33:49.200> reality<00:33:49.919> obviously

00:33:50.549 --> 00:33:50.559 align:start position:0%

that this is not the reality obviously

00:33:50.559 --> 00:33:52.789 align:start position:0%

that this is not the reality obviously

of<00:33:50.799> what<00:33:51.039> 90<00:33:51.360> percent<00:33:51.679> of<00:33:51.840> the<00:33:52.240> of<00:33:52.320> the<00:33:52.480> world

00:33:52.789 --> 00:33:52.799 align:start position:0%

of what 90 percent of the of the world

00:33:52.799 --> 00:33:54.950 align:start position:0%

of what 90 percent of the of the world

or<00:33:52.960> at<00:33:53.039> least<00:33:53.279> 90<00:33:53.519> percent<00:33:53.919> of<00:33:54.080> our

00:33:54.950 --> 00:33:54.960 align:start position:0%

or at least 90 percent of our

00:33:54.960 --> 00:33:57.990 align:start position:0%

or at least 90 percent of our

uh<00:33:55.519> of<00:33:55.760> our<00:33:55.919> region<00:33:56.720> but<00:33:56.880> that<00:33:57.120> takes<00:33:57.440> me<00:33:57.600> back

00:33:57.990 --> 00:33:58.000 align:start position:0%

uh of our region but that takes me back

00:33:58.000 --> 00:34:00.470 align:start position:0%

uh of our region but that takes me back

um<00:33:58.399> that<00:33:58.559> takes<00:33:58.799> me<00:33:58.960> to<00:33:59.120> my<00:33:59.360> next<00:33:59.679> question<00:34:00.320> for

00:34:00.470 --> 00:34:00.480 align:start position:0%

um that takes me to my next question for

00:34:00.480 --> 00:34:01.350 align:start position:0%

um that takes me to my next question for


00:34:01.350 --> 00:34:01.360 align:start position:0%


00:34:01.360 --> 00:34:04.230 align:start position:0%


is<00:34:01.600> the<00:34:01.760> brunt<00:34:02.159> of<00:34:02.240> the<00:34:02.720> pandemic

00:34:04.230 --> 00:34:04.240 align:start position:0%

is the brunt of the pandemic

00:34:04.240 --> 00:34:07.269 align:start position:0%

is the brunt of the pandemic

women<00:34:04.559> have<00:34:04.799> borne<00:34:05.120> that<00:34:05.679> obviously<00:34:06.720> not<00:34:06.960> only

00:34:07.269 --> 00:34:07.279 align:start position:0%

women have borne that obviously not only

00:34:07.279 --> 00:34:09.750 align:start position:0%

women have borne that obviously not only

in<00:34:07.360> the<00:34:07.440> region<00:34:07.760> but<00:34:08.000> worldwide<00:34:08.879> um

00:34:09.750 --> 00:34:09.760 align:start position:0%

in the region but worldwide um

00:34:09.760 --> 00:34:11.430 align:start position:0%

in the region but worldwide um

so<00:34:10.000> either<00:34:10.320> they've<00:34:10.560> lost<00:34:10.800> their<00:34:11.040> jobs

00:34:11.430 --> 00:34:11.440 align:start position:0%

so either they've lost their jobs

00:34:11.440 --> 00:34:13.990 align:start position:0%

so either they've lost their jobs

they've<00:34:11.679> resigned<00:34:12.560> um<00:34:13.119> to<00:34:13.599> take<00:34:13.760> care<00:34:13.919> of

00:34:13.990 --> 00:34:14.000 align:start position:0%

they've resigned um to take care of

00:34:14.000 --> 00:34:15.909 align:start position:0%

they've resigned um to take care of

their<00:34:14.159> school-aged<00:34:14.800> children<00:34:15.440> or<00:34:15.760> they're

00:34:15.909 --> 00:34:15.919 align:start position:0%

their school-aged children or they're

00:34:15.919 --> 00:34:17.589 align:start position:0%

their school-aged children or they're

being<00:34:16.240> forced<00:34:16.560> to<00:34:16.720> stay<00:34:17.040> home<00:34:17.200> with<00:34:17.359> their

00:34:17.589 --> 00:34:17.599 align:start position:0%

being forced to stay home with their

00:34:17.599 --> 00:34:19.750 align:start position:0%

being forced to stay home with their

tormentors<00:34:18.399> whether<00:34:18.720> it's<00:34:18.960> their<00:34:19.200> husbands

00:34:19.750 --> 00:34:19.760 align:start position:0%

tormentors whether it's their husbands

00:34:19.760 --> 00:34:21.669 align:start position:0%

tormentors whether it's their husbands

brothers<00:34:20.320> uncles

00:34:21.669 --> 00:34:21.679 align:start position:0%

brothers uncles

00:34:21.679 --> 00:34:23.430 align:start position:0%

brothers uncles


00:34:23.430 --> 00:34:23.440 align:start position:0%


00:34:23.440 --> 00:34:25.669 align:start position:0%


sons<00:34:23.919> even<00:34:24.480> although<00:34:24.720> that's<00:34:24.960> probably<00:34:25.359> not

00:34:25.669 --> 00:34:25.679 align:start position:0%

sons even although that's probably not

00:34:25.679 --> 00:34:29.109 align:start position:0%

sons even although that's probably not

as<00:34:25.919> bad<00:34:26.560> um<00:34:26.960> but<00:34:27.200> how<00:34:27.520> serious<00:34:28.000> do<00:34:28.159> you<00:34:28.240> think

00:34:29.109 --> 00:34:29.119 align:start position:0%

as bad um but how serious do you think

00:34:29.119 --> 00:34:32.310 align:start position:0%

as bad um but how serious do you think

the<00:34:29.280> pandemic's<00:34:30.079> effect<00:34:31.040> on<00:34:31.280> women<00:34:31.839> working

00:34:32.310 --> 00:34:32.320 align:start position:0%

the pandemic's effect on women working

00:34:32.320 --> 00:34:38.790 align:start position:0%

the pandemic's effect on women working

in<00:34:32.399> the<00:34:32.839> region<00:34:33.679> um

00:34:38.790 --> 00:34:38.800 align:start position:0%

00:34:38.800 --> 00:34:39.990 align:start position:0%

do<00:34:38.879> you<00:34:38.960> think<00:34:39.119> we'll<00:34:39.280> ever<00:34:39.520> recover

00:34:39.990 --> 00:34:40.000 align:start position:0%

do you think we'll ever recover

00:34:40.000 --> 00:34:41.190 align:start position:0%

do you think we'll ever recover


00:34:41.190 --> 00:34:41.200 align:start position:0%


00:34:41.200 --> 00:34:44.550 align:start position:0%


from<00:34:41.440> it

00:34:44.550 --> 00:34:44.560 align:start position:0%

00:34:44.560 --> 00:34:45.990 align:start position:0%

the<00:34:44.800> women

00:34:45.990 --> 00:34:46.000 align:start position:0%

the women

00:34:46.000 --> 00:34:47.510 align:start position:0%

the women

in<00:34:46.240> our<00:34:46.480> region

00:34:47.510 --> 00:34:47.520 align:start position:0%

in our region

00:34:47.520 --> 00:34:51.750 align:start position:0%

in our region

never<00:34:48.000> had<00:34:48.240> the<00:34:48.560> luxury<00:34:49.839> not<00:34:50.159> to<00:34:50.399> recover

00:34:51.750 --> 00:34:51.760 align:start position:0%

never had the luxury not to recover

00:34:51.760 --> 00:34:53.909 align:start position:0%

never had the luxury not to recover

from<00:34:52.159> and<00:34:52.399> seriously<00:34:53.119> i'm<00:34:53.359> not<00:34:53.599> being

00:34:53.909 --> 00:34:53.919 align:start position:0%

from and seriously i'm not being

00:34:53.919 --> 00:34:57.670 align:start position:0%

from and seriously i'm not being

facetious<00:34:54.960> no<00:34:55.440> they<00:34:55.679> never<00:34:56.000> had<00:34:56.240> the<00:34:56.560> luxury

00:34:57.670 --> 00:34:57.680 align:start position:0%

facetious no they never had the luxury

00:34:57.680 --> 00:35:01.030 align:start position:0%

facetious no they never had the luxury

to<00:34:58.079> not<00:34:58.320> to<00:34:58.560> recover<00:34:59.520> they<00:34:59.920> they<00:35:00.480> you<00:35:00.640> know

00:35:01.030 --> 00:35:01.040 align:start position:0%

to not to recover they they you know

00:35:01.040 --> 00:35:03.349 align:start position:0%

to not to recover they they you know

they<00:35:01.200> were<00:35:01.440> thrown<00:35:02.079> on<00:35:02.240> the<00:35:02.400> ground<00:35:02.960> and<00:35:03.119> they

00:35:03.349 --> 00:35:03.359 align:start position:0%

they were thrown on the ground and they

00:35:03.359 --> 00:35:06.670 align:start position:0%

they were thrown on the ground and they

got<00:35:03.680> up<00:35:04.320> because<00:35:04.880> they<00:35:05.119> have<00:35:05.440> this<00:35:05.760> sense<00:35:06.160> of

00:35:06.670 --> 00:35:06.680 align:start position:0%

got up because they have this sense of

00:35:06.680 --> 00:35:09.670 align:start position:0%

got up because they have this sense of

responsibility<00:35:08.160> they<00:35:08.400> felt<00:35:09.040> they<00:35:09.359> feel

00:35:09.670 --> 00:35:09.680 align:start position:0%

responsibility they felt they feel

00:35:09.680 --> 00:35:13.510 align:start position:0%

responsibility they felt they feel

responsible<00:35:10.960> for<00:35:11.200> the<00:35:11.440> family<00:35:12.560> and<00:35:12.800> they<00:35:13.040> even

00:35:13.510 --> 00:35:13.520 align:start position:0%

responsible for the family and they even

00:35:13.520 --> 00:35:16.870 align:start position:0%

responsible for the family and they even

feel<00:35:14.079> responsible<00:35:15.119> court<00:35:15.520> on<00:35:15.760> code<00:35:16.240> for<00:35:16.480> their

00:35:16.870 --> 00:35:16.880 align:start position:0%

feel responsible court on code for their

00:35:16.880 --> 00:35:18.310 align:start position:0%

feel responsible court on code for their


00:35:18.310 --> 00:35:18.320 align:start position:0%


00:35:18.320 --> 00:35:23.990 align:start position:0%


you<00:35:18.480> know<00:35:18.960> because<00:35:19.920> and<00:35:20.320> i<00:35:20.720> i<00:35:20.960> just<00:35:21.359> think<00:35:21.680> that

00:35:23.990 --> 00:35:24.000 align:start position:0%

you know because and i i just think that

00:35:24.000 --> 00:35:25.750 align:start position:0%

you know because and i i just think that

the<00:35:24.240> women

00:35:25.750 --> 00:35:25.760 align:start position:0%

the women

00:35:25.760 --> 00:35:26.790 align:start position:0%

the women


00:35:26.790 --> 00:35:26.800 align:start position:0%


00:35:26.800 --> 00:35:29.990 align:start position:0%


the<00:35:26.960> number<00:35:27.280> of<00:35:27.599> men<00:35:27.920> who<00:35:28.160> died<00:35:28.640> from<00:35:29.040> kovid<00:35:29.680> is

00:35:29.990 --> 00:35:30.000 align:start position:0%

the number of men who died from kovid is

00:35:30.000 --> 00:35:32.790 align:start position:0%

the number of men who died from kovid is

more<00:35:30.320> than<00:35:30.640> women<00:35:31.200> in<00:35:31.359> our<00:35:31.680> region

00:35:32.790 --> 00:35:32.800 align:start position:0%

more than women in our region

00:35:32.800 --> 00:35:35.349 align:start position:0%

more than women in our region

but<00:35:33.119> the<00:35:33.359> women<00:35:33.839> have<00:35:34.320> suffered

00:35:35.349 --> 00:35:35.359 align:start position:0%

but the women have suffered

00:35:35.359 --> 00:35:38.069 align:start position:0%

but the women have suffered

much<00:35:35.760> more<00:35:36.480> because

00:35:38.069 --> 00:35:38.079 align:start position:0%

much more because

00:35:38.079 --> 00:35:40.630 align:start position:0%

much more because

because<00:35:38.720> they<00:35:38.880> not<00:35:39.119> only<00:35:39.520> law<00:35:39.920> as<00:35:40.079> you<00:35:40.320> said

00:35:40.630 --> 00:35:40.640 align:start position:0%

because they not only law as you said

00:35:40.640 --> 00:35:43.430 align:start position:0%

because they not only law as you said

lost<00:35:41.040> their<00:35:41.359> job<00:35:42.079> or<00:35:42.320> were<00:35:42.560> forced<00:35:42.960> to<00:35:43.119> work

00:35:43.430 --> 00:35:43.440 align:start position:0%

lost their job or were forced to work

00:35:43.440 --> 00:35:45.510 align:start position:0%

lost their job or were forced to work

from<00:35:43.680> home<00:35:44.240> but<00:35:44.480> they<00:35:44.720> had

00:35:45.510 --> 00:35:45.520 align:start position:0%

from home but they had

00:35:45.520 --> 00:35:46.310 align:start position:0%

from home but they had


00:35:46.310 --> 00:35:46.320 align:start position:0%


00:35:46.320 --> 00:35:49.510 align:start position:0%


look<00:35:46.560> after<00:35:47.359> the<00:35:47.599> children<00:35:48.320> and<00:35:48.480> also<00:35:49.040> protect

00:35:49.510 --> 00:35:49.520 align:start position:0%

look after the children and also protect

00:35:49.520 --> 00:35:51.829 align:start position:0%

look after the children and also protect

the<00:35:49.760> children<00:35:50.720> because

00:35:51.829 --> 00:35:51.839 align:start position:0%

the children because

00:35:51.839 --> 00:35:52.710 align:start position:0%

the children because


00:35:52.710 --> 00:35:52.720 align:start position:0%


00:35:52.720 --> 00:35:55.270 align:start position:0%


you<00:35:52.880> know<00:35:53.200> there<00:35:53.440> was<00:35:53.839> not<00:35:54.079> only<00:35:54.480> the<00:35:54.640> husbands

00:35:55.270 --> 00:35:55.280 align:start position:0%

you know there was not only the husbands

00:35:55.280 --> 00:35:57.510 align:start position:0%

you know there was not only the husbands

or<00:35:55.440> the<00:35:55.599> father<00:35:56.079> or<00:35:56.240> the<00:35:56.480> brother<00:35:57.280> would

00:35:57.510 --> 00:35:57.520 align:start position:0%

or the father or the brother would

00:35:57.520 --> 00:36:00.710 align:start position:0%

or the father or the brother would

commit<00:35:58.000> violence<00:35:59.040> against<00:35:59.599> them<00:36:00.000> but<00:36:00.240> it<00:36:00.400> was

00:36:00.710 --> 00:36:00.720 align:start position:0%

commit violence against them but it was

00:36:00.720 --> 00:36:03.589 align:start position:0%

commit violence against them but it was

against<00:36:01.200> the<00:36:01.359> children<00:36:02.000> too<00:36:02.640> so<00:36:02.800> they<00:36:03.119> had<00:36:03.359> to

00:36:03.589 --> 00:36:03.599 align:start position:0%

against the children too so they had to

00:36:03.599 --> 00:36:08.230 align:start position:0%

against the children too so they had to

be<00:36:03.920> a<00:36:04.320> protector<00:36:05.520> of<00:36:05.920> the<00:36:06.560> children<00:36:07.200> to<00:36:07.839> the

00:36:08.230 --> 00:36:08.240 align:start position:0%

be a protector of the children to the

00:36:08.240 --> 00:36:09.510 align:start position:0%

be a protector of the children to the

the<00:36:08.480> number

00:36:09.510 --> 00:36:09.520 align:start position:0%

the number

00:36:09.520 --> 00:36:12.470 align:start position:0%

the number

apparently<00:36:10.640> of<00:36:11.440> cars

00:36:12.470 --> 00:36:12.480 align:start position:0%

apparently of cars

00:36:12.480 --> 00:36:15.829 align:start position:0%

apparently of cars

to<00:36:12.720> these<00:36:13.280> centers<00:36:14.480> that<00:36:14.720> you<00:36:14.880> could<00:36:15.200> report

00:36:15.829 --> 00:36:15.839 align:start position:0%

to these centers that you could report

00:36:15.839 --> 00:36:17.349 align:start position:0%

to these centers that you could report


00:36:17.349 --> 00:36:17.359 align:start position:0%


00:36:17.359 --> 00:36:19.829 align:start position:0%


somebody<00:36:17.839> was<00:36:18.160> violent<00:36:18.800> in<00:36:18.880> your<00:36:19.280> household

00:36:19.829 --> 00:36:19.839 align:start position:0%

somebody was violent in your household

00:36:19.839 --> 00:36:21.190 align:start position:0%

somebody was violent in your household

against<00:36:20.320> you

00:36:21.190 --> 00:36:21.200 align:start position:0%

against you

00:36:21.200 --> 00:36:24.950 align:start position:0%

against you

was<00:36:21.720> unbelievable<00:36:23.040> and<00:36:23.359> in<00:36:24.160> across<00:36:24.800> the

00:36:24.950 --> 00:36:24.960 align:start position:0%

was unbelievable and in across the

00:36:24.960 --> 00:36:27.589 align:start position:0%

was unbelievable and in across the

region<00:36:25.440> and<00:36:25.599> you<00:36:25.839> know<00:36:26.079> money<00:36:26.960> you<00:36:27.200> know<00:36:27.359> the

00:36:27.589 --> 00:36:27.599 align:start position:0%

region and you know money you know the

00:36:27.599 --> 00:36:29.030 align:start position:0%

region and you know money you know the


00:36:29.030 --> 00:36:29.040 align:start position:0%


00:36:29.040 --> 00:36:32.550 align:start position:0%


very<00:36:29.440> well<00:36:30.079> you<00:36:30.320> know<00:36:30.720> how<00:36:30.960> much<00:36:31.359> the<00:36:31.680> problem

00:36:32.550 --> 00:36:32.560 align:start position:0%

very well you know how much the problem

00:36:32.560 --> 00:36:35.430 align:start position:0%

very well you know how much the problem

of<00:36:33.200> uh<00:36:33.839> shame

00:36:35.430 --> 00:36:35.440 align:start position:0%

of uh shame

00:36:35.440 --> 00:36:39.109 align:start position:0%

of uh shame

you<00:36:35.599> know<00:36:36.240> matters<00:36:37.119> and<00:36:37.359> your<00:36:37.760> integrity<00:36:38.960> so

00:36:39.109 --> 00:36:39.119 align:start position:0%

you know matters and your integrity so

00:36:39.119 --> 00:36:41.829 align:start position:0%

you know matters and your integrity so

if<00:36:39.359> you<00:36:39.599> call<00:36:39.920> and<00:36:40.240> say

00:36:41.829 --> 00:36:41.839 align:start position:0%

if you call and say

00:36:41.839 --> 00:36:45.190 align:start position:0%

if you call and say

my<00:36:42.079> husband<00:36:42.960> beat<00:36:43.359> me<00:36:43.599> up<00:36:43.839> for<00:36:44.079> the<00:36:44.320> fifth<00:36:44.720> time

00:36:45.190 --> 00:36:45.200 align:start position:0%

my husband beat me up for the fifth time

00:36:45.200 --> 00:36:48.230 align:start position:0%

my husband beat me up for the fifth time

in<00:36:45.440> front<00:36:45.760> of<00:36:46.000> the<00:36:46.240> children<00:36:47.200> it<00:36:47.359> is<00:36:47.599> like<00:36:48.079> you

00:36:48.230 --> 00:36:48.240 align:start position:0%

in front of the children it is like you

00:36:48.240 --> 00:36:50.790 align:start position:0%

in front of the children it is like you

know<00:36:48.640> you<00:36:48.800> are<00:36:49.040> dying<00:36:49.520> of<00:36:49.760> shame<00:36:50.400> but<00:36:50.560> you

00:36:50.790 --> 00:36:50.800 align:start position:0%

know you are dying of shame but you

00:36:50.800 --> 00:36:53.190 align:start position:0%

know you are dying of shame but you

don't<00:36:51.040> have<00:36:51.359> any<00:36:51.680> other<00:36:52.079> recourse<00:36:52.720> you<00:36:52.880> have

00:36:53.190 --> 00:36:53.200 align:start position:0%

don't have any other recourse you have

00:36:53.200 --> 00:36:54.470 align:start position:0%

don't have any other recourse you have

to<00:36:53.440> say<00:36:53.680> that

00:36:54.470 --> 00:36:54.480 align:start position:0%

to say that

00:36:54.480 --> 00:36:57.589 align:start position:0%

to say that

i<00:36:54.640> just<00:36:55.040> think<00:36:55.440> that

00:36:57.589 --> 00:36:57.599 align:start position:0%

i just think that

00:36:57.599 --> 00:36:58.870 align:start position:0%

i just think that


00:36:58.870 --> 00:36:58.880 align:start position:0%


00:36:58.880 --> 00:37:02.230 align:start position:0%


the<00:36:59.040> pandemic<00:36:59.839> is<00:37:00.480> subsided<00:37:01.440> that<00:37:01.760> we<00:37:01.920> will

00:37:02.230 --> 00:37:02.240 align:start position:0%

the pandemic is subsided that we will

00:37:02.240 --> 00:37:05.670 align:start position:0%

the pandemic is subsided that we will

see<00:37:02.640> across<00:37:03.280> the<00:37:03.440> region<00:37:04.079> in<00:37:04.240> the<00:37:04.480> countries

00:37:05.670 --> 00:37:05.680 align:start position:0%

see across the region in the countries

00:37:05.680 --> 00:37:08.550 align:start position:0%

see across the region in the countries

that<00:37:06.000> have<00:37:06.320> not<00:37:06.720> yet<00:37:07.280> a<00:37:07.599> will

00:37:08.550 --> 00:37:08.560 align:start position:0%

that have not yet a will

00:37:08.560 --> 00:37:13.030 align:start position:0%

that have not yet a will

or<00:37:08.880> a<00:37:09.119> law<00:37:09.920> to<00:37:10.240> fight<00:37:10.800> violence<00:37:11.599> against<00:37:12.160> women

00:37:13.030 --> 00:37:13.040 align:start position:0%

or a law to fight violence against women

00:37:13.040 --> 00:37:16.150 align:start position:0%

or a law to fight violence against women

in<00:37:13.119> the<00:37:13.440> past<00:37:14.079> that<00:37:14.400> is<00:37:14.720> going<00:37:15.040> to<00:37:15.280> be

00:37:16.150 --> 00:37:16.160 align:start position:0%

in the past that is going to be

00:37:16.160 --> 00:37:18.950 align:start position:0%

in the past that is going to be

one<00:37:16.640> result<00:37:17.200> i<00:37:17.359> think<00:37:17.680> the<00:37:17.920> second<00:37:18.400> thing<00:37:18.720> is

00:37:18.950 --> 00:37:18.960 align:start position:0%

one result i think the second thing is

00:37:18.960 --> 00:37:21.109 align:start position:0%

one result i think the second thing is

that<00:37:19.680> more<00:37:20.079> women

00:37:21.109 --> 00:37:21.119 align:start position:0%

that more women

00:37:21.119 --> 00:37:24.790 align:start position:0%

that more women

will<00:37:21.680> go<00:37:22.079> out<00:37:22.560> and<00:37:22.880> try<00:37:23.200> and<00:37:23.520> find<00:37:23.920> a<00:37:24.160> job

00:37:24.790 --> 00:37:24.800 align:start position:0%

will go out and try and find a job

00:37:24.800 --> 00:37:27.670 align:start position:0%

will go out and try and find a job

because<00:37:25.280> they<00:37:25.520> it<00:37:25.760> shows<00:37:26.320> to<00:37:26.480> them<00:37:26.800> this

00:37:27.670 --> 00:37:27.680 align:start position:0%

because they it shows to them this

00:37:27.680 --> 00:37:30.550 align:start position:0%

because they it shows to them this

being<00:37:28.079> the<00:37:28.320> lockdown<00:37:29.359> and<00:37:29.520> the<00:37:29.760> pandemic

00:37:30.550 --> 00:37:30.560 align:start position:0%

being the lockdown and the pandemic

00:37:30.560 --> 00:37:34.150 align:start position:0%

being the lockdown and the pandemic

showed<00:37:30.880> that<00:37:31.280> how<00:37:31.760> vulnerable<00:37:32.800> they<00:37:33.119> are

00:37:34.150 --> 00:37:34.160 align:start position:0%

showed that how vulnerable they are

00:37:34.160 --> 00:37:37.829 align:start position:0%

showed that how vulnerable they are

you<00:37:34.240> know<00:37:34.560> and<00:37:34.800> they<00:37:35.119> have<00:37:35.440> to<00:37:36.240> work<00:37:37.040> and<00:37:37.280> even

00:37:37.829 --> 00:37:37.839 align:start position:0%

you know and they have to work and even

00:37:37.839 --> 00:37:40.390 align:start position:0%

you know and they have to work and even

save<00:37:38.640> more<00:37:39.280> you<00:37:39.440> know

00:37:40.390 --> 00:37:40.400 align:start position:0%

save more you know

00:37:40.400 --> 00:37:42.230 align:start position:0%

save more you know


00:37:42.230 --> 00:37:42.240 align:start position:0%


00:37:42.240 --> 00:37:45.910 align:start position:0%


so<00:37:42.720> i<00:37:43.040> just<00:37:43.440> think<00:37:43.760> that

00:37:45.910 --> 00:37:45.920 align:start position:0%

so i just think that

00:37:45.920 --> 00:37:49.270 align:start position:0%

so i just think that

this<00:37:46.320> has<00:37:46.800> the<00:37:46.960> pandemic<00:37:47.760> has<00:37:48.160> taught

00:37:49.270 --> 00:37:49.280 align:start position:0%

this has the pandemic has taught

00:37:49.280 --> 00:37:50.950 align:start position:0%

this has the pandemic has taught

a<00:37:49.920> lesson

00:37:50.950 --> 00:37:50.960 align:start position:0%

a lesson

00:37:50.960 --> 00:37:54.470 align:start position:0%

a lesson

to<00:37:51.200> women<00:37:51.920> but<00:37:52.160> the<00:37:52.400> men<00:37:52.800> have<00:37:53.200> not<00:37:53.680> learned

00:37:54.470 --> 00:37:54.480 align:start position:0%

to women but the men have not learned

00:37:54.480 --> 00:37:55.589 align:start position:0%

to women but the men have not learned


00:37:55.589 --> 00:37:55.599 align:start position:0%


00:37:55.599 --> 00:37:57.670 align:start position:0%


and<00:37:55.760> they<00:37:56.079> will<00:37:56.400> continue

00:37:57.670 --> 00:37:57.680 align:start position:0%

and they will continue

00:37:57.680 --> 00:38:01.030 align:start position:0%

and they will continue

their<00:37:58.160> behavior<00:37:59.240> unfortunately<00:38:00.480> but<00:38:00.800> the

00:38:01.030 --> 00:38:01.040 align:start position:0%

their behavior unfortunately but the

00:38:01.040 --> 00:38:03.910 align:start position:0%

their behavior unfortunately but the

younger<00:38:01.440> generation<00:38:02.400> no<00:38:02.720> i<00:38:03.040> exclude<00:38:03.599> the

00:38:03.910 --> 00:38:03.920 align:start position:0%

younger generation no i exclude the

00:38:03.920 --> 00:38:07.270 align:start position:0%

younger generation no i exclude the

younger<00:38:04.560> educated<00:38:05.520> generation<00:38:06.560> i<00:38:06.800> think<00:38:07.040> the

00:38:07.270 --> 00:38:07.280 align:start position:0%

younger educated generation i think the

00:38:07.280 --> 00:38:10.630 align:start position:0%

younger educated generation i think the

boys<00:38:07.680> and<00:38:07.920> the<00:38:08.400> girls<00:38:08.960> are<00:38:09.200> the<00:38:09.440> same<00:38:10.160> you<00:38:10.320> know

00:38:10.630 --> 00:38:10.640 align:start position:0%

boys and the girls are the same you know

00:38:10.640 --> 00:38:12.630 align:start position:0%

boys and the girls are the same you know

more<00:38:10.880> or<00:38:11.040> less

00:38:12.630 --> 00:38:12.640 align:start position:0%

more or less

00:38:12.640 --> 00:38:14.790 align:start position:0%

more or less

i'm<00:38:12.880> glad<00:38:13.040> you<00:38:13.200> touched<00:38:13.599> on<00:38:13.920> um

00:38:14.790 --> 00:38:14.800 align:start position:0%

i'm glad you touched on um

00:38:14.800 --> 00:38:15.829 align:start position:0%

i'm glad you touched on um


00:38:15.829 --> 00:38:15.839 align:start position:0%


00:38:15.839 --> 00:38:17.030 align:start position:0%



00:38:17.030 --> 00:38:17.040 align:start position:0%


00:38:17.040 --> 00:38:18.470 align:start position:0%


subject<00:38:17.520> of

00:38:18.470 --> 00:38:18.480 align:start position:0%

subject of

00:38:18.480 --> 00:38:21.030 align:start position:0%

subject of

a<00:38:18.720> sexual<00:38:19.280> assault

00:38:21.030 --> 00:38:21.040 align:start position:0%

a sexual assault

00:38:21.040 --> 00:38:24.230 align:start position:0%

a sexual assault

or<00:38:21.440> even<00:38:21.680> harassment<00:38:22.560> in<00:38:22.640> the<00:38:22.800> middle<00:38:23.119> east

00:38:24.230 --> 00:38:24.240 align:start position:0%

or even harassment in the middle east

00:38:24.240 --> 00:38:26.550 align:start position:0%

or even harassment in the middle east

i<00:38:24.400> know

00:38:26.550 --> 00:38:26.560 align:start position:0%

i know

00:38:26.560 --> 00:38:29.270 align:start position:0%

i know

the<00:38:26.720> metoo<00:38:27.200> movement<00:38:28.000> has<00:38:28.400> altered<00:38:28.960> some

00:38:29.270 --> 00:38:29.280 align:start position:0%

the metoo movement has altered some

00:38:29.280 --> 00:38:31.829 align:start position:0%

the metoo movement has altered some

aspects<00:38:29.760> of<00:38:29.920> women's<00:38:30.320> lives<00:38:30.720> in<00:38:30.800> america<00:38:31.359> and

00:38:31.829 --> 00:38:31.839 align:start position:0%

aspects of women's lives in america and

00:38:31.839 --> 00:38:33.990 align:start position:0%

aspects of women's lives in america and

in<00:38:32.079> western<00:38:32.560> culture

00:38:33.990 --> 00:38:34.000 align:start position:0%

in western culture

00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:36.470 align:start position:0%

in western culture

however<00:38:34.720> you<00:38:34.880> know<00:38:35.040> discussing<00:38:35.760> assault<00:38:36.320> is

00:38:36.470 --> 00:38:36.480 align:start position:0%

however you know discussing assault is

00:38:36.480 --> 00:38:40.790 align:start position:0%

however you know discussing assault is

just<00:38:36.720> unheard<00:38:37.200> of<00:38:37.599> in<00:38:37.760> the<00:38:37.839> middle<00:38:38.160> east<00:38:38.640> um

00:38:40.790 --> 00:38:40.800 align:start position:0%

just unheard of in the middle east um

00:38:40.800 --> 00:38:42.550 align:start position:0%

just unheard of in the middle east um

because<00:38:41.040> you're<00:38:41.200> not<00:38:41.440> only<00:38:42.000> you're<00:38:42.320> you're

00:38:42.550 --> 00:38:42.560 align:start position:0%

because you're not only you're you're

00:38:42.560 --> 00:38:44.390 align:start position:0%

because you're not only you're you're

not<00:38:42.800> only

00:38:44.390 --> 00:38:44.400 align:start position:0%

not only

00:38:44.400 --> 00:38:47.030 align:start position:0%

not only

trying<00:38:44.640> to<00:38:44.800> protect<00:38:45.200> the<00:38:45.920> your<00:38:46.400> family's

00:38:47.030 --> 00:38:47.040 align:start position:0%

trying to protect the your family's

00:38:47.040 --> 00:38:48.310 align:start position:0%

trying to protect the your family's


00:38:48.310 --> 00:38:48.320 align:start position:0%


00:38:48.320 --> 00:38:51.190 align:start position:0%


but<00:38:48.800> um<00:38:49.200> i<00:38:49.280> know<00:38:49.520> i<00:38:49.680> heard<00:38:49.920> this<00:38:50.160> growing<00:38:50.560> up<00:38:50.880> is

00:38:51.190 --> 00:38:51.200 align:start position:0%

but um i know i heard this growing up is

00:38:51.200 --> 00:38:53.030 align:start position:0%

but um i know i heard this growing up is

you<00:38:51.359> have<00:38:51.520> to<00:38:51.599> think<00:38:51.839> about<00:38:52.079> your<00:38:52.320> uncles<00:38:52.960> and

00:38:53.030 --> 00:38:53.040 align:start position:0%

you have to think about your uncles and

00:38:53.040 --> 00:38:55.349 align:start position:0%

you have to think about your uncles and

your<00:38:53.280> aunts<00:38:53.839> and<00:38:54.000> your<00:38:54.240> cousins<00:38:54.880> and<00:38:55.119> you<00:38:55.280> know

00:38:55.349 --> 00:38:55.359 align:start position:0%

your aunts and your cousins and you know

00:38:55.359 --> 00:38:56.790 align:start position:0%

your aunts and your cousins and you know

what<00:38:55.599> what<00:38:55.839> are<00:38:55.920> they<00:38:56.079> gonna<00:38:56.320> say<00:38:56.560> what<00:38:56.720> are

00:38:56.790 --> 00:38:56.800 align:start position:0%

what what are they gonna say what are

00:38:56.800 --> 00:38:58.470 align:start position:0%

what what are they gonna say what are

they<00:38:56.960> gonna<00:38:57.280> do<00:38:57.599> and

00:38:58.470 --> 00:38:58.480 align:start position:0%

they gonna do and

00:38:58.480 --> 00:38:59.270 align:start position:0%

they gonna do and


00:38:59.270 --> 00:38:59.280 align:start position:0%


00:38:59.280 --> 00:39:00.310 align:start position:0%



00:39:00.310 --> 00:39:00.320 align:start position:0%


00:39:00.320 --> 00:39:02.950 align:start position:0%


you<00:39:00.560> live<00:39:00.880> a<00:39:01.040> life<00:39:01.440> of<00:39:01.680> fear<00:39:02.160> almost<00:39:02.560> of<00:39:02.720> not

00:39:02.950 --> 00:39:02.960 align:start position:0%

you live a life of fear almost of not

00:39:02.960 --> 00:39:06.550 align:start position:0%

you live a life of fear almost of not

wanting<00:39:03.280> to<00:39:03.440> rock<00:39:03.680> the<00:39:03.839> boat<00:39:04.400> um<00:39:04.960> in<00:39:05.119> any<00:39:05.599> way

00:39:06.550 --> 00:39:06.560 align:start position:0%

wanting to rock the boat um in any way

00:39:06.560 --> 00:39:09.670 align:start position:0%

wanting to rock the boat um in any way

and<00:39:07.280> but<00:39:07.520> we<00:39:07.920> obviously<00:39:08.560> there<00:39:08.880> is<00:39:09.200> sexual

00:39:09.670 --> 00:39:09.680 align:start position:0%

and but we obviously there is sexual

00:39:09.680 --> 00:39:12.150 align:start position:0%

and but we obviously there is sexual

assault<00:39:10.560> in<00:39:10.720> the<00:39:10.880> middle<00:39:11.200> east<00:39:11.520> but<00:39:11.920> do<00:39:12.079> you

00:39:12.150 --> 00:39:12.160 align:start position:0%

assault in the middle east but do you

00:39:12.160 --> 00:39:15.109 align:start position:0%

assault in the middle east but do you

see<00:39:12.400> a<00:39:12.560> role<00:39:12.880> for<00:39:13.119> women<00:39:14.079> in<00:39:14.320> our<00:39:14.560> region<00:39:14.960> in

00:39:15.109 --> 00:39:15.119 align:start position:0%

see a role for women in our region in

00:39:15.119 --> 00:39:17.510 align:start position:0%

see a role for women in our region in

the<00:39:15.200> metoo<00:39:15.680> movement

00:39:17.510 --> 00:39:17.520 align:start position:0%

the metoo movement

00:39:17.520 --> 00:39:18.710 align:start position:0%

the metoo movement


00:39:18.710 --> 00:39:18.720 align:start position:0%


00:39:18.720 --> 00:39:20.390 align:start position:0%


to<00:39:18.880> do<00:39:19.440> um

00:39:20.390 --> 00:39:20.400 align:start position:0%

to do um

00:39:20.400 --> 00:39:22.310 align:start position:0%

to do um

honor<00:39:20.880> killing

00:39:22.310 --> 00:39:22.320 align:start position:0%

honor killing

00:39:22.320 --> 00:39:25.829 align:start position:0%

honor killing

yes<00:39:23.119> under<00:39:23.520> killing<00:39:24.079> is

00:39:25.829 --> 00:39:25.839 align:start position:0%

yes under killing is

00:39:25.839 --> 00:39:29.109 align:start position:0%

yes under killing is

you<00:39:26.000> know<00:39:26.320> is<00:39:26.640> now<00:39:27.280> across<00:39:27.839> the<00:39:28.079> board

00:39:29.109 --> 00:39:29.119 align:start position:0%

you know is now across the board

00:39:29.119 --> 00:39:31.510 align:start position:0%

you know is now across the board

everywhere<00:39:29.760> in<00:39:30.000> every<00:39:30.480> country<00:39:31.119> in<00:39:31.280> the

00:39:31.510 --> 00:39:31.520 align:start position:0%

everywhere in every country in the

00:39:31.520 --> 00:39:34.470 align:start position:0%

everywhere in every country in the

middle<00:39:31.839> east<00:39:32.560> i<00:39:32.880> don't<00:39:33.359> record

00:39:34.470 --> 00:39:34.480 align:start position:0%

middle east i don't record

00:39:34.480 --> 00:39:36.710 align:start position:0%

middle east i don't record

really<00:39:35.280> as<00:39:35.680> many

00:39:36.710 --> 00:39:36.720 align:start position:0%

really as many

00:39:36.720 --> 00:39:40.190 align:start position:0%

really as many

honor<00:39:37.200> killings<00:39:37.920> in<00:39:38.560> before<00:39:39.119> the<00:39:39.520> in<00:39:39.680> the

00:39:40.190 --> 00:39:40.200 align:start position:0%

honor killings in before the in the

00:39:40.200 --> 00:39:43.030 align:start position:0%

honor killings in before the in the

pre-revolutionary<00:39:41.200> period<00:39:41.760> in<00:39:42.000> iran

00:39:43.030 --> 00:39:43.040 align:start position:0%

pre-revolutionary period in iran

00:39:43.040 --> 00:39:45.109 align:start position:0%

pre-revolutionary period in iran

as<00:39:43.359> i<00:39:43.680> have<00:39:44.079> read

00:39:45.109 --> 00:39:45.119 align:start position:0%

as i have read

00:39:45.119 --> 00:39:46.470 align:start position:0%

as i have read


00:39:46.470 --> 00:39:46.480 align:start position:0%


00:39:46.480 --> 00:39:47.670 align:start position:0%



00:39:47.670 --> 00:39:47.680 align:start position:0%


00:39:47.680 --> 00:39:50.310 align:start position:0%


you<00:39:47.839> know

00:39:50.310 --> 00:39:50.320 align:start position:0%

00:39:50.320 --> 00:39:54.390 align:start position:0%

and<00:39:51.040> i<00:39:51.359> think<00:39:51.839> that<00:39:52.400> it<00:39:52.640> took<00:39:53.040> maybe

00:39:54.390 --> 00:39:54.400 align:start position:0%

and i think that it took maybe

00:39:54.400 --> 00:39:57.349 align:start position:0%

and i think that it took maybe

two<00:39:54.640> years<00:39:55.200> or<00:39:55.520> three<00:39:55.760> years<00:39:56.320> for<00:39:56.560> the

00:39:57.349 --> 00:39:57.359 align:start position:0%

two years or three years for the

00:39:57.359 --> 00:40:00.950 align:start position:0%

two years or three years for the

metoo<00:39:57.920> movement<00:39:58.640> to<00:39:58.960> make<00:39:59.280> its<00:40:00.079> way<00:40:00.480> to<00:40:00.720> the

00:40:00.950 --> 00:40:00.960 align:start position:0%

metoo movement to make its way to the

00:40:00.960 --> 00:40:02.550 align:start position:0%

metoo movement to make its way to the

middle<00:40:01.359> east

00:40:02.550 --> 00:40:02.560 align:start position:0%

middle east

00:40:02.560 --> 00:40:03.589 align:start position:0%

middle east


00:40:03.589 --> 00:40:03.599 align:start position:0%


00:40:03.599 --> 00:40:07.990 align:start position:0%


it<00:40:03.839> is<00:40:04.000> still<00:40:04.480> online<00:40:05.599> you<00:40:05.760> see<00:40:06.000> what<00:40:06.319> i<00:40:06.480> mean

00:40:07.990 --> 00:40:08.000 align:start position:0%

it is still online you see what i mean

00:40:08.000 --> 00:40:11.270 align:start position:0%

it is still online you see what i mean

now<00:40:08.319> you<00:40:08.560> see<00:40:08.880> more<00:40:09.280> and<00:40:09.520> more<00:40:09.920> young<00:40:10.319> women

00:40:11.270 --> 00:40:11.280 align:start position:0%

now you see more and more young women

00:40:11.280 --> 00:40:13.270 align:start position:0%

now you see more and more young women

across<00:40:11.920> the<00:40:12.079> middle<00:40:12.480> east

00:40:13.270 --> 00:40:13.280 align:start position:0%

across the middle east

00:40:13.280 --> 00:40:15.109 align:start position:0%

across the middle east

going<00:40:13.680> online

00:40:15.109 --> 00:40:15.119 align:start position:0%

going online

00:40:15.119 --> 00:40:18.309 align:start position:0%

going online

and<00:40:15.440> talking<00:40:15.920> to<00:40:16.160> their<00:40:16.480> friend<00:40:17.040> and<00:40:17.760> talking

00:40:18.309 --> 00:40:18.319 align:start position:0%

and talking to their friend and talking

00:40:18.319 --> 00:40:22.470 align:start position:0%

and talking to their friend and talking

about<00:40:18.800> the<00:40:19.119> sexual<00:40:19.839> assault<00:40:20.800> that<00:40:21.200> they<00:40:21.520> were

00:40:22.470 --> 00:40:22.480 align:start position:0%

about the sexual assault that they were

00:40:22.480 --> 00:40:24.550 align:start position:0%

about the sexual assault that they were

you<00:40:22.640> know<00:40:23.200> they<00:40:23.440> had

00:40:24.550 --> 00:40:24.560 align:start position:0%

you know they had

00:40:24.560 --> 00:40:25.829 align:start position:0%

you know they had


00:40:25.829 --> 00:40:25.839 align:start position:0%


00:40:25.839 --> 00:40:29.430 align:start position:0%


as<00:40:26.160> it<00:40:26.560> or<00:40:26.880> as<00:40:27.040> a<00:40:27.200> child<00:40:27.599> as<00:40:27.839> an<00:40:28.079> adolescent<00:40:29.200> or

00:40:29.430 --> 00:40:29.440 align:start position:0%

as it or as a child as an adolescent or

00:40:29.440 --> 00:40:31.670 align:start position:0%

as it or as a child as an adolescent or

a<00:40:30.079> young<00:40:30.480> person

00:40:31.670 --> 00:40:31.680 align:start position:0%

a young person

00:40:31.680 --> 00:40:34.309 align:start position:0%

a young person

so<00:40:32.400> and<00:40:33.119> some

00:40:34.309 --> 00:40:34.319 align:start position:0%

so and some

00:40:34.319 --> 00:40:37.109 align:start position:0%

so and some

some<00:40:34.560> of<00:40:34.800> these<00:40:35.200> women<00:40:35.599> at<00:40:35.839> this<00:40:36.079> have<00:40:36.319> seen

00:40:37.109 --> 00:40:37.119 align:start position:0%

some of these women at this have seen

00:40:37.119 --> 00:40:40.550 align:start position:0%

some of these women at this have seen

examples<00:40:38.000> in<00:40:38.160> iran<00:40:39.040> have<00:40:39.280> been<00:40:39.599> bold<00:40:40.079> enough

00:40:40.550 --> 00:40:40.560 align:start position:0%

examples in iran have been bold enough

00:40:40.560 --> 00:40:44.790 align:start position:0%

examples in iran have been bold enough

to<00:40:40.720> come<00:40:41.040> out<00:40:41.760> and<00:40:42.480> just<00:40:42.800> go<00:40:43.200> and<00:40:44.000> talk<00:40:44.400> to<00:40:44.560> the

00:40:44.790 --> 00:40:44.800 align:start position:0%

to come out and just go and talk to the

00:40:44.800 --> 00:40:48.710 align:start position:0%

to come out and just go and talk to the

police<00:40:45.839> but<00:40:46.000> the<00:40:46.240> police<00:40:46.800> are<00:40:47.119> reluctant<00:40:48.400> to

00:40:48.710 --> 00:40:48.720 align:start position:0%

police but the police are reluctant to

00:40:48.720 --> 00:40:51.190 align:start position:0%

police but the police are reluctant to

deal<00:40:49.119> with<00:40:49.520> these

00:40:51.190 --> 00:40:51.200 align:start position:0%

deal with these

00:40:51.200 --> 00:40:54.309 align:start position:0%

deal with these

issues<00:40:51.760> still<00:40:52.160> in<00:40:52.400> the<00:40:52.560> region<00:40:53.119> i<00:40:53.280> mean<00:40:53.520> if<00:40:53.680> the

00:40:54.309 --> 00:40:54.319 align:start position:0%

issues still in the region i mean if the

00:40:54.319 --> 00:40:56.550 align:start position:0%

issues still in the region i mean if the

if<00:40:54.480> it's<00:40:54.720> not<00:40:54.960> the<00:40:55.200> family<00:40:55.760> that<00:40:56.079> wants<00:40:56.400> to

00:40:56.550 --> 00:40:56.560 align:start position:0%

if it's not the family that wants to

00:40:56.560 --> 00:40:58.870 align:start position:0%

if it's not the family that wants to

sweep<00:40:57.040> it<00:40:57.280> under<00:40:57.599> the<00:40:57.839> carpet<00:40:58.400> it's<00:40:58.640> the

00:40:58.870 --> 00:40:58.880 align:start position:0%

sweep it under the carpet it's the

00:40:58.880 --> 00:41:01.109 align:start position:0%

sweep it under the carpet it's the

police<00:40:59.440> police<00:41:00.240> yeah

00:41:01.109 --> 00:41:01.119 align:start position:0%

police police yeah

00:41:01.119 --> 00:41:04.309 align:start position:0%

police police yeah

to<00:41:01.680> sweep<00:41:02.160> it<00:41:02.560> under<00:41:02.880> the<00:41:03.119> carpet<00:41:03.839> but<00:41:04.079> they

00:41:04.309 --> 00:41:04.319 align:start position:0%

to sweep it under the carpet but they

00:41:04.319 --> 00:41:07.589 align:start position:0%

to sweep it under the carpet but they

can't<00:41:05.119> you<00:41:05.280> know<00:41:05.520> as<00:41:05.760> i<00:41:06.079> as<00:41:06.319> i<00:41:06.480> was<00:41:06.720> telling<00:41:07.119> you

00:41:07.589 --> 00:41:07.599 align:start position:0%

can't you know as i as i was telling you

00:41:07.599 --> 00:41:10.470 align:start position:0%

can't you know as i as i was telling you

i<00:41:07.920> think<00:41:08.480> two<00:41:08.800> things<00:41:09.280> have<00:41:09.599> made<00:41:10.079> all<00:41:10.319> the

00:41:10.470 --> 00:41:10.480 align:start position:0%

i think two things have made all the

00:41:10.480 --> 00:41:13.190 align:start position:0%

i think two things have made all the

difference<00:41:11.520> for<00:41:11.839> women<00:41:12.240> to<00:41:12.400> become<00:41:12.880> more

00:41:13.190 --> 00:41:13.200 align:start position:0%

difference for women to become more

00:41:13.200 --> 00:41:17.190 align:start position:0%

difference for women to become more

outspoken<00:41:14.480> one<00:41:14.800> is<00:41:15.040> being<00:41:15.440> educated<00:41:16.800> which

00:41:17.190 --> 00:41:17.200 align:start position:0%

outspoken one is being educated which

00:41:17.200 --> 00:41:20.150 align:start position:0%

outspoken one is being educated which

gives<00:41:17.599> them<00:41:17.920> a<00:41:18.280> self-assurance<00:41:19.440> because<00:41:19.760> they

00:41:20.150 --> 00:41:20.160 align:start position:0%

gives them a self-assurance because they

00:41:20.160 --> 00:41:22.069 align:start position:0%

gives them a self-assurance because they

think<00:41:20.480> that<00:41:20.800> they<00:41:20.960> can<00:41:21.200> earn<00:41:21.520> their<00:41:21.839> own

00:41:22.069 --> 00:41:22.079 align:start position:0%

think that they can earn their own

00:41:22.079 --> 00:41:23.349 align:start position:0%

think that they can earn their own


00:41:23.349 --> 00:41:23.359 align:start position:0%


00:41:23.359 --> 00:41:24.870 align:start position:0%


and<00:41:23.760> the

00:41:24.870 --> 00:41:24.880 align:start position:0%

and the

00:41:24.880 --> 00:41:29.270 align:start position:0%

and the

other<00:41:25.200> thing<00:41:25.599> is<00:41:25.760> social<00:41:26.400> media<00:41:27.359> social<00:41:28.000> media

00:41:29.270 --> 00:41:29.280 align:start position:0%

other thing is social media social media

00:41:29.280 --> 00:41:31.589 align:start position:0%

other thing is social media social media

has<00:41:29.839> opened

00:41:31.589 --> 00:41:31.599 align:start position:0%

has opened

00:41:31.599 --> 00:41:33.750 align:start position:0%

has opened

a<00:41:31.760> wide<00:41:32.319> world<00:41:32.720> to<00:41:32.960> them

00:41:33.750 --> 00:41:33.760 align:start position:0%

a wide world to them

00:41:33.760 --> 00:41:35.910 align:start position:0%

a wide world to them

you<00:41:33.920> know<00:41:34.319> in<00:41:34.400> the<00:41:34.640> past<00:41:35.040> we<00:41:35.200> would<00:41:35.359> go<00:41:35.680> and

00:41:35.910 --> 00:41:35.920 align:start position:0%

you know in the past we would go and

00:41:35.920 --> 00:41:38.950 align:start position:0%

you know in the past we would go and

speak<00:41:36.240> to<00:41:36.480> one<00:41:36.800> friend<00:41:37.520> or<00:41:37.680> to<00:41:37.920> our<00:41:38.240> own<00:41:38.800> and

00:41:38.950 --> 00:41:38.960 align:start position:0%

speak to one friend or to our own and

00:41:38.960 --> 00:41:41.910 align:start position:0%

speak to one friend or to our own and

that<00:41:39.280> was<00:41:39.520> the<00:41:39.680> beginning<00:41:40.240> and<00:41:40.480> the<00:41:40.640> end<00:41:41.040> now

00:41:41.910 --> 00:41:41.920 align:start position:0%

that was the beginning and the end now

00:41:41.920 --> 00:41:44.390 align:start position:0%

that was the beginning and the end now

you<00:41:42.240> have<00:41:42.640> a<00:41:42.800> network<00:41:43.440> of<00:41:43.680> friends<00:41:44.079> and<00:41:44.240> you

00:41:44.390 --> 00:41:44.400 align:start position:0%

you have a network of friends and you

00:41:44.400 --> 00:41:47.190 align:start position:0%

you have a network of friends and you

necessarily<00:41:45.280> don't<00:41:45.520> know<00:41:45.760> who<00:41:46.000> they<00:41:46.319> are<00:41:46.880> but

00:41:47.190 --> 00:41:47.200 align:start position:0%

necessarily don't know who they are but

00:41:47.200 --> 00:41:50.550 align:start position:0%

necessarily don't know who they are but

you<00:41:47.520> share<00:41:48.079> that<00:41:48.480> activity<00:41:49.280> you<00:41:49.680> share

00:41:50.550 --> 00:41:50.560 align:start position:0%

you share that activity you share

00:41:50.560 --> 00:41:53.829 align:start position:0%

you share that activity you share

the<00:41:50.800> same<00:41:51.280> experience<00:41:52.400> and<00:41:52.640> you<00:41:52.880> exchange<00:41:53.520> and

00:41:53.829 --> 00:41:53.839 align:start position:0%

the same experience and you exchange and

00:41:53.839 --> 00:41:56.470 align:start position:0%

the same experience and you exchange and

it<00:41:54.400> it<00:41:54.640> does<00:41:54.960> make<00:41:55.200> a<00:41:55.359> difference<00:41:55.920> because<00:41:56.240> you

00:41:56.470 --> 00:41:56.480 align:start position:0%

it it does make a difference because you

00:41:56.480 --> 00:41:58.950 align:start position:0%

it it does make a difference because you

know<00:41:56.640> you<00:41:56.880> are<00:41:57.040> not<00:41:57.280> the<00:41:57.520> only<00:41:58.000> person<00:41:58.720> there

00:41:58.950 --> 00:41:58.960 align:start position:0%

know you are not the only person there

00:41:58.960 --> 00:42:01.829 align:start position:0%

know you are not the only person there

are<00:41:59.200> others<00:41:59.680> who<00:42:00.160> underwent<00:42:00.960> this<00:42:01.359> and<00:42:01.520> that

00:42:01.829 --> 00:42:01.839 align:start position:0%

are others who underwent this and that

00:42:01.839 --> 00:42:04.309 align:start position:0%

are others who underwent this and that

makes<00:42:02.160> a<00:42:02.240> big<00:42:02.560> difference<00:42:03.040> so<00:42:03.680> in<00:42:03.760> the<00:42:03.920> next

00:42:04.309 --> 00:42:04.319 align:start position:0%

makes a big difference so in the next

00:42:04.319 --> 00:42:06.710 align:start position:0%

makes a big difference so in the next

few<00:42:04.560> years<00:42:04.960> we<00:42:05.119> will<00:42:05.440> hear<00:42:05.839> more<00:42:06.160> and<00:42:06.400> more

00:42:06.710 --> 00:42:06.720 align:start position:0%

few years we will hear more and more

00:42:06.720 --> 00:42:09.430 align:start position:0%

few years we will hear more and more

money<00:42:07.440> young<00:42:07.760> people<00:42:08.160> coming<00:42:08.640> out<00:42:08.880> with<00:42:09.119> their

00:42:09.430 --> 00:42:09.440 align:start position:0%

money young people coming out with their

00:42:09.440 --> 00:42:11.270 align:start position:0%

money young people coming out with their


00:42:11.270 --> 00:42:11.280 align:start position:0%


00:42:11.280 --> 00:42:14.550 align:start position:0%


i<00:42:11.440> think<00:42:11.599> so<00:42:11.839> too<00:42:12.319> i<00:42:12.480> think<00:42:12.800> um<00:42:13.599> i<00:42:13.839> i<00:42:14.000> think<00:42:14.240> in

00:42:14.550 --> 00:42:14.560 align:start position:0%

i think so too i think um i i think in

00:42:14.560 --> 00:42:17.270 align:start position:0%

i think so too i think um i i think in

in<00:42:14.640> the<00:42:14.720> respect<00:42:15.280> of<00:42:15.599> um

00:42:17.270 --> 00:42:17.280 align:start position:0%

in the respect of um

00:42:17.280 --> 00:42:20.790 align:start position:0%

in the respect of um

harassment<00:42:18.160> or<00:42:18.560> assault<00:42:19.280> i<00:42:19.680> um<00:42:20.000> i<00:42:20.240> feel<00:42:20.560> that

00:42:20.790 --> 00:42:20.800 align:start position:0%

harassment or assault i um i feel that

00:42:20.800 --> 00:42:23.349 align:start position:0%

harassment or assault i um i feel that

the<00:42:21.359> younger<00:42:21.760> generation<00:42:22.480> definitely<00:42:23.040> feels

00:42:23.349 --> 00:42:23.359 align:start position:0%

the younger generation definitely feels

00:42:23.359 --> 00:42:25.349 align:start position:0%

the younger generation definitely feels

more<00:42:23.920> empowered

00:42:25.349 --> 00:42:25.359 align:start position:0%

more empowered

00:42:25.359 --> 00:42:27.430 align:start position:0%

more empowered

um<00:42:25.839> to<00:42:26.000> speak<00:42:26.319> up

00:42:27.430 --> 00:42:27.440 align:start position:0%

um to speak up

00:42:27.440 --> 00:42:31.190 align:start position:0%

um to speak up

um<00:42:28.160> yeah<00:42:28.640> and<00:42:28.800> even<00:42:29.280> even<00:42:29.520> if<00:42:29.680> it's<00:42:30.240> incognito

00:42:31.190 --> 00:42:31.200 align:start position:0%

um yeah and even even if it's incognito

00:42:31.200 --> 00:42:33.829 align:start position:0%

um yeah and even even if it's incognito

online<00:42:31.839> at<00:42:32.000> least<00:42:32.240> they're<00:42:32.400> speaking<00:42:32.960> up<00:42:33.440> uh

00:42:33.829 --> 00:42:33.839 align:start position:0%

online at least they're speaking up uh

00:42:33.839 --> 00:42:36.710 align:start position:0%

online at least they're speaking up uh

which<00:42:34.079> gives<00:42:34.319> me<00:42:34.560> hope<00:42:35.280> so<00:42:35.520> let<00:42:35.680> me<00:42:36.240> my<00:42:36.400> last

00:42:36.710 --> 00:42:36.720 align:start position:0%

which gives me hope so let me my last

00:42:36.720 --> 00:42:38.470 align:start position:0%

which gives me hope so let me my last

question<00:42:37.200> to<00:42:37.280> you<00:42:37.440> and<00:42:37.599> thank<00:42:37.760> you<00:42:38.000> so<00:42:38.240> much

00:42:38.470 --> 00:42:38.480 align:start position:0%

question to you and thank you so much

00:42:38.480 --> 00:42:40.630 align:start position:0%

question to you and thank you so much

for<00:42:38.960> you<00:42:39.040> know<00:42:39.280> taking<00:42:39.599> this<00:42:39.839> time<00:42:40.079> to<00:42:40.319> talk

00:42:40.630 --> 00:42:40.640 align:start position:0%

for you know taking this time to talk

00:42:40.640 --> 00:42:41.589 align:start position:0%

for you know taking this time to talk

with<00:42:40.800> me

00:42:41.589 --> 00:42:41.599 align:start position:0%

with me

00:42:41.599 --> 00:42:42.710 align:start position:0%

with me


00:42:42.710 --> 00:42:42.720 align:start position:0%


00:42:42.720 --> 00:42:45.990 align:start position:0%


imagine<00:42:43.359> if<00:42:43.680> you<00:42:44.000> had<00:42:44.560> um

00:42:45.990 --> 00:42:46.000 align:start position:0%

imagine if you had um

00:42:46.000 --> 00:42:47.670 align:start position:0%

imagine if you had um

a<00:42:46.160> room

00:42:47.670 --> 00:42:47.680 align:start position:0%

a room

00:42:47.680 --> 00:42:51.589 align:start position:0%

a room

filled<00:42:48.000> with<00:42:48.480> uh<00:42:48.880> young<00:42:49.280> activist<00:42:50.240> women

00:42:51.589 --> 00:42:51.599 align:start position:0%

filled with uh young activist women

00:42:51.599 --> 00:42:54.309 align:start position:0%

filled with uh young activist women

uh<00:42:51.920> from<00:42:52.240> every<00:42:52.480> country<00:42:52.880> in<00:42:52.960> the<00:42:53.119> region<00:42:53.680> what

00:42:54.309 --> 00:42:54.319 align:start position:0%

uh from every country in the region what

00:42:54.319 --> 00:42:57.030 align:start position:0%

uh from every country in the region what

in<00:42:54.560> your<00:42:55.040> lifetime<00:42:55.839> experiences<00:42:56.800> which

00:42:57.030 --> 00:42:57.040 align:start position:0%

in your lifetime experiences which

00:42:57.040 --> 00:42:59.270 align:start position:0%

in your lifetime experiences which

you've<00:42:57.280> been<00:42:57.520> through<00:42:58.319> what<00:42:58.640> advice<00:42:59.119> would

00:42:59.270 --> 00:42:59.280 align:start position:0%

you've been through what advice would

00:42:59.280 --> 00:43:02.870 align:start position:0%

you've been through what advice would

you<00:42:59.520> give<00:42:59.760> them<00:43:00.240> to<00:43:00.480> continue<00:43:01.280> the<00:43:01.440> good<00:43:01.760> fight

00:43:02.870 --> 00:43:02.880 align:start position:0%

you give them to continue the good fight

00:43:02.880 --> 00:43:06.550 align:start position:0%

you give them to continue the good fight

you<00:43:02.960> know<00:43:03.520> to<00:43:03.680> get<00:43:03.839> into<00:43:04.079> that<00:43:04.319> good<00:43:04.560> trouble

00:43:06.550 --> 00:43:06.560 align:start position:0%

you know to get into that good trouble

00:43:06.560 --> 00:43:09.670 align:start position:0%

you know to get into that good trouble

that's<00:43:06.960> been<00:43:07.359> and<00:43:07.760> seriously<00:43:08.400> if<00:43:08.640> i<00:43:08.960> if<00:43:09.280> i<00:43:09.440> was

00:43:09.670 --> 00:43:09.680 align:start position:0%

that's been and seriously if i if i was

00:43:09.680 --> 00:43:12.790 align:start position:0%

that's been and seriously if i if i was

in<00:43:09.839> a<00:43:10.000> room<00:43:10.319> with<00:43:10.560> a<00:43:10.720> group<00:43:11.040> of<00:43:11.440> young

00:43:12.790 --> 00:43:12.800 align:start position:0%

in a room with a group of young

00:43:12.800 --> 00:43:16.550 align:start position:0%

in a room with a group of young

activists<00:43:13.599> from<00:43:13.839> the<00:43:14.000> region<00:43:14.880> i<00:43:15.119> would<00:43:15.359> say

00:43:16.550 --> 00:43:16.560 align:start position:0%

activists from the region i would say

00:43:16.560 --> 00:43:17.510 align:start position:0%

activists from the region i would say

you<00:43:16.720> know

00:43:17.510 --> 00:43:17.520 align:start position:0%

you know

00:43:17.520 --> 00:43:18.870 align:start position:0%

you know

the<00:43:17.920> key

00:43:18.870 --> 00:43:18.880 align:start position:0%

the key

00:43:18.880 --> 00:43:20.069 align:start position:0%

the key


00:43:20.069 --> 00:43:20.079 align:start position:0%


00:43:20.079 --> 00:43:23.910 align:start position:0%


their<00:43:20.560> emancipation<00:43:22.000> and<00:43:22.319> equality

00:43:23.910 --> 00:43:23.920 align:start position:0%

their emancipation and equality

00:43:23.920 --> 00:43:25.190 align:start position:0%

their emancipation and equality

is<00:43:24.400> a

00:43:25.190 --> 00:43:25.200 align:start position:0%

is a

00:43:25.200 --> 00:43:29.670 align:start position:0%

is a

a<00:43:25.359> reform<00:43:26.160> in<00:43:26.400> personal<00:43:27.200> status<00:43:27.839> law<00:43:28.480> in<00:43:29.119> every

00:43:29.670 --> 00:43:29.680 align:start position:0%

a reform in personal status law in every

00:43:29.680 --> 00:43:30.710 align:start position:0%

a reform in personal status law in every


00:43:30.710 --> 00:43:30.720 align:start position:0%


00:43:30.720 --> 00:43:33.670 align:start position:0%


every<00:43:31.200> single<00:43:31.760> country<00:43:32.640> and<00:43:32.800> there<00:43:33.040> is<00:43:33.280> no

00:43:33.670 --> 00:43:33.680 align:start position:0%

every single country and there is no

00:43:33.680 --> 00:43:36.710 align:start position:0%

every single country and there is no

half-baked<00:43:34.640> things<00:43:35.200> you<00:43:35.359> know<00:43:35.920> you<00:43:36.160> either

00:43:36.710 --> 00:43:36.720 align:start position:0%

half-baked things you know you either

00:43:36.720 --> 00:43:39.990 align:start position:0%

half-baked things you know you either

get<00:43:37.040> the<00:43:37.440> right<00:43:37.839> of<00:43:38.160> divorce<00:43:39.040> or<00:43:39.200> you<00:43:39.440> don't

00:43:39.990 --> 00:43:40.000 align:start position:0%

get the right of divorce or you don't

00:43:40.000 --> 00:43:42.309 align:start position:0%

get the right of divorce or you don't

you<00:43:40.160> know<00:43:40.319> yeah<00:43:41.040> you<00:43:41.200> know<00:43:41.359> i<00:43:41.520> mean<00:43:41.760> you<00:43:42.000> just

00:43:42.309 --> 00:43:42.319 align:start position:0%

you know yeah you know i mean you just

00:43:42.319 --> 00:43:44.309 align:start position:0%

you know yeah you know i mean you just

don't<00:43:42.560> have<00:43:42.800> to<00:43:42.960> have<00:43:43.280> 50<00:43:43.760> different

00:43:44.309 --> 00:43:44.319 align:start position:0%

don't have to have 50 different

00:43:44.319 --> 00:43:47.349 align:start position:0%

don't have to have 50 different

conditions<00:43:45.040> that<00:43:45.599> he<00:43:45.839> would<00:43:46.480> desert<00:43:46.960> you<00:43:47.200> he

00:43:47.349 --> 00:43:47.359 align:start position:0%

conditions that he would desert you he

00:43:47.359 --> 00:43:50.390 align:start position:0%

conditions that he would desert you he

will<00:43:47.680> beat<00:43:48.000> you<00:43:48.319> he<00:43:48.480> would<00:43:48.880> almost<00:43:49.440> kill<00:43:49.760> you

00:43:50.390 --> 00:43:50.400 align:start position:0%

will beat you he would almost kill you

00:43:50.400 --> 00:43:52.710 align:start position:0%

will beat you he would almost kill you

he<00:43:50.560> will<00:43:50.880> grab<00:43:51.280> the<00:43:51.520> child<00:43:51.920> he<00:43:52.000> will<00:43:52.160> know<00:43:52.400> that

00:43:52.710 --> 00:43:52.720 align:start position:0%

he will grab the child he will know that

00:43:52.720 --> 00:43:56.309 align:start position:0%

he will grab the child he will know that

you<00:43:52.960> know<00:43:53.520> i<00:43:53.680> mean<00:43:54.079> that<00:43:54.400> for<00:43:54.640> example<00:43:55.200> or<00:43:55.440> the

00:43:56.309 --> 00:43:56.319 align:start position:0%

you know i mean that for example or the

00:43:56.319 --> 00:43:59.750 align:start position:0%

you know i mean that for example or the

uh<00:43:56.800> among<00:43:57.200> the<00:43:57.599> personal<00:43:58.160> status<00:43:58.720> of<00:43:59.200> raising

00:43:59.750 --> 00:43:59.760 align:start position:0%

uh among the personal status of raising

00:43:59.760 --> 00:44:02.790 align:start position:0%

uh among the personal status of raising

the<00:44:00.000> age<00:44:00.319> of<00:44:00.480> marriage<00:44:01.040> for<00:44:01.280> girls<00:44:01.680> to<00:44:01.920> 18<00:44:02.480> for

00:44:02.790 --> 00:44:02.800 align:start position:0%

the age of marriage for girls to 18 for

00:44:02.800 --> 00:44:07.030 align:start position:0%

the age of marriage for girls to 18 for

boys<00:44:03.119> to<00:44:03.359> 21.<00:44:04.560> so<00:44:04.880> you<00:44:05.040> know<00:44:05.440> that's<00:44:05.920> it<00:44:06.240> or

00:44:07.030 --> 00:44:07.040 align:start position:0%

boys to 21. so you know that's it or

00:44:07.040 --> 00:44:09.190 align:start position:0%

boys to 21. so you know that's it or

i<00:44:07.359> personally

00:44:09.190 --> 00:44:09.200 align:start position:0%

i personally

00:44:09.200 --> 00:44:11.829 align:start position:0%

i personally

don't<00:44:09.520> believe<00:44:10.000> i<00:44:10.160> mean<00:44:10.400> in<00:44:10.640> polygamy<00:44:11.520> i<00:44:11.599> mean

00:44:11.829 --> 00:44:11.839 align:start position:0%

don't believe i mean in polygamy i mean

00:44:11.839 --> 00:44:14.550 align:start position:0%

don't believe i mean in polygamy i mean

if<00:44:12.079> you<00:44:12.319> want<00:44:12.560> to<00:44:12.880> marry<00:44:13.280> another<00:44:13.680> one<00:44:14.000> divorce

00:44:14.550 --> 00:44:14.560 align:start position:0%

if you want to marry another one divorce

00:44:14.560 --> 00:44:17.829 align:start position:0%

if you want to marry another one divorce

this<00:44:14.880> wife<00:44:15.280> and<00:44:15.440> let<00:44:15.680> her<00:44:15.920> go<00:44:16.240> after<00:44:16.800> you

00:44:17.829 --> 00:44:17.839 align:start position:0%

this wife and let her go after you

00:44:17.839 --> 00:44:19.030 align:start position:0%

this wife and let her go after you

i<00:44:17.920> mean

00:44:19.030 --> 00:44:19.040 align:start position:0%

i mean

00:44:19.040 --> 00:44:21.910 align:start position:0%

i mean

tackle<00:44:19.680> the<00:44:19.920> personal<00:44:20.480> status<00:44:21.040> but<00:44:21.359> that<00:44:21.680> is

00:44:21.910 --> 00:44:21.920 align:start position:0%

tackle the personal status but that is

00:44:21.920 --> 00:44:24.550 align:start position:0%

tackle the personal status but that is

because<00:44:22.240> the<00:44:22.400> personal<00:44:23.040> status

00:44:24.550 --> 00:44:24.560 align:start position:0%

because the personal status

00:44:24.560 --> 00:44:25.430 align:start position:0%

because the personal status


00:44:25.430 --> 00:44:25.440 align:start position:0%


00:44:25.440 --> 00:44:26.630 align:start position:0%



00:44:26.630 --> 00:44:26.640 align:start position:0%


00:44:26.640 --> 00:44:27.990 align:start position:0%



00:44:27.990 --> 00:44:28.000 align:start position:0%


00:44:28.000 --> 00:44:31.349 align:start position:0%


not<00:44:28.319> a<00:44:28.480> secular<00:44:29.280> law<00:44:29.680> but<00:44:30.240> basically<00:44:30.880> it's<00:44:31.040> on

00:44:31.349 --> 00:44:31.359 align:start position:0%

not a secular law but basically it's on

00:44:31.359 --> 00:44:34.390 align:start position:0%

not a secular law but basically it's on

religious<00:44:31.920> law<00:44:32.240> and<00:44:32.400> this<00:44:32.720> has<00:44:32.960> to<00:44:33.280> change

00:44:34.390 --> 00:44:34.400 align:start position:0%

religious law and this has to change

00:44:34.400 --> 00:44:37.349 align:start position:0%

religious law and this has to change

this<00:44:34.640> has<00:44:34.880> to<00:44:35.200> change<00:44:35.520> and<00:44:35.839> it<00:44:36.079> is<00:44:36.400> doable

00:44:37.349 --> 00:44:37.359 align:start position:0%

this has to change and it is doable

00:44:37.359 --> 00:44:39.670 align:start position:0%

this has to change and it is doable

because<00:44:37.760> tunisia<00:44:38.480> did<00:44:38.800> it<00:44:39.040> and<00:44:39.200> the<00:44:39.359> world

00:44:39.670 --> 00:44:39.680 align:start position:0%

because tunisia did it and the world

00:44:39.680 --> 00:44:41.510 align:start position:0%

because tunisia did it and the world

didn't<00:44:40.079> come<00:44:40.319> to<00:44:40.560> ani

00:44:41.510 --> 00:44:41.520 align:start position:0%

didn't come to ani

00:44:41.520 --> 00:44:44.230 align:start position:0%

didn't come to ani

you<00:44:41.680> know<00:44:41.920> yeah<00:44:42.480> indonesia<00:44:43.119> has<00:44:43.440> the

00:44:44.230 --> 00:44:44.240 align:start position:0%

you know yeah indonesia has the

00:44:44.240 --> 00:44:47.589 align:start position:0%

you know yeah indonesia has the

best<00:44:44.720> personal<00:44:45.280> status<00:44:46.079> now<00:44:46.400> for<00:44:46.720> decades<00:44:47.359> and

00:44:47.589 --> 00:44:47.599 align:start position:0%

best personal status now for decades and

00:44:47.599 --> 00:44:48.870 align:start position:0%

best personal status now for decades and


00:44:48.870 --> 00:44:48.880 align:start position:0%


00:44:48.880 --> 00:44:52.630 align:start position:0%


for<00:44:49.119> example<00:44:50.160> iran<00:44:50.640> before<00:44:51.119> the<00:44:51.359> revolution

00:44:52.630 --> 00:44:52.640 align:start position:0%

for example iran before the revolution

00:44:52.640 --> 00:44:55.990 align:start position:0%

for example iran before the revolution

had<00:44:52.880> an<00:44:53.119> acceptable<00:44:54.160> personal<00:44:54.800> status<00:44:55.440> though

00:44:55.990 --> 00:44:56.000 align:start position:0%

had an acceptable personal status though

00:44:56.000 --> 00:44:58.550 align:start position:0%

had an acceptable personal status though

but<00:44:56.240> we<00:44:56.400> don't<00:44:56.640> have<00:44:56.960> even<00:44:57.280> that<00:44:57.680> now<00:44:58.160> you<00:44:58.400> see

00:44:58.550 --> 00:44:58.560 align:start position:0%

but we don't have even that now you see

00:44:58.560 --> 00:45:01.670 align:start position:0%

but we don't have even that now you see

what<00:44:58.800> i<00:44:58.960> mean<00:44:59.280> yeah<00:44:59.839> that<00:45:00.160> would<00:45:00.400> be<00:45:00.720> my<00:45:01.040> advice

00:45:01.670 --> 00:45:01.680 align:start position:0%

what i mean yeah that would be my advice

00:45:01.680 --> 00:45:06.470 align:start position:0%

what i mean yeah that would be my advice

to<00:45:01.920> them<00:45:02.480> number<00:45:03.040> two<00:45:04.319> don't<00:45:05.040> be<00:45:05.359> afraid

00:45:06.470 --> 00:45:06.480 align:start position:0%

to them number two don't be afraid

00:45:06.480 --> 00:45:10.390 align:start position:0%

to them number two don't be afraid

just<00:45:07.119> push<00:45:07.760> push<00:45:08.319> push<00:45:09.040> till<00:45:09.359> you<00:45:09.599> get<00:45:10.000> all<00:45:10.240> the

00:45:10.390 --> 00:45:10.400 align:start position:0%

just push push push till you get all the

00:45:10.400 --> 00:45:11.990 align:start position:0%

just push push push till you get all the

rights<00:45:10.960> but

00:45:11.990 --> 00:45:12.000 align:start position:0%

rights but

00:45:12.000 --> 00:45:14.630 align:start position:0%

rights but

focus<00:45:12.400> on<00:45:12.640> education<00:45:13.599> and<00:45:13.839> focus<00:45:14.319> on<00:45:14.480> the

00:45:14.630 --> 00:45:14.640 align:start position:0%

focus on education and focus on the

00:45:14.640 --> 00:45:16.790 align:start position:0%

focus on education and focus on the

economic<00:45:15.280> independence

00:45:16.790 --> 00:45:16.800 align:start position:0%

economic independence

00:45:16.800 --> 00:45:19.109 align:start position:0%

economic independence


00:45:19.109 --> 00:45:19.119 align:start position:0%


00:45:19.119 --> 00:45:20.069 align:start position:0%


thank<00:45:19.359> you

00:45:20.069 --> 00:45:20.079 align:start position:0%

thank you

00:45:20.079 --> 00:45:24.069 align:start position:0%

thank you

oh<00:45:20.160> my<00:45:20.319> god<00:45:20.560> i<00:45:20.640> could<00:45:20.800> talk<00:45:20.960> to<00:45:21.040> you<00:45:21.200> for<00:45:21.359> hours

00:45:24.069 --> 00:45:24.079 align:start position:0%

00:45:24.079 --> 00:45:27.030 align:start position:0%

it<00:45:24.319> was<00:45:24.640> wonderful<00:45:25.520> thank<00:45:25.920> you<00:45:26.400> and<00:45:26.560> i<00:45:26.720> really

00:45:27.030 --> 00:45:27.040 align:start position:0%

it was wonderful thank you and i really

00:45:27.040 --> 00:45:29.750 align:start position:0%

it was wonderful thank you and i really

mean<00:45:27.359> it<00:45:27.520> you<00:45:27.680> have<00:45:27.839> been<00:45:28.160> such<00:45:28.400> a<00:45:28.560> wonderful

00:45:29.750 --> 00:45:29.760 align:start position:0%

mean it you have been such a wonderful

00:45:29.760 --> 00:45:32.950 align:start position:0%

mean it you have been such a wonderful

presence<00:45:30.240> in<00:45:30.319> my<00:45:30.560> life<00:45:31.119> and<00:45:31.599> um

00:45:32.950 --> 00:45:32.960 align:start position:0%

presence in my life and um

00:45:32.960 --> 00:45:34.390 align:start position:0%

presence in my life and um


00:45:34.390 --> 00:45:34.400 align:start position:0%


00:45:34.400 --> 00:45:35.510 align:start position:0%


i<00:45:34.640> i<00:45:34.800> was

00:45:35.510 --> 00:45:35.520 align:start position:0%

i i was

00:45:35.520 --> 00:45:37.990 align:start position:0%

i i was

when<00:45:35.680> i<00:45:35.839> first<00:45:36.079> met<00:45:36.240> you<00:45:36.480> i<00:45:36.560> wasn't<00:45:37.040> as

00:45:37.990 --> 00:45:38.000 align:start position:0%

when i first met you i wasn't as

00:45:38.000 --> 00:45:40.550 align:start position:0%

when i first met you i wasn't as

outspoken<00:45:38.640> and<00:45:38.800> as<00:45:39.040> confident<00:45:39.599> as<00:45:39.760> i<00:45:39.920> am<00:45:40.160> now

00:45:40.550 --> 00:45:40.560 align:start position:0%

outspoken and as confident as i am now

00:45:40.560 --> 00:45:43.750 align:start position:0%

outspoken and as confident as i am now

and<00:45:40.880> you<00:45:41.359> are<00:45:41.599> one<00:45:41.760> of<00:45:41.839> the<00:45:42.000> reasons<00:45:42.480> why<00:45:42.960> i<00:45:43.119> am

00:45:43.750 --> 00:45:43.760 align:start position:0%

and you are one of the reasons why i am

00:45:43.760 --> 00:45:47.030 align:start position:0%

and you are one of the reasons why i am

where<00:45:44.079> i<00:45:44.240> am<00:45:44.960> and<00:45:45.119> who<00:45:45.359> i<00:45:45.599> am<00:45:45.839> today<00:45:46.480> so<00:45:46.720> thank

00:45:47.030 --> 00:45:47.040 align:start position:0%

where i am and who i am today so thank

00:45:47.040 --> 00:45:49.829 align:start position:0%

where i am and who i am today so thank

you<00:45:47.680> and<00:45:47.920> on<00:45:48.079> behalf<00:45:48.480> of<00:45:48.560> the<00:45:48.720> sema<00:45:49.200> team<00:45:49.680> i

00:45:49.829 --> 00:45:49.839 align:start position:0%

you and on behalf of the sema team i

00:45:49.839 --> 00:45:51.910 align:start position:0%

you and on behalf of the sema team i

want<00:45:50.079> to<00:45:50.160> thank<00:45:50.640> you<00:45:50.960> as<00:45:51.119> well

00:45:51.910 --> 00:45:51.920 align:start position:0%

want to thank you as well

00:45:51.920 --> 00:45:53.910 align:start position:0%

want to thank you as well

uh<00:45:52.240> that<00:45:52.400> was<00:45:52.560> such<00:45:52.800> an<00:45:52.960> amazing<00:45:53.280> discussion

00:45:53.910 --> 00:45:53.920 align:start position:0%

uh that was such an amazing discussion

00:45:53.920 --> 00:45:55.109 align:start position:0%

uh that was such an amazing discussion

and<00:45:54.000> we<00:45:54.160> really<00:45:54.480> appreciate<00:45:54.960> your

00:45:55.109 --> 00:45:55.119 align:start position:0%

and we really appreciate your

00:45:55.119 --> 00:45:57.990 align:start position:0%

and we really appreciate your

willingness<00:45:55.680> to<00:45:55.839> answer<00:45:56.480> all<00:45:56.640> my<00:45:56.960> questions

00:45:57.990 --> 00:45:58.000 align:start position:0%

willingness to answer all my questions

00:45:58.000 --> 00:45:59.750 align:start position:0%

willingness to answer all my questions

uh<00:45:58.319> and<00:45:58.400> i<00:45:58.480> hope<00:45:58.640> i<00:45:58.800> didn't<00:45:58.960> forget<00:45:59.280> anything

00:45:59.750 --> 00:45:59.760 align:start position:0%

uh and i hope i didn't forget anything

00:45:59.760 --> 00:46:01.910 align:start position:0%

uh and i hope i didn't forget anything

but<00:46:00.000> maybe<00:46:00.560> maybe<00:46:00.800> we<00:46:00.880> can<00:46:00.960> do<00:46:01.119> a<00:46:01.200> sema<00:46:01.599> chats

00:46:01.910 --> 00:46:01.920 align:start position:0%

but maybe maybe we can do a sema chats

00:46:01.920 --> 00:46:05.750 align:start position:0%

but maybe maybe we can do a sema chats

part<00:46:02.160> two<00:46:02.400> who<00:46:02.560> knows

00:46:05.750 --> 00:46:05.760 align:start position:0%

00:46:05.760 --> 00:46:07.990 align:start position:0%

so<00:46:05.920> cmed<00:46:06.400> has<00:46:06.640> many<00:46:06.960> exciting<00:46:07.440> programs

00:46:07.990 --> 00:46:08.000 align:start position:0%

so cmed has many exciting programs

00:46:08.000 --> 00:46:09.589 align:start position:0%

so cmed has many exciting programs

coming<00:46:08.319> up<00:46:08.560> and<00:46:08.720> planned<00:46:09.040> in<00:46:09.119> the<00:46:09.200> coming

00:46:09.589 --> 00:46:09.599 align:start position:0%

coming up and planned in the coming

00:46:09.599 --> 00:46:11.670 align:start position:0%

coming up and planned in the coming

months<00:46:10.319> if<00:46:10.480> you're<00:46:10.720> interested<00:46:11.200> in<00:46:11.280> learning

00:46:11.670 --> 00:46:11.680 align:start position:0%

months if you're interested in learning

00:46:11.680 --> 00:46:14.230 align:start position:0%

months if you're interested in learning

more<00:46:12.000> sign<00:46:12.319> up<00:46:12.400> for<00:46:12.560> our<00:46:12.720> mailing<00:46:13.119> list<00:46:13.920> shared

00:46:14.230 --> 00:46:14.240 align:start position:0%

more sign up for our mailing list shared

00:46:14.240 --> 00:46:16.470 align:start position:0%

more sign up for our mailing list shared

on<00:46:14.400> the<00:46:14.560> screen<00:46:15.040> and<00:46:15.359> in<00:46:15.520> the<00:46:15.680> chat<00:46:16.000> window

00:46:16.470 --> 00:46:16.480 align:start position:0%

on the screen and in the chat window

00:46:16.480 --> 00:46:18.790 align:start position:0%

on the screen and in the chat window

again<00:46:16.960> thank<00:46:17.119> you<00:46:17.359> very<00:46:17.599> much<00:46:18.000> and<00:46:18.240> i<00:46:18.480> hope<00:46:18.640> to

00:46:18.790 --> 00:46:18.800 align:start position:0%

again thank you very much and i hope to

00:46:18.800 --> 00:46:19.990 align:start position:0%

again thank you very much and i hope to

see<00:46:18.960> you<00:46:19.119> soon

00:46:19.990 --> 00:46:20.000 align:start position:0%

see you soon

00:46:20.000 --> 00:46:41.190 align:start position:0%

see you soon


00:46:41.190 --> 00:46:41.200 align:start position:0%

00:46:41.200 --> 00:46:43.280 align:start position:0%
